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The Walking Dead

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gonna revive this :hooker:  i've never seen this show, but i have to write an essay about an article which mentions it. if anyone agrees/disagrees with the article or just has something to say in general, i don't need like to interview people for this i'm just interested in what people who actually consume this think about it because i've never really interacted with or been interested in zombie and/or apocalypse type stuff. the article talks about how zombies are basically a vessel for any type of cataclysm or threat to safety and it's cathartic for us to watch it from the safety of our own living rooms, and it's easy to talk away from because zombies are fictional. also zombies could be your neighbors, urbanization/population density, society is too specialized and reliant etc, u get the point. here's the article if anyone's interested, i super paraphrased it lmfao https://www.city-journal.org/html/walking-dead-age-anxiety-13688.html


also, should i start watching??? how long is it and is it still like in progress or did the show finish 


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TWD kinda got boring after season 5, and then season 8 was just the same storyline repeated for every single episode with some important scenes thrown in there, it was a struggle to get through, but season 9 has been so good so far. It's the best season since season 5, I'm actually excited for the next TWD episode to come out again.


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