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Everything posted by cheaptrailertrashglm

  1. Angels Forever, Forever Angels
  2. i believe in the kindness of strangers. Marilyn's my mother. I love 50s/60s era films, music I'm dating a recovering drug addict. I have depression and anxiety. I wear the same clothes over and over.
  3. national anthem version 1 vs my only god
  4. i agree that Circus was the PERFECT album to follow Blackout and her breakdown. Blackout and Circus are my fav albums
  5. lol the first photo is fantastic! and i'm super jealous <3
  6. these are so cute! i wish i trusted Etsy but i ordered some Lana stuff before and it was never sent even though i sent countless messages to the seller. -_-
  7. what?? what makes you think this? i'm pretty sure it's the same vocals and they just tried different production with the vocals to get the "album" version. since she seems to write the lyrics and melody first (correct me if i'm wrong), that's my best guess.
  8. i love it too and i envy it. i've never had a good relationship with my sister LOVE. where's the video for this??? also love her outfit, love Chuck's christmas sweater lol. also is that a ring on Lana's finger?????
  9. Honeymoon - 24 Music To Watch Boys To - 28 God Knows I Tried - 9 Art Deco - 18 Religion - 23 Salvatore -15 The Blackest Day - 37 Swan Song - 18
  10. national anthem demo vs tired of singing the blues
  11. i didn't read this one but I read the Satantic Bible and couldn't stop rolling my eyes at LaVey sounding like a whiny 16 year old that doesn't want to go to church. Such a bad example of a Satantist. Ruined our image. i have 0 sympathy for Taylor, she can look like that bitch lolol
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