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There were so many hints that Daenerys could turn mad, since day 1. So it's no surprise it happened. I was debating about the whole mad queen possibility at the end of season 6. I knew it always was a possibility, especially when she lost so many allies - friends - children in so little time. 

Did I love her? Yes. Was I rooting for her? hell yeah. And yet, it's always been the tone of the show: very shakespearian. Dany is the epitome of someone with the best intentions that could do do the most horrible things in the end. 

I don't regret rooting for her and loving her. I loved Cersei even if she was evil. Both took their destinies in their own hands, but both lost their way in the process of wanting to rule. 

The creators wanted the whole thing to be done in 75 hours. HBO wanted to go to 100, since it was their number 1 show and it made a shit ton of money. They compromised by having longer episodes this season, which cumulated to 80 (approximately) 


yeah but none of this happens within the show. you can't justify something that happened because "you had predicted", it still has to happen in the show in a way that it make s sense and it didn't. authorial intent doesn't matter if it doesn't translate into text (or, in this case, video). i don't care if they wanted dany to end this way, they didn't show it (3 episodes are not enough) 

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yeah but none of this happens within the show. you can't justify something that happened because "you had predicted", it still has to happen in the show in a way that it make s sense and it didn't. authorial intent doesn't matter if it doesn't translate into text (or, in this case, video). i don't care if they wanted dany to end this way, they didn't show it (3 episodes are not enough) 


she is becoming mad in season 7. She then executes mercilessly the Lannister army and doesn't budge about the whole «bend the knee» thing. The closer she gets to the throne, the more determined she becomes. 

 It happened fast because she lost Jorah, Missandei, 2 dragons, Varys and Tyrion's trust and Jon turned on her. What was left? She was alone, in a land where she wasn't welcomed and the throne is finally there. Too much happening too fast. 

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Thinking about how Drogon took Dany away somewhere. Probably to Valyria. It really reminds me that she was not from Westeros, like it was a spaceship taking her home or something. It is just really sad and eerie cause she never would have fit in as a Targaryen in Westeros but her body can't even go back 'home' to Valyria cause that place is also in ashes. She just didn't belong anywhere, and now Drogon is a lone dragon that doesn't belong anywhere either and that is even sadder.

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i don't think Daenerys was destined to go mad, I think they mad a last minute decision to have it happen. If that was the true ending for her, it should have taken place over the course of at least 2-3 seasons, not 2-3 episodes

There were so many hints that Daenerys could turn mad, since day 1. So it's no surprise it happened. I was debating about the whole mad queen possibility at the end of season 6. I knew it always was a possibility, especially when she lost so many allies - friends - children in so little time. To me, that is reason why she snapped so fast: too much happened to her so fast. (By the way, if you watch season 7, you will see that she s stuck up on her «Bend the knee» motto, and it's pretty much the first step towards her corruption).

Did I love her? Yes. Was I rooting for her? hell yeah. And yet, it's always been the tone of the show: very shakespearian. Dany is the epitome of someone with the best intentions that could do do the most horrible things in the end.

I don't regret rooting for her and loving her. I loved Cersei even if she was evil. Both took their destinies in their own hands, but both lost their way in the process of wanting to rule.


The creators wanted the whole thing to be done in 75 hours. HBO wanted to go to 100, since it was their number 1 show and it made a shit ton of money. They compromised by having longer episodes this season, which cumulated to 80 (approximately)


I don't think it's actually the definition of mad though. She really wasn't that paranoid like her dad was and you could see in her last moments that she thought everything was justified. Kinda like how Thanos thought it was okay do make half of all people dissappear so the other half can prosper. He wasn't mad.

Dany was just another Stannis with bigger motives and a dragon instead of a Red Priestess.

Stannis wasn't mad either, just ruthless, means justify the ends type, just like Dany. She thought she could rule over everyone and that would be different from being an evil tyrrant because her vision was different. Only thing is, no one else was okay with that kind of corruption.

