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  1. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by May in Lana at The Nice Guy/Hair Salon in LA - 15 June 2016   
    wont be able to properly judge until we have some daylight pics (the camera flashes could be making it look a lot darker than it is) but if she hyped us up for months with gradually making her hair lighter then randomly went back to black.mp3 i'ma be a biT disappointed 
  2. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by Elle in Lana at The Nice Guy/Hair Salon in LA - 15 June 2016   
    Last night, Lana was spotted leaving The Nice Guy restaurant in LA, switching her new blonde locks back to black once again.


    Earlier that day, she was spotted at a hair salon.

    Video: https://twitter.com/LanaDeIReyDaily/status/743259314551300097

  3. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in Honeymoon Sales   
    @@yourgirlcorny:Sadly the 8 Million were false. I estimate that 7 million were shipped.
    The tricky thing with streamings is that not every country counts them as a sold copy. The sad thing about HM is that it came out where streaming became huge and failed to become a success on streaming services.
    I am curious to see how her next album will perform there. Personally (take that with a grain of salt), I believe that long, slow openers don't do an album a favour when it comes to streaming. Shorter, more up-beat or middle tempo tracks at the beginning just make the album flow better at first.
  4. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by Dua Lipa in The Orlando Terrorist Attack 6/12/2016   
    Its spelt concert 
    oh my god. I'm praying for you.
  5. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by Flipflopfan in Lana's Personality Type   
    Lana is battling depression and anxiety and it's obvious that it effects her personality. She seems to me like a deeply insecure person about some things:
    1. Her past. Her name change in this preposterous Lana Del Rey moniker is really bothering me after I observed that everybody, even her parents, are referring to her as Lana. Besides the ridiculousness of the situation, it seems to me that she's running away from something an idea which was enforced to me by the many lies that plagued her throughout her career.
    2. Her looks. I know, it sounds crazy, given that I googled her just to see her pretty face! I always defended her against plastic surgery accusations but after the recent Poland gig I have to admit that she messed up her face. It's infuriating taking in account that she always was a good looking woman.
    3. Her public perception. She is self centered in her work and maybe this personality trait made her swallow every BS written about her which affected her self esteem. I believe that she is the type of celebrity who's reading everything written about them. This is one of the reasons for that she stopped promoting and it's working because the negative (or positive) articles about her are gone. I'm certain that her trolling through music and the way that she behaves sometimes in public (the way she clothes) is a response to some of the negative reactions to her in the press. In contrast, I remember when Woddy Allen, who is accused of pedophilia by his own step-daughter, said that he's not reading anything about himself because it would bothered him in his work. With Lana everything is about herself: how misunderstood and underappreciated she is in the business.
    4. I think that she knows that she's not good live. Because of this she looks on stage like someone who never wanted to be there in the first place and she's always running away without giving any encores.
    She is a complicated person.
    On the one hand she wanted fame, shooting extravagant covers and videos and on the other hand she's is ready to throw everything away by not doing even a minimal promo for her albums.
    But at least she has a personality which is distinct from the corporate fakeness of other popstars. Her "fakness" has nothing to do with the business anymore is something more personal, something that maybe we will never be able to fully understand it.
    Moreover I was upset at the way she dumped Barrie which made me question her goodness, Barrie was a depressive pain in the ass sometimes but he was there for her when she had it rough and he certainly didn't deserved to be left like this.
    After years of obsessively following her online I started to feel sorry for her because she's clearly depressed and unable to put her personal life and career in order. I believe the she needs to put this Lana Del Rey experiment behind her because it will ruin her psychologically. She's a smart woman (she's not a medium worshiping twat) and she is talented, she could develop in a respected songwriter and she could become a respected singer also. She's already a good studio singer and I'm certain that with a proper preparation of her songs and in the right environment (smaller venues) she could became a respected live singer (I hope) named E. Grant.
  6. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by HawaiianTropic in Lana's Personality Type   
    Interesting read! @@PrettyBaby I've never really thought of Lana as ISFP, but now that you explain it, I think it's quite possible that is her type. I suppose I've just always thought of her Ni as being higher in the list of functions, but I suppose it could just be that her tertiary function is highly developed. And considering that Lana seems to me a most intelligent woman, very in tune with her inner core, it wouldn't surprise me that she's managed to develop her third function to such a level. 
    Your explanation of her Fi actually makes a lot of sense as well. Fe types tend to have more expressive personalities, while Fi types tend to be less charismatic and can sometimes appear more "cold" than Fe types - this actually could fit with Lana, especially considering that some people find her "fake" or "plastic" based on her interviews, performances and so on. Fi types also tend to be more private, which in a way fits Lana. I think that she never really likes to open up about details about her life (we all know how contradictory and confusing it is when she tries to recount her past).
    Thanks for your insight. I find personality psychology one of the most captivating areas of psychological study and love linking it to real-life people, especially celebrities, since there is so much information available about them. Plus, it'd probably be creepy if I started profiling people I know in reality, and I'd also have no one to discuss my ideas with!   
  7. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in The Orlando Terrorist Attack 6/12/2016   
    Guys let's not make this an ideological fight over beliefs. This thread is to pay respect to the victims at Pulse and to express solidarity and love in such a deeply distressing time.
    Good vibes to my LGBTQI friends, love you all very much.
  8. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by HawaiianTropic in Lana's Personality Type   
