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  1. Bootynugget liked a post in a topic by reputation in Lana at a baby shower from early May 2016   
    Unwatermarked pics 
  2. radiant liked a post in a topic by reputation in Aaliyah   
    @ she would have been WAY more popular than Beyonce. If she never went on that plane should would have been today's Beyonce
  3. gloomyharlow liked a post in a topic by reputation in Lana meeting fans in Warsaw - 2 June 2016   
    the boho kimono is so pretty! giving me Chuck's birthday party vibes
  4. gloomyharlow liked a post in a topic by reputation in Lana at a baby shower from early May 2016   
    Unwatermarked pics 
  5. Wild One liked a post in a topic by reputation in My Lana Unreleased Instrumentals   
    @@cocacola thank you! the instrumental gives me butterflies 
  6. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by reputation in Aaliyah   
    So there's no thread or mention of Aaliyah on here, I'm shook. 
    Aaliyah, gone but never forgotten. A legend, an icon, an artist. What are your favorite songs from her? Favorite performance, album? If you don't listen to her I'd suggest it RIGHT NOW.

  7. riina liked a post in a topic by reputation in Lana at LAX in Los Angeles, CA- June 1st, 2016   
    Gosh, giving me AKA vibes. She looks so good in blonde hair
  8. FKAbrandon liked a post in a topic by reputation in Aaliyah   
    So there's no thread or mention of Aaliyah on here, I'm shook. 
    Aaliyah, gone but never forgotten. A legend, an icon, an artist. What are your favorite songs from her? Favorite performance, album? If you don't listen to her I'd suggest it RIGHT NOW.

  9. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by reputation in Lana at LAX in Los Angeles, CA- June 1st, 2016   
    Gosh, giving me AKA vibes. She looks so good in blonde hair
  10. reputation liked a post in a topic by cashcomesquick in Personal "Review" on HM   
    I was amazed by this when I found this on genius:
    "Pink flamingos aren’t actually born pink. They become pink through their diet; Lana’s reference to them has transformative undertones. She believes that through her peace and acceptance of something she has no power over (her man leaving). she has gained a new sense of understanding and womanhood (like a flamingo turning pink)"
  11. reputation liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in Lana Del Rey interview for Fräulein Magazine October 2011   
    I can do that when I have some time since I'm German. I have Sauerkraut in my bag.
  12. reputation liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Lana Del Rey interview for Fräulein Magazine October 2011   
    So this is five years late but I haven't found the full readable interview anywhere so I bought the e-version and here is it I tried to translate it but my absolute incompetence with the beautiful German language unfortunately made it impossible so if any German-speaking stan would be kind enough to graciously translate it would be more than much appreciated please! Anyway as it's very old and from what I vaguely understood, I don't think we will learn anything more from this.
    Please keep in mind that I transcribed it from an image there will most likely be some typos!
    Die Musikszene stand augenblicklich Kopf, als die New Yorker Sängerin Lana Del Rey bei YouTube ein paar Songs hochlud. Ihre Konzerte waren in zehn Minuten ausverkauft. Selbst geschriebene Lieder, kraftvolle Stimme, dazu die von ihr ebenfalls selbstgebastelten Musikclips mit Super-8-Urlaubsvideos, strauchelnden Stars and irh selbst: wunderschön, mit riesigen Lippen, Lockenwicklerfrisur und langen künstlichen Fingerägeln. Ein bisschen Retrochic, ein bisschen Trailerparkoptik. Ist Lana Del Rey ein Gesamtkunstwerk? Angeblich ist sie sogar in einem Trailerpark aufgewachsen. Ein Journalist mutmasste gar, sie habe sich ihre Lippen absichtlich "verspritzen" lassen, um mehr nach amerikanischem "White Trash" auszuschen. Lana Del Rey irritiert. Auf ihrer Facebook-Seite steht ein Coco-Chanel-Zitat: "Wenn du unersetzlich sein willst, musst du anders sein." Egal, ob ihr Äusseres Teil einer Image-Kampagne ist oder nicht: Aufgegangen ist die allemal. Auf die Frage, ob sie für die Plattenfirmen ihren Stil ändern sollte, antwortet sie: "Nein, meine Klamotten oder Musik weren für solche Leute uninteressant. Es kam eher die Frage, ob ich mit ihen ins Bett gehen würde." Wer ist das nun, Lana Del Rey oder Lizzy Grant, wie sie mit bürgerlichem Namen heisst? "Das ist nur ein anderer Name, aber ich bin dieselfbe Person geblieben. Ich wollte einen Name, der mehr zu der Musik passt, der glamouröser ist." Lana Del Rey ist Perfektionistin. Mit der Liste ihrer musikalischen Vorbilder kann man nichts falsch machen: Nina Simone, Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan, Allen Ginsberg, Kurt Cobain, Antony and the Johnsons. "Hey, die Liste ist nicht von irgendwelchen Managern zusammengestellt!", betont sie enerisch, sie, die vorher noch in süssem Singsang gesprochen hat. "Ich verehre diese Künstler". Stimmt das eigentlich mit dem Trailerpark? "Ach, da wird so eine grosses Sache draus gemacht. Ja, ich habe ein paar Jahre in einem Trailerpark gewohnt. Ich habe dort wirklich gute freunde gefunden, die immer noch meine Freunde sind. 