Her becoming corrupt and too ruthless to be the 'kind ruler' everyone wanted was definitely forshadowed. The madness part isn't really part of her story.

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To me, the only problem seasons 7 and 8 had is that they weren’t a full 10 episodes. I think the show would’ve addressed people’s concerns better if they had let the story breathe. Last weeks episode was my least favorite episode but I made peace with the pacing since it’d be impossible to include scenes that would satisfy everyone’s expectations for how their favorite character’s story arcs would resolve. The finale solidified to me that the writing is still good, it’s just they had to cut so much because D&D made the stupid decision in wrapping the show up in 6 episodes. I’m for sure going to purchase the disc sets and this show will remain my all time favorite show. I feel bad that some of you couldn’t enjoy it and I blame D&D’s stupid decision... I really don’t get why they didn’t take HBO’s offer, especially seeing how iconic the show is. I think they’re going to get hit with karma hard on their next project. lmao

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I don't think it's actually the definition of mad though. She really wasn't that paranoid like her dad was and you could see in her last moments that she thought everything was justified. Kinda like how Thanos thought it was okay do make half of all people dissappear so the other half can prosper. He wasn't mad.

Dany was just another Stannis with bigger motives and a dragon instead of a Red Priestess.

Stannis wasn't mad either, just ruthless, means justify the ends type, just like Dany. She thought she could rule over everyone and that would be different from being an evil tyrrant because her vision was different. Only thing is, no one else was okay with that kind of corruption.

Her becoming corrupt and too ruthless to be the 'kind ruler' everyone wanted was definitely forshadowed. The madness part isn't really part of her story.


Interesting. I love your comparison, that Dany was closer to Stannis than her father. So she was a blinded-with-ambition queen, righteous in her eye of her actions and ruling. 

Thanks for the nuanced and informed point of view :) 

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A thought:

What Sansa was saying at the start of season 7, how they should give the Karstark and Umber castles to families who were loyal to the North in the Battle of the Barstards,

Well she finally got to do that, for the Umbers (not sure about Karstarks cause apparently Alys lived somehow), Mormonts, AND the Boltons since we never heard who became Lord of the Dreadfort after the BotB.


I still think her decision to make the North independent was more for her gain (the North would not have had a problem bending the knee to Bran Stark...) But her stubborn style of ruling is definitely what they like in the North lmao.




Makes me wonder if Bronn will demand The Reach to be independent too. Wouldn't he just love to be an actual King?....

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So what are y'alls favorite ships?

I remember part of Catelyns chapters where she is thinking (about Rob marrying Jeyne Westerling) "why couldn't you fall in love with someone more convenient like Margaery Tyrell?" And I was immediately like BAM! I SHIP THEM even tho they've never met

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I remember part of Catelyns chapters where she is thinking (about Rob marrying Jeyne Westerling) "why couldn't you fall in love with someone more convenient like Margaery Tyrell?" And I was immediately like BAM! I SHIP THEM even tho they've never met

I ship her with Oberyn and they've never met :hooker:

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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Started re-watching the series like a month ago and 'm on the final season. It isn't really as bad as I thought, but then again, still just on the second ep. I do really think they've messed Tyrion up, or maybe just used that to really flaw Dany. Jon still annoys me and so fucking much does Bran- 

Sansa's progression was the most believable. Arya ref'd what she wanted to do and basically did just that. JAIME. A lot of dialogue/ scene interactions could've done everything a lot much better than how things were left off, since some of the scenes just seemed so disproportionate, and the flow of things, didn't grate as much as the producers would've liked for them to; it's like the rhythm was completely off

Hope the prequel really revisits the tragedy, nd coy humor in that sort of darkness, and that it'll really flesh out and solidify the Night King story, nd reference or parallel some interactions that we sought w/in this series, back to it, to sorta condition or just, again flesh out what seemed, muddled for the audience. It could b groundbreaking and so much more fulfilling if they delivered and cleared the world up a lot more than how things ended 


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