    Hi everyone! For those of you who have studied/know about the work of Carl Jung/Myers-Briggs, I'd love to hear what you think Lana's personality type is, using the Myers-Briggs type indicator.
    I know we've had a thread dedicated to the types of users on this forum, but we never discussed what we think Lana's type is. I've read on external websites but a lot of the posts were made during the BTD/Paradise era, and I don't think at that time we had the best view of Lana's personality, as a lot of people were still making comments about how she's "fake" and "inauthentic" and so on, which I think made a lot of the guesses inaccurate and biased. 
    Personally, I think she's either an INFJ or INFP, but I'm not sure which fits her the best. I am an INFJ myself, so I'm not sure if that's subconsciously influencing my typing of her, and possibly making it a biased analysis. I do see a lot of INFJ tendencies in her, but also in some ways, I think she could be an INFP as well. I'll try to explain my typing.
    To begin with, she's easily an introvert - I really don't see the point in debating it. She clearly draws her energy from her internal world and this is clear in her art and through the way she acts in her interviews. Plus, she's even stated it herself:
    I definitely think she's an iNtuitive and Feeling type. The quote above could also be used to highlight her iNtuitive trait.
    She seems to fit this description quite well about the NF (Idealist) temperament:
    She always states she's a songwriter first, then a singer. I think this is interesting considering the above description.
    She's certainly an intuitive person, and you can see that through a lot of her work. She's certainly a feeling type as well, in my opinion. Remember that video of her comforting a crying fan (I believe this took place in France)? Well, she seemed genuinely concerned for her and stayed with her for a while. I think she takes on the emotional state of others. For example, I feel like Ultraviolence is such a dark album because she absorbed a lot of the emotional darkness from Barrie. He was suffering from depression, insomnia and a number of other things that obviously had a negative impact on his mental health, and I think Lana soaked a lot of that energy from him and took it upon herself.
    The J and the P is where I struggle to define her. A part of me thinks she's clearly a P. She seems to take things as they come rather than plan miles in advance. The "Ride" video in particular makes me think she's a P. But at the same time, I do believe that she often exaggerates her life, experiences and ideas for the sake of enhancing her music and her art, so it's hard to tell if the "Ride" video is "100% autobiographical" as she always states her music is, or whether there are a number of embellishments and a heap of hyperboles just to make the music more interesting and "cinematic", as she puts it.
    The reason I doubt she could be an INFP is because their dominant function is Introverted Feeling, and I feel like Lana has a lot more Extroverted Feeling, especially since she tends to absorb the emotions of those around her, as I stated above. I feel like her intuition is more Introverted than Extroverted as well. Sensing and Thinking I'm not too sure about.
    Personally I can only see her as being an INF- type, just unsure about the P/J. I've seen some people type her as an S over N, but I don't see it as much as her intuitive side.
    What do y'all think? 
  9. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by Lad in LDR's Twitter Gets Hacked 6/7/16   
    No T no shade if that's her Instagram then she's so EXTRA. Having a picture of the Pope holding Ultraviolence as profile picture? Stan for quality, Lana. And then impersonating her poor old-ass friend Jane? Queen of fraud.
    Can somebody DM her friend Fleur and see if she can make contact with private Instagram accounts? We're so close to exposing her.
  10. #glimmeringdarling liked a post in a topic by yourgirlcorny in LDR's Twitter Gets Hacked 6/7/16   
    It flatters my stan fantasy that the hacker sees her as hack-worthy as katy kylie and justin tho
  11. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by cashcomesquick in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I'm high right now while listening to TBD, and I've never heard anything so heartbreaking like the part in which she sings "ever since my baby ..."
  12. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by cashcomesquick in LDR's Twitter Gets Hacked 6/7/16   
    I'm torn between "leave her alone" and "expose her"
  13. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by Chris Cuomo in LDR's Twitter Gets Hacked 6/7/16   
    Blake follows @notoriouswhitegirl as well
    the email for the account is a********2@gmail.com
    its probably something like american12@gmail.com lol
  14. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by fessle in Beverly Hills Hotel Cabana Cafe   
    This was the friend!!!!!! What the fuck!!!!!!!! Haha.
    This was the friend Lana was having lunch with. This is the same Cabana Cafe seats & plants in the background. And the slightly crimped hair. I am so glad I have a picture now of what she looked like this day so I'll never forget.
    I can't add photos from my iPad so here's the link. Lana posted about her on both accounts.
  15. Nick Del Rey liked a post in a topic by yourgirlcorny in LDR's Twitter Gets Hacked 6/7/16   
    It flatters my stan fantasy that the hacker sees her as hack-worthy as katy kylie and justin tho
  16. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by yourgirlcorny in LDR's Twitter Gets Hacked 6/7/16   
    It flatters my stan fantasy that the hacker sees her as hack-worthy as katy kylie and justin tho
  17. renaissance liked a post in a topic by yourgirlcorny in LDR's Twitter Gets Hacked 6/7/16   
    It flatters my stan fantasy that the hacker sees her as hack-worthy as katy kylie and justin tho
  18. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by reputation in LDR's Twitter Gets Hacked 6/7/16   
    @@PARADIXO it's kinda funny, just a little
  19. kristinaj liked a post in a topic by yourgirlcorny in LDR's Twitter Gets Hacked 6/7/16   
    It flatters my stan fantasy that the hacker sees her as hack-worthy as katy kylie and justin tho
  20. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by yourgirlcorny in LDR's Twitter Gets Hacked 6/7/16   
    It flatters my stan fantasy that the hacker sees her as hack-worthy as katy kylie and justin tho
  21. BeautifulAnywhere liked a post in a topic by yourgirlcorny in LDR's Twitter Gets Hacked 6/7/16   
    It flatters my stan fantasy that the hacker sees her as hack-worthy as katy kylie and justin tho
  22. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in LDR's Twitter Gets Hacked 6/7/16   
    lets be real her career needed this
  23. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by eternixy in LDR's Twitter Gets Hacked 6/7/16   
    Well TBH her password is probably like VideoGames69 or something.
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