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Hundred Dollar Bill

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  1. European liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Continue the story..   
    and then i have a stroke and die
  2. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Harlem in Continue the story..   
    merman that dies young.
  3. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Guy in Continue the story..   
    oops i'm dead again
  4. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by European in Continue the story..   
    THE. END. ⊙_⊙
  5. Myriam liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in RIDE MONOLOGUE   
    I understand what you're saying, and it makes perfect sense! I love traditions and stuff like that, I personally just don't think it should apply here, in her videos. To each their own, though. I feel like a *good* Lana tradition is how she puts many of her own videos together herself. I see that as more of a tradition than making an ~emoshunal~ speech at the end of every music video. Your poems example/analogy/whatever is pretty good, I see what you're saying but I just disagree in this situation! Don't let my opinion make you second-guess yourself though, if you like it, you like it.
  6. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Monicker in My "Ride" Premiere Experience   
    Hey WTF, every time i went way over on essays in school (which was probably every single time because i am completely incapable of keeping things short) i got docked points for it. You gotta keep it concise and write within the limitations you've been given! FUCK THIS SHIT, PROFESSOR ENTITY. Also, why/how are you Sitar's teacher? I missed something and i need an explanation. I'm wondering if this is going to turn into a Boarding School type of situation...
    OMG haaa, this is amazing, we totally need this award, for real. Astonishingly, Moy, too, seems to be digging a larger and larger hole just as PinupGirls once did. That begs the question: Will this thread accomplish the seemingly impossible feat of topping the infamous NA video thread??

  7. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Mariann in My "Ride" Premiere Experience   
    I had no idea that wearing an Indian headdress is such a sensitive issue in the US. I doubt Lana intended to offend anyone but I guess that it all depends on the Native Americans view of the matter. Would they think it's offensive? From afar the headdresses seem to be a great symbol that everybody would associate with the Native Americans and most people probabaly don't mean anything bad while admiring or wearing them. But it's true that they don't know about the cultural context in which it's appropriate to wear those headdresses...
    OK I think I understand now why it might cause problems. It's not enough to ruin the video for me but being from the US Lana should probably know better which things might harm her image.
  8. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by HeavenBaby51 in RIDE MONOLOGUE   
    I don't get that cheesy vibe.

    I think she just wants to express to us how she is greatful and came to a realization in her life.

    Her sharing her feelings and thoughts...really touch me in a weird way.

    I feel like we are getting to know her.


    She is an artist.

    I think hearing her say it can give you that cheesy vibe.

    But I read it before hearing her say it.

    And reading it really brought me to tears.


    And to all who got to expierence last night, you are truly blessed.

    I'd love to share that moment with her and all other fans.

    I can fantasize how it would be, I could only imagine how you all felt being there.

    I'm more happy for you guys then jealous (I can't help to feel jealousy, it's just something I would have love to be apart of), but I am so delighted that she did this for us fans.


  9. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Myriam in RIDE MONOLOGUE   
    Maybe you're right, but the way I see it, I think it would be cool, like a sort of 'tradition' I don't know.
    Just a piece of her past, of herself. I mean you could read several poems from the same writer without it being boring, if the subject is different and if each one is beautiful on its own...
    But oh well what do I know, maybe if she starts doing it, it'd turn out to be really lame
  10. ednafrau liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in RIDE MONOLOGUE   
    I don't think the NA monologue was necessary at all, but I like this one. I definitely don't want another monologue though.
  11. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic in RIDE MONOLOGUE   
    I think the monologue would be just fine :3 (unless you don't want to do it?)
    If you start a thread and post your recording, I'll post back with me reading it and hopefully we can get more people to join in
  12. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Glee covers 'Born To Die'   
    OOF, I'm a hipster in this sense, I don't want those fans. I went to a live Rocky Horror Picture Show two years ago, like right after the Rocky Horror episode of Glee came out, and the theater was just full of annoying shits who didn't even know anything about the movie, it's culture...No. Stay far away, Glee.
    Maybe it'll help the charts, though
  13. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic in RIDE MONOLOGUE   
    This would actually make me incredibly happy! Yes, I obviously want to hear your voice again! :3 Please please please?
  14. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I never said MDM wasn't Auto-Tuned, just that i don't hear it. On LDR.FM i asked people multiple times to point it out and no one ever did
    Dude, i said this exact same thing to you once and you gave me shit for it. Flip Flopper Maru.
    OMG, these meters are so cute. Only Madrigal would use something like this.
  15. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by evilentity in That song that...   
    In the fucking lyrics to the song. :imbeingsarcasticbitch2:
  16. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic in RIDE MONOLOGUE   
    OMG. Can we please make it a thing where we record ourselves reading the letter? I want to hear people's voices! :3
    and no this is not an excuse just to hear Riley's voice again...
  17. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in RIDE MONOLOGUE   
    This should be a challenge in The Paradise Edition competition that Riley is doing.
    Whoever writes the cheesiest Lanaesque monologue wins the challenge!
    Riley, I am totally kidding. Please let's not do this. I mean, I could, I just don't want to.
  18. Mommy's Mercedes liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in RIDE MONOLOGUE   
    This should be a challenge in The Paradise Edition competition that Riley is doing.
    Whoever writes the cheesiest Lanaesque monologue wins the challenge!
    Riley, I am totally kidding. Please let's not do this. I mean, I could, I just don't want to.
  19. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by NEAL in Design a Lana Del Rey T-Shirt!   
    I want a music box, with SNL!Lana twirling to the tune of all songs in BTD.

  20. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by bluemascara in bluemascara art   
    if i end up drawing more lana art, this will be the place for it!
    for now.... i started working on an entry for the lanaonline H&M contest, but the past two weeks have been very hectic (same for the weekend) so I'm not sure if I'll get a chance to finish it before the deadline. this is how far i got!

  21. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by evilentity in RIDE MONOLOGUE   
    Another monologue? Personally, I found her first monologue in the "National Anthem" video a bit cheesy and self-indulgent. This is just too much. #unpopularopinion
  22. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by evilentity in My "Ride" Premiere Experience   
    I suspect this won't be the last meth song we hear from Lana. But where is the YouTube video?
    What is it suspended from? A magic cloud or Auto-Tuned Loon?
    I'm very happy with you. You asked a real, substantive question that actually had a chance in hell of being answered. Yes, "Yayo" is like a timeless jazz standard. I can't imagine how she didn't like how it turned out originally. (Aside from her taking a breath in the middle of the word tattoo, it's perfect.) And from what we've heard of the re-recorded version, I can't imagine how she could like how it turned out any better. But I'm withholding judgement until I hear it in full.
    Great essay. Over double the required length. However, I'm taking points off due to the lack of pictures, the missing YouTube video, and your failure to properly explain what the tire swing is suspended from.
  23. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic in My "Ride" Premiere Experience   
    And the PinupGirls Award for Most Ignorant Post Made Regarding Race/Culture in a Music Video goes to Moy! Congrats!

  24. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by evilentity in My "Ride" Premiere Experience   
    Someone needs to explain to Moy the Yankovic Rule: The only culture you may stereotypically depict in a music video is the Amish. Because they'll never see it anyway.
  25. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by NEAL in RIDE MONOLOGUE   



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