      Aufgewachsen ist Lana Del Rey in der Kleinstadt Lake Placid, drei Autostunden von New York City entfernt. Sie ist das älteste von drei Kindern. Mit elf führte sie den Kirchenchor an, und auf die Frage eines Journalisten, ob Gott mit ihren Songtexten einverstanden wäre, haut sie ihm sarkastisch um die Ohren: "Gott has mir in so vielen Situationen das Leben geretter, da muss er mit dem einverstanden sein, was ich schreibe." Darauf angesprochen lacht sie, um dann ernst hinzuzufügen: "Ich bemühe mich sehr, ein guter Mensch zu sein. Aber irgendwie ziehe ich verrückte Leute an. Ich habe deshalb immer wieder Ärger." Welchen genau, möchte sie nicht verraten, aber das Leben in New York sei hart. In einem Song singt sie: "Maybe I like this rollercoaster, maybe it keeps me high." Ob sie diese Ups und Downs vielleicht braucht? Eine Spur zu trotzig antwortet sie: "Nein, die brauche ich ganz und gar nicht. Ehrlich gesagt kann ich sie nicht leiden. Ich bin ziemlich einfach gestrickt." Seit kurzem pendelt Lana Del Rey zwischen London und New York. Wie es denn da mit der Liebe laufe? "Die grosse Liebe hate ich mal, dann habe ich sie verloren, dann noch einmal gefunden und, tja, wieder verloren. Das ist schon seltsam, dass man sich immer wieder verliebt." Stirnrunzelnd fügt sie hinzu: "Ich denke, das itst so eine DNA-Sache!" Da ist er wieder, der schnelle Wechsel von Kitsch zu Sarkasmus. Und bevor ihr ein Vergleich aufs Auge gedrückt wird, bezeichnet sie sich selbst als "Gansta-Nancy-Sinatra" und ihre Musik als Hollywood Pop. "Wenn ich nicht absolut wüsste, dass ich singen kann, würde ich etwas anderes machen!", sagt sie selbstbewusst. Mittlerweile läuft es ziemlich gut für die 24-Jährige, obwohl ein richtiges Album erst Anfang nächsten Jahres erschneiden wird. Um es mit ihrem Idol Bob Dylan zu sagen: "All I can do is be me. Whoever that is."     Here's how it appears in the magazine (if you want the pdf hmu, the photo isn't better quality unfortunately but the file is): 
  13. annedauphine liked a post in a topic by reputation in Lana Del Rey interview for Fräulein Magazine October 2011   
    The music scene was instantly head as the New York singer Lana Del Rey on YouTube a few songs hochlud. Their concerts were sold out in ten minutes. Self written songs, powerful voice to that of her also improvised music clips with super 8 holiday, stumbling Stars and irh yourself: gorgeous, with huge lips Lockenwicklerfrisur and long artificial Fingerägeln. A bit of retro chic, a little bit Trailer Park optics. Is Lana Del Rey a Gesamtkunstwerk? Supposedly it is even raised in a trailer park. A journalist conjectured even that she had deliberately let their lips "splash" to auszuschen more on the American "White Trash". Lana Del Rey irritated. On her Facebook page is a Coco Chanel quote: "If you want to be irreplaceable, you have to be different." Whether their appearance is part of an image campaign or not: Situated Come is all. On the question of whether they should change for the record labels her style, she replies: "No, my clothes or music weren uninteresting for such people it was rather the question of whether I would go to bed with ihen.." Who is that now, Lana Del Rey or Lizzy Grant, as they say real name? "This is just another name, but I stayed dieselfbe person. I wanted a name that fits more to the music, which is more glamorous." Lana Del Rey is a perfectionist. With the list of their musical idols can not go wrong: Nina Simone, Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan, Allen Ginsberg, Kurt Cobain, Antony and the Johnsons. "Hey, the list is not collected by some managers," she stressed enerisch she has previously spoken in sweet singsong. "I adore this artist". Can this be said with the trailer park? "Oh, since a big thing is made of it. Yes, I lived a few years in a trailer park. There I found really good friends who are still my friends.   