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Posts posted by ivy

  1. I get you, but the last part you wrote is what I mean, hehe. :P Some songs on the album had better lyrics than others, but I’m liking the lines for the new NFR songs a lot more.


    Oh, then I guess we're on the same page lol! 


    I feel like the songs near the end of LFL (Heroin, Change, and Get Free) start to shift the focus back to her persona. It makes the transition from LFL to NFR seem smoother; and in this sense, LFL as a whole wouldn't be too weird in her discography, I guess! 

  2. I really appreciate how she's been working on her lyric writing. It shows that she's been writing a lot lately, I think her poetry book and coming with ideas for a musical helped her to evolve/go back to her roots a lot. Because the lyrical content in these songs are a big part of why I'm so excited for the album, it was as if Lust For Life was her small dip and now she's coming back up again.


    I think it's quite the contrary, actually. LFL was probably the easiest and most fun project for her to do. With her saying that it was "for the fans" and that it was more "socially aware" in terms of politics she could move away from her persona for a bit. (a different focus than her past albums)


    But yeah, it was probably a small dip for her in the sense that it's not as well thought out and deep as her other albums? So more in some sort of artistic way? Idk how to explain it, but I hope you know what I mean lol

  3. I posted this in the other thread but I wanna post here too. Just a little thing I noticed is how the White Mustang intro Lana did live sounds a lot like this new snippet. Maybe I'm reaching but I wouldn't be surprised if the intro ends up being the intro to Cinnamon. Let me know what you think!


    Yeah, I immediately thought of the WM intro too. Maybe she was in the process of recording Cinnamon at the time? :flutter:

  4. avril had like 4 years to deliver a better song and we GET THIS?? how are fans eating this up.


    Fans are eating this up because her fans are mostly young teenagers who have the same mental capacity as her. Not trying to be edgy or anything, but my teenage sister, for instance, is a big fan. Her lyrics are basic and relatable to youngsters.

  5. Listening to the lyrics, I imagine Avril writing that song thinking she's a genius for making up all the rhymes when it actually just sounds like a 14 year old's tumblr poem. 


    :lmao:  That's probably literally what happened

  6. Just like I expected... Very on the surface, no depth. I mean, it's a cute song, but the only figure of speech miss Lavigne knows is the analogy. It's always been that way. Oh well

  7. Do you think she loves fame though? she always comes across pretty shy to me and very awkward at Red Carpets or when being interviewed and things like that and even doesn't seem to like being on video or even making music videos and does hardly any things for publicity like radio and TV.


    To me it seems like she would like a more normal life of just going about like to the beach, going to the studio to work, going for coffee and food with friends, going shopping and blending in rather than loving fame and attention and wanting to be seen as a big star.


    I don't know... Based on the lyrics in Cherry she seems to have some sort of hate/love relationship with fame, imo...

  8. Would make sense if it was about Alcohol as the song does sound like it is about real violvence/domestic violence but if Lana had suffered from that she would probably have made other songs about it but there are no others(I dont think?).


    Her music is steeped in references to alcohol, but not in an overt way. She compares alcohol to love and (in her more recent albums) love to fame:


    Jim raised me up / He hurt me but it felt like true love
    Crying tears of gold like lemonade.
    Music to Watch Boys to:
    Nothing gold can stay / Like love or lemonade.
    Love, I said real love, is like feelin' no fear / When you're standin' in the face of danger / 'Cause you just want it so much
    Love, I said real love, it's like smilin' when the firing squad's against you / And you just stay lined up
    The last line in cherry seems to allude to her being photographed on a red carpet where she's being "shot". 
    From GQ interview (2012): "When I write about the thing that I've lost I feel like I'm writing about alcohol because that was the first love of my life."
    Her first love was alcohol, her new love is fame.

  9. No, I think they're definitely on the album, the press release that Fader had said that 2 new singles would be released with the album to follow, surely if these were stand alones the press release would've said so?


    I totally get what you're saying, because it seems like the logical thing to do, but let's not forget that nothing's ever certain with Lana. 


    In the end, does it really matter if the singles are part of the new album or not? Her decision of including the songs on the new album is probably based on her idea of how they would fit in with the new "narrative". And that narrative can change in the process of making the album (like with LFL).


    Ultimately she (almost) always delivers. So if these new songs aren't part of a new album, you'll know that something else amazing is coming. 


    What she does is great, how she does it is... well... flaky lol

  10. Someone on FB (can't remeber who though :\) had an interesting theory about Lana's discography, forming a cycle of some sort. BTD \ Paradise is the introduction; UV is her descent to hell ; HM is her rebirth and LFL is the state before crossing the threshold, before change happens. 

    Maybe this is why so many of us love HM: though still sad, we hear some hope in those melodies. The line from HBTB embodies that perfectly. 


    Wow, that's really interesting! Do you think those lines refer to all of her past albums?


    Anyone can start again = BTD (Lizzy Grant becoming Lana Del Rey?)
    Not through love, but through revenge  = Paradise (don't know about this line, though)
    Through the fire we're born again = UV (Album is filled with references to fire + "Thank you Dan Auerbach for bringing fire back into my life")
    Peace by vengeance brings the end = Honeymoon?
    Idk. I'm probably overanalysing again...
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