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Everything posted by Lust

  1. Lust

    Song vs. Song

    music to watch boys vs high by the beach
  2. Can you send me those, I haven't heard any other than dance for money
  3. She kinda looks like how she did back in February and made those appearances
  4. Isn't like a subversive kinda similar to a trouble maker and notorious is someone whose famous for doing something bad? I might've misunderstood the meaning of subversive tho
  5. Do you guys remember the Instagram that's followed by Ben Mawson and Blake @notoriouswhitegirl ? Some ppl think its lana and this is probably a huge ass reach but don't "notorious white girl" and "subversive" have very similar themes? Unless I totally misunderstood the meaning of subversive lol
  6. Ah I totally forgot abt that, doesn't "notorious white girl" seem to have similar themes as "subversive"
  7. Did you guys see in the Lana q&a thread eclipse made @subversive asked to describe ldr5 in one word and he said your username...I think that means ldr5 could be named subversive
  8. I think she pulls all the colors off but black is usually my least favorite
  9. i remember him saying that lana would work with btd producers (emile I guess?) and that one of the songs from ldr5 would be dianne (in case you guysforgot)
  10. I wish box sets and vinyl players were cheaper, I guess I can understand the price of vinyl players but box sets are way to fucking overpriced...
  11. Imagine if a outtake from the album photoshoot leaked . Lana probably wouldn't care as much since it'd be an outtake and we'd get an insight into the album (Please excuse my thirst lol)
  12. Whenever I see the vintage kids lyric I imagine the album cover looking like this
  13. Lust

    Music Suggestions?

    I love this thread now ima check all these out And listen to zella day if you haven't she gives me Lana vibes but her music is still very different from Lana 's
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