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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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We cant even get news, so i guess that means goodbye to any hope of having an album trailer


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I don't mind another summer album. I love listening to music around that time


I wouldn't mind a summer album... just not NFR. The introspective feeling of it, from what we heard so far, isn't «summer material». LFL had that summer feeling, UV also (a dark summer, but summer still), even HM (late summer, early fall). But NFR? it doesn't scream summer at all. This is why an end of winter-early spring release is more plausible, though she has yet to confirm a release date. 

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stream cryptid


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Things we need to tell Lana:


- There are other seasons than Summer

- There are other places to perform in other than LA

- Hillsong causes cancer

- No one wants an album full of piano ballads

- Livestreaming exists

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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ouff imagine an album trailer a la UV with the first song being In Your Car and you see her driving the coast heading towards venice beach and its filmed in super 8 and kinda technicolor and it transitions to like the second verse of MAC while she's smoking on the beach being all angsty and the final im your man it goes into Hopes last chorus/outro where the picture turns black and white and we se her walk into the ocean like giving the same feeling when she jumped off the cliff in SS. 





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Things we need to tell Lana:


- There are other seasons than Summer

- There are other places to perform in other than LA

- Hillsong causes cancer

- No one wants an album full of piano ballads

- Livestreaming exists


I don't think she cares about getting cancer though 


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I wouldn't mind a summer album... just not NFR. The introspective feeling of it, from what we heard so far, isn't «summer material». LFL had that summer feeling, UV also (a dark summer, but summer still), even HM (late summer, early fall). But NFR? it doesn't scream summer at all. This is why an end of winter-early spring release is more plausible, though she has yet to confirm a release date. 


For my taste, I would love a summer or fall album. I associate piano ballads, acoustic guitars, venice bitch/mac-esque music with fall 

I totally get your point. If it was between end of winter or early sping, the second choice sounds like a great idea.

"Some days are for falling in love with people, some days for cities, and some for your time in solitude."

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if so, ben has no taste


ben pls :icant:

Sorry to tell u this, but I totally fucked up, meant that I'm glad Ben didn't choose the industrial Robin Hood pic look, if it even was considered./ 


Epiphany! Maybe that's why she hasn't told us anything yet, bc of artistic differences in imagery etc...?  :hdu:

How about a Valentine's Day album

Back to ya, that'd be real cute actually 


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it always bothered me how in the MAC and VB videos we couldn't tell what she was saying so hopefully the HIAB videos fixes that 

tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo4_250.gif   tumblr_otaqmarVHa1u9dqtjo3_400.gif  tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo7_250.gif


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To remind you all how good the singles are


They always sound fresh to me when someone else listens for the first time and i get reminded

i love this woman* with my whole heart and soul




*ajay? lana? both? wHo kNoWs

it's just the way i feel

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Can Lana just do like an hour long interview with Zane Lowe about artistic creativity and her song process, maybe her life, etc. Like I don't even care about the album at this point if she wants to keep it all secret or something but it'd be nice to have an interview.


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Can Lana just do like an hour long interview with Zane Lowe about artistic creativity and her song process, maybe her life, etc. Like I don't even care about the album at this point if she wants to keep it all secret or something but it'd be nice to have an interview.


you mean lana del rey doing an interview are you sure

insanity laughs under pressure -- we're cracking

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