Growing up is Lana Del Rey City away in the small town of Lake Placid, three hours drive from New York. She is the eldest of three children. With eleven she led the church choir, and to a journalist's question whether God would agree with their lyrics, they skin him sarcastically to his ears: "God has me in so many situations life geretter because it needs the consent , what I write." When asked about this she laughs, then to add seriously: "I try very hard to be a good person, but somehow I attract crazy people I have therefore always trouble..." What exactly they would not reveal, but life in New York was hard. In one song she sings: "Maybe I like this roller coaster, maybe it keeps me high." Whether they may need the ups and downs? A trail to defiantly she replies. "No, I absolutely do not need Frankly I can not stand I'm pretty simple one.." Recently, Lana Del Rey commutes between London and New York. As for there run with love? "The great love I hate me, then I lost it, then found again and, well, lost again. That's weird that you can always fall in love." Frowning, she adds: "I think that ITST so a DNA thing!" There it is again, the rapid change of kitsch to sarcasm. And before you a comparison is pressed on the eye, she describes herself as "Gansta Nancy Sinatra" and her music as Hollywood Pop. "If I do not absolutely know that I can sing, I would do something else," she says confidently. Meanwhile, it runs pretty well for the 24-year-old, although a full-length album is erschneiden until early next year. To say it with their idol Bob Dylan: "All I can do is be me Whoever did is.."   Also I found some outtakes from that shoot on her site    http://www.janestockdale.co.uk/lana-del-ray/
  14. bigdopebaby liked a post in a topic by reputation in Azealia Banks   
    AZ knows what she's doing with the whole twitter thing. She knows people will get offended, which creates controversy which promotes her music. She's a very smart, talented woman.
  15. BBM Baby liked a post in a topic by reputation in Tips for Attending a Lana Concert   
    You also wanna get there SUPER early if you wanna take a pic w/ her. I went to the Atlantic City show 4 hours early and was still the 4th row. Get there at least 8 hours early if you wanna be first seat. Don't take crap from anyone trying to cut in front on line of you, people will try to do that. And it will get hot, so bring a Chinese fan or something like that. 
  16. strange weather liked a post in a topic by reputation in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Lana focuses on her instrumentals WAY too much. She could make amazing songs like OOW or LGOE or SSK that focus on the lyrics. Born To Die's lyrics we're overthrown by the instrumentals. 
  17. apricockjuice liked a post in a topic by reputation in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Lana focuses on her instrumentals WAY too much. She could make amazing songs like OOW or LGOE or SSK that focus on the lyrics. Born To Die's lyrics we're overthrown by the instrumentals. 
  18. BeautifulAnywhere liked a post in a topic by reputation in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Lana focuses on her instrumentals WAY too much. She could make amazing songs like OOW or LGOE or SSK that focus on the lyrics. Born To Die's lyrics we're overthrown by the instrumentals. 
  19. reputation liked a post in a topic by ILostMyself in Do you think Lana still believes in God?   
    I've read on multiple occasions and also seen it in interviews that Lana believes in God, and that, in my view, has not changed at all. Now, I'm atheist, however I think that being Catholic, attending church, saying prayers etc. does not at all contradict being interested in metaphysics or looking at the laws of physics to understand the creation of the universe. God simply is not an explanation for everything.
    Also, she has a goshdarnit song called "God Knows I Tried" on the album, and I don't know about you guys but to me the song sounds very much like she believes in a God. And that very strongly.
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