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The Orlando Terrorist Attack 6/12/2016

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How do we not manage to blame Christianity for the majority of terrorist attacks in the US? There's been double the terrorist attacks from right-winged Christian extremist and up until last night, more deaths from Christians. Why do we not hold their religion accountable?  Because religious and racial bigotry has programmed us to blame people people who don't look or think like us. Americans view the actions of white male Christian extremist as isolated instances over and over and over again, but expect the entire religion of Islam to be held accountable for the actions of a few. 





I'm amazed. Islam =/= Islamism, for the 15485th time. You don't know the difference so you feel the urge to bring to the table other mass shootings made by christians, as if it contradicts the nature of the one we are talking about ? As if there is no structured ideology behind what happened ? Where on earth, honestly ? Face the problem. Which is the same that mass-kills in Tel-Aviv, Paris, Nigeria, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Lybia, etc. And for god's sake, even though I thought I made myself clear you STILL did like I said that the whole Islam religion is to blame. That's fantastic.

So why are you saying ? That one should blame Christianity for the actions of people who do not even kill for religious purposes ? Or did you really just write a whole paragraph for a fantasized amalgam ? 

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I'm amazed. Islam =/= Islamism, for the 15485th time. You don't know the difference so you feel the urge to bring to the table other mass shootings made by christians, as if it contradicts the nature of the one we are talking about ? As if there is no structured ideology behind what happened ? Where on earth, honestly ?


Cool, so can we blame Christianism for most of the bad things that happened in the US? As if there is no structured ideology behind the Charleston shooting, the Oak Creek shooting, the Centennial Olympic Park bombing, should I go on? Now stfu you ignorant swine and go sign up for StraightWhiteGuyBoards


Update: Lol so I checked ur tumblr and 50% of the photos are crosses. No wonder you're rooting for white men and Christians :biblio:

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Cool, so can we blame Christianism for most of the bad things that happened in the US? As if there is no structured ideology behind the Charleston shooting, the Oak Creek shooting, the Centennial Olympic Park bombing, should I go on? Now stfu you ignorant swine and go sign up for StraightWhiteGuyBoards



I'm screaming omg you just cut the moment I said the contrary, just because you're pressed, so you insult me ? What's next ?  :deadbanana:


Update : lmao we've reached the 0 level of argumentation. Thank you for this

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Guys let's not make this an ideological fight over beliefs. This thread is to pay respect to the victims at Pulse and to express solidarity and love in such a deeply distressing time.


Good vibes to my LGBTQI friends, love you all very much.


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I'm screaming omg you just cut the moment I said the contrary, just because you're pressed, so you insult me ? What's next ?  :deadbanana:


Update : lmao we've reached the 0 level of argumentation. Thank you for this


I seriously don't have time for this, whatever. Twist what you want. Let's all just stfu and give our condolences.

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at this point I'm not even sure what points people are making.. but it seems like everyone is agreed that obviously you can't blame an entire group of people for the bad actions of a minority... 


Rn my heart goes out to those who are lgbtq+ and muslim, since they are put in a horrible position on both ends of this tragedy 

tumblr_mxk6xrLiob1r4y0tco1_500.gif Instagram: pxpi_gringo

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Released names so far:


Edward Sotomayor Jr., 34


Stanley Almodovar III, 23


Luis Omar Ocasio-Capo, 20


Juan Ramon Guerrero, 22


Eric Ivan Ortiz-Rivera, 36


Peter O. Gonzalez-Cruz, 22


Luis S. Vielma, 22


Kimberly Morris, 37



An acquaintance of mine from high school posted that she knew Eric Ortiz. She typed how she loved her friend and tagged him. Seeing Facebook putting "Remebering" Eric Ortiz when you visit his profile is crazy. What a weekend

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As someone who works in broadcast news, this was one of the hardest days I've had to do so far


Worse than when tornadoes hit our coverage area, worse than when a deputy was killed in the line of duty. Those are tragedies


This was an atrocity and to have to sit there and read all the comments post-show and on our social content was frustrating to see how narrow minded people are


I don't know if I could accurately articulate what it's like to be gay, in the South of all places, but one of my Facebook friends posted something I couldn't agree with more


When you grow up as a queer individual (especially in the South) you carry the fear of violence with you. It sits on your shoulder and whispers in your ear:

"If I want to go to an event that features a majority gay audience--should I maybe choose to go elsewhere?"
"If the way I'm dressing will alert others to the fact that I'm gay--should I change my clothes?"
"If the way my voice sounds will be an open indicator of my sexuality--should I try to deepen it?"

What will happen if I don't?

These are questions that I've carried with me (and ones I assume a lot of others have as well), and to see those questions answered with this violence my gut instinct is to return to that fear, the one that's been resting on my shoulders my entire life. I hope instead that we meet it with resilience; I think we have that responsibility now.

Rest in peace


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As someone who works in broadcast news, this was one of the hardest days I've had to do so far


Worse than when tornadoes hit our coverage area, worse than when a deputy was killed in the line of duty. Those are tragedies


This was an atrocity and to have to sit there and read all the comments post-show and on our social content was frustrating to see how narrow minded people are


I don't know if I could accurately articulate what it's like to be gay, in the South of all places, but one of my Facebook friends posted something I couldn't agree with more




When you grow up as a queer individual (especially in the South) you carry the fear of violence with you. It sits on your shoulder and whispers in your ear:

"If I want to go to an event that features a majority gay audience--should I maybe choose to go elsewhere?"

"If the way I'm dressing will alert others to the fact that I'm gay--should I change my clothes?"

"If the way my voice sounds will be an open indicator of my sexuality--should I try to deepen it?"


What will happen if I don't?

