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Make me your Dream Life

Hopes for the Cherry Video

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I see the video being something like this



Not the only one, I'd love for her to sort of play off of the whole homemade VHS aesthetic too, I just hope that it's got that crispness to it, and multidimensional when it comes to the video's texture, kinda like the beginning of LFL's vid. Not too sure about the subject matter, but yes, and Lanafied if that even makes any sense

if lana is directing, we know its gonna be trash. theres a reason why professional directors declined her idea.

At least it'll be something to discuss :oprah:


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her recent posts with the diamonds signifying lines of cocaine and the lighter i feel are apart of the video. drugs, pink, technicolor lights, with red lingerie as she rolls around the ruined motel bed, vhs filter or something depicting a dark feel with the bass increased, HOT.  


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The song starts. Various images of Lana rubbing a see-through white silk glove hand against her bare leg and across her collarbone with various flashes to pictures of cherries from something like a vintage film. Damage. A man in a trenchcoat standing in the corner smoking a cigar, looking into her soul with bedroom eyes darkened by taking the wrong path in life too many times. She smiles up at him and it pans back to him with a wistful smile And letting it burn off from the rush, yeah...



Fuck! The entire scene starts to wither up like a polaroid being caught on fire. Behind it is Land and her two backup dancers wearing black vintage lingerie like this 




in a pink, lush, vintage bedroom like this 


covered in red and pink rose petals. Everything is in slow motion and they alternate from sexy slow vintage sway dancing to pillow fights and popping bottles of wine


But at the end of the first chorus, Lana breaks the fourth wall and looking into the camera, separated from the happiness that surrounds her, and whispers "are ruined" with a weary look in her eyes. 


The camera zooms out from Lana and into a camera. It turns out that Lana was being watched big-brother style by a group of intimidating men in suits. The camera pans to them laying out a bunch of pictures on a table in front of them of Lana doing various witchy/occult/space alien type things like holding the globe, or the planets, or pictures of her on the moon. And leading into the second chorus, the group of men backs away to reveal the guy who was watching her in the beginning of the video. Betrayal!


The second chorus involves Lana and the girls dimming the lights and lighting a bunch of candles around the room, drawing a pseudo-pentagram that has an unknown symbol in the middle that includes a moon. They all sit around the circle and close their eyes and Lana moves her hands in various orchestrated movements and mouths the words to the song and the girls repeat after her. As the chorus gets closer towards the bridge, at my rose garden dreams she starts to get an upset look, despite her eyes being closed, but continues doing the gestures. At the final I fall to pieces, she summons a hologram that resembles a crystal ball and it shows her man (boyfriend, fiance, husband?? who's to say) in the group of men investigating her and him clearly ratting her out. At the why? she gets up and goes out the door. It cuts to a scene where she's walking down a dark hallway leading to her man's back as he's standing alone at the end of it, with each are ruined flashing to her deadpan face, then his unknowing face (with a hint of guilt in it) and then at fuck she reached him and puts her hand around his eyes and mouth and the scene then goes blank. RIP 

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Lana said she wanted the next video to maybe be in technicolor, this song would be awesome for that. Like I said before I'd love if this video had Petra Collins vibes


man, i truly hope not. the petra collins tumblr aesthetic is sf tired and unoriginal, and after the pointless hot mess that was selena's fetish mv i'm certain that lana is capable of way better than that. not to mention that imo that whole aesthetic is too twee adolescence & virgin suicides-y to fit lana.

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The song starts. Various images of Lana rubbing a see-through white silk glove hand against her bare leg and across her collarbone with various flashes to pictures of cherries from something like a vintage film. Damage. A man in a trenchcoat standing in the corner smoking a cigar, looking into her soul with bedroom eyes darkened by taking the wrong path in life too many times. She smiles up at him and it pans back to him with a wistful smile And letting it burn off from the rush, yeah...



Fuck! The entire scene starts to wither up like a polaroid being caught on fire. Behind it is Land and her two backup dancers wearing black vintage lingerie like this 




in a pink, lush, vintage bedroom like this 


covered in red and pink rose petals. Everything is in slow motion and they alternate from sexy slow vintage sway dancing to pillow fights and popping bottles of wine


But at the end of the first chorus, Lana breaks the fourth wall and looking into the camera, separated from the happiness that surrounds her, and whispers "are ruined" with a weary look in her eyes. 


The camera zooms out from Lana and into a camera. It turns out that Lana was being watched big-brother style by a group of intimidating men in suits. The camera pans to them laying out a bunch of pictures on a table in front of them of Lana doing various witchy/occult/space alien type things like holding the globe, or the planets, or pictures of her on the moon. And leading into the second chorus, the group of men backs away to reveal the guy who was watching her in the beginning of the video. Betrayal!


The second chorus involves Lana and the girls dimming the lights and lighting a bunch of candles around the room, drawing a pseudo-pentagram that has an unknown symbol in the middle that includes a moon. They all sit around the circle and close their eyes and Lana moves her hands in various orchestrated movements and mouths the words to the song and the girls repeat after her. As the chorus gets closer towards the bridge, at my rose garden dreams she starts to get an upset look, despite her eyes being closed, but continues doing the gestures. At the final I fall to pieces, she summons a hologram that resembles a crystal ball and it shows her man (boyfriend, fiance, husband?? who's to say) in the group of men investigating her and him clearly ratting her out. At the why? she gets up and goes out the door. It cuts to a scene where she's walking down a dark hallway leading to her man's back as he's standing alone at the end of it, with each are ruined flashing to her deadpan face, then his unknowing face (with a hint of guilt in it) and then at fuck she reached him and puts her hand around his eyes and mouth and the scene then goes blank. RIP


Lana needs to take tips from fans. So good

You call me lavender, you call me sunshine.

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I'm hoping for a "New Rules"-inspired vid.

Actually, I think right around the 2:08 mark of the vid would vibe well with Cherry imo. I also like the use of color in it too, and how theatrical it sort of is. I personally think it'd be a bit too active for Lana tho, but it'd be interesting to see clones of her interacting with each other or something. Like hologram'd in different colors to represent some sort of emotional facet. 


That'd be cool


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that its not scrapped, that lana's cheeks aren't stuffed up like a thanksgiving turkey and lastly but most importantly she's serving glamour, looks and drama   :fact:


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