These are questions that I've carried with me (and ones I assume a lot of others have as well), and to see those questions answered with this violence my gut instinct is to return to that fear, the one that's been resting on my shoulders my entire life. I hope instead that we meet it with resilience; I think we have that responsibility now.

Rest in peace


Even though I'm not in the South I still agree with you with Trump running for president we all finally get a clue of how much hatred is out there it is horrifying to think there are that many people out there who would beat you just based on the fact you look gay sound gay or act gay. The thing is it's not an are you gay? question these people are asking they're using stereotypes to define us even when they are not applicable ex. a straight flamboyant male who gets beat because he's feminine and it's this kind of stuff that irks me. So I guess what I have to say is that I hope our society changes for the better. Also, RIP to all of those people who tragically died they didn't deserve it (except for the shooter).


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You can read about the victims who's names have been released so far:



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what happened?

-Omar Mateen acted alone in shooting over 100 people at Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida at 2am Sunday morning

-Omar had a 3 hour standoff with police, and was eventually shot dead

-50 were killed, 53 were injured

-this is the worst mass shooting America has seen

-this is the worst act of terrorism since 9/11

-police say Omar was organized and well prepared

-he was armed with an assault rifle, a handgun and an unspecified “device”

-this was an act of terror and hate

things to remember.

-it was latin night last night at Pulse

-the night was being hosted by trans women of color

-do not erase the fact that this was a hate crime against people in the lgbt+ community

-be respectful to the families affected by this tragedy

-some people could have been outed if they were killed or injured

-Omar’s father has stated that Omar was indeed homophobic and became angry after seeing two men kissing

-this shooting had nothing to do with religion

-here are some tweets about this tragedy from various people

-support everyone in this time of need. please

-there have been threats on other places such as the LA pride parade. please be careful.

what can i do to help?

-blood banks in Orlando are at capacity - if you wish to donate, schedule an appointment for later this week

-when the blood banks are no longer full, they will need O-, O+, and AB plasma

-donors must be over the age of 16, healthy, and weigh over 100 pounds

-oneblood has not lifted its ban on lgbt+ men giving blood

-oneblood is in need of water, juice, snacks, and fruit for those donating (drop them off here)

-here is a check-in page to help people locate friends and family

-family hotline: 407-246-4357

-for emergency blood donations:

Orlando West Michigan Donor Center

345 W Michigan Street, Ste. 106, Orlando, FL 32806

Orlando Main Donor Center

8669 Commodity Circle,  Orlando, FL 32819

Oviedo Donor Center

1954 W. State Road 426, Oviedo, FL 32765

-bloodmobile locations:

Asbury United Methodist Church

220 West Horatio Ave.

Maitland, FL 32751

St. Luke’s United Methodist Church

4851 S. Apopka Vineland Rd.

Orlando, FL 32819

Metro Church

1491 East State Rd. 434

Winter Springs, FL 32708

-there is a gofundme now set up for the victims and their families

-you can donate to Orlando hospitals here

-The Center is an lgbt+ organization and is accepting donations here

-Orlando Youth Alliance is and lgbt+ organization and is accepting donations here

-how to contact representatives about gun control

if you need to talk.

-The Trevor Project: always open, for lgbt+ youth. call them at 1-866-488-7386.

-Trans Lifeline: for transgender people. call them at US: (877) 565-8860 or  Canada: (877) 330-6366

-Scarleteen: text them at (206) 866-2279


-- taken from this tumblr (they have links in their post)


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I seen those earlier it's so heartbreaking. I also read that while investigators were in Pulse after the shooting, there were still bodies in there, and the  investigators had to hear the deceased's phones go off but couldn't do anything about it. Chills ran all over my body, it was so scary and sad.

One of my tumblr mutuals also said that there was a recent shooting at a gay bar in mexico with 6 dead.

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I think this also should everyone to be careful when going out. I'm not saying that we should hide ourselves all the time as LGBT+ but please, if you sense that you are in danger or in  the presence of an overly homophobic person, please be careful. I know this couldn't have helped in this particular situation, as it was completely uncalled for and no one suspected this was about to happen. But just something think about. 


Again, this is horrible and may all the murdered souls rest in peace.

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I'm a bit late because I don't want to incline in political statements but my most heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims and particularly to the Latin community. No one should ever live in fear for themselves or loved ones just for their sexuality. I mean it's unreal, I'm at a loss of words, I just don't understand. I cannot believe it's 2016 and we still have to deal with stuff like this. I just pray for a world of equality and acceptance but perhaps praying is starting to be not enough. In the main time, I hope that every LGBT+ person remains safe and hopeful. My thoughts also go to the Muslims that will have to suffer the ignorance and hatred especially in this period. As a Catholic raised in an islamophobic-prone environment, this kind of event is always an atrocious reminder that extremism is the real issue and respect is everything. :heart:


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I couldn't sleep at all last night.  I also had to notify a middle school friend on facebook that indeed one of her friends (and Salsa dance partner) is on that list.  Horrific.

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ok but after all the times her name has been in the news I didn't think it would be that hard to spell her fucking name right... It's disrespectful Jesus Christ

the girl was shot and killed outside her own concer I think spelling her name correctly gives her life the respect she deserves


Its spelt concert  :)



I couldn't sleep at all last night.  I also had to notify a middle school friend on facebook that indeed one of her friends (and Salsa dance partner) is on that list.  Horrific.


oh my god. I'm praying for you. :heart:


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Its spelt concert  :)


oh my god. I'm praying for you. :heart:

Thank you, even tough I didn't know none of the victims, it hits close. Now I know four friends that knew or have met four of the victims, whether as friends or co-workers. :(

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