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Posts posted by ivy

  1. I realize the term "hospital"-sound sounds rather vague lol. It's more of a faint heart-monitor sound... I don't know how to describe it otherwise.

    I occasionally listen to the instrumentals. They’re the reason why I realized its beauty.

    Can you tell me which part of TBD? Never heard it


    I'm getting my headphones, because it really is subtle. I think the sound is there throughout the entire song, but its best noticeable in the parts where all the other instruments aren't as heavy as they are in the chorus.

    It's quite noticeable from 2:16 - 2:22 @cashcomesquick

  2. The more you listen to HM, the more it becomes more beautiful. I’m still noticing little details I hadn’t heard before.


    If you're looking for more details; try listening to the album instrumentals. They're amazing. It seems like the beats gradually become more heavy as you go on. 


    Also there's some sort of subtle "hospital"-sound in TBD which I think is very haunting. It gave me chills the first time I noticed.

  3. Gaga singing for her "monsters". I'm a human being wtf twoja stara


    All this slander for a song that my signature predicted I don't claim this fandom at this point


    Ah, good point lol


    Don't get me wrong, I think the melody and the butterfly imagery is nice! I wonder what the final song will sound like if/when we get to hear it.

  4. glad she scrapped this shit, oof if she released a song that said "tourlyfe" on one of her lyrics i would be so sad lmfao


    I mean, the melody is cute. But those lyrics... singing for her "babies". I'm an adult wtf

  5. We know what she's capable of when it comes to song writing and we know she's always trying to put something out that has meaning to it. Even if you don't like the political songs on LFL, they still have meaning. So I doubt that we'll ever get "empty" pop songs just for the sake of having a hit song. 

    But WHAT IS THE POINT of her wanting to be a role model now??? It's too late and it makes zero sense. She cant take back her past so bringing in younger kids to her music is a bad decision because they're gonna end up listening to her old music and hear all about cocaine and heroin and white lines and sugar daddies. So she may as well continue being a bad bitch and maintaining her fan base, the little kiddies that need things cencored can back off :crossed:


    People change. It's not like everything we say and do is fixed

  6. I'm gonna get a lot of shit for saying this but I think it's time Lana had a co - writer. She's been lyrically getting weaker and weaker with each album. She sometimes still has golden moments like Get Free but they've become real rare though out later records. She's been relying on production to take some of the slack and I think it's starting to catch up on her.


    I agree with you. It seems like she's "dumbing things down" in order to have a hit song. Hasn't she recently expressed a desire to have a popular hit? I mean, just look at LFL (the song), where she asked Max Martin (one of the biggest pop song producers) for advice. 


    However, I do think she's still able to make amazing music lyrically. I think it's just a mindset for her.

    "It's just a phase"  :creep:

  7. What is the song actually about? Is it about the burden that comes with fame? 


    What I picture when she sings "Love, I said real love, it's like smiling when the firing squad's against you; and you just stay lined up" is exactly this:



    The firing squad as the ones shooting (!) pictures of her.

  8. Beaches are always a theme in Lana music, i don't think that disproves anything.


    You're stating summer bummer lyrics like they're fact, have they been written down anywhere to confirm black beaches? I'd like to see it, she may have on Instagram maybe but not that I've seen


    I know how anti speculation Lana fans like to be and how ferociously they'll defend their ideas of her (why I often won't bother posting speculations on the forum), I just find black beaches a weird metaphor. But in a song with a lot of botany imagery, that also discusses a garden being burned, in my mind black beeches fit.


    I also enjoy looking at Lana's recurring lyrical themes collectively, so I'd be interested to know if it's yes another beach reference or her fawning over her beloved trees again like in 'underneath the pines'.


    I was wondering the same thing! I've been looking for clues in the lyrics of Scarborough Fair (as she said that it was her inspiration for Cherry), but I haven't found any significance yet as to the "black beaches" thing...


    I'm also not entirely convinced about the muffled background vocals yet, especially the "Sipping on ya like a Coca Cola" part.




    Make it up
    I don't care
    In the air
    What's there to do but try when you bartender
    All the things that you said
    Going 'round
    In my head
    Don't really matter much
    I'm just killing time


    I appreciate your investigation lol. And as much as I want it to be true ('cause it sounds like a nice melody), I just don't hear that. I do hear "What's there to do but try when you're passing by" (try and by even rhyme), maybe referring to her ToUrLyFe and how to spend her time in between shows. 


    Also, "when you bartender" is grammatically incorrect.


    But I'm living for these kinds of investigations, so please don't stop  :kiss:

  10. I don't mean to sound too genius lyricsy (because believe it or not, I had known about this phrase before the song came out :emma: ) but I always have two images in my head with that line (which is one of my favorite in the entire record)


    White Tennis Shoe syndrome is the phenomenon of the mind making up excuses in order to procrastinate doing really important things essentially (it comes from an anecdote of Ayn Rand, the writer, coming up with excuses before writing, and right as she's about to start she realizes she never cleaned her white tennis shoes from last summer)

    So Lana is maybe saying - embrace this lack of responsibility and carelessness (put your white tennis shoes on and follow me) because she and her lover are abandoning all material posession, attachment, etc. for each other. She will never sing again, he won't work another day, thats how strongly they are committed to this, or she wants them to be.


    White Tennis Shoes are also very mid-Americana aesthetically, so there's also the possibility that she likes that. He's putting on his white, pure, clean tennis shoes and going with her on an adventure/journey, the next chapter of their lives together. The assumption is that he has a clean canvas that will at the end of the journey be painted/dirtied or filled in with the experiences they make together. 


    This is amazing. Thank you! We love a lyrical genius lol


    Now, who of you were slandering Swan Song?  :brows3:   :creep:

  11. i love the build up, though very subtle: I will never sing again, and you won't work another day... It will be our swan song. 


    Agreed. The song is so nicely constructed. And also "put your white tennis shoes on and follow me", like: what does that even mean? It could mean anything, really. And it's so visual. 

  12. I didn't like Swan Song that much the first months after HM came out. Then I had a super rough day at work, dragging on to be a super rough week. I was coming home in my car, listening to HM, and then Swan Song came on and it was... just what I was feeling and needed. Lana's voice is so soothing on that one... And I was pleasantly surprised to enjoy that track and now I love it.


    There are some Lana songs we love at first, then there are the ones that are good but become so much more interesting after a few listens. And then there are the ones that need to grow on you. Mostly we fall in love with them when you are feeling a certain way, living a certain situation, and Lana just sings what you are thinking at that moment. 


    This! Swan Song is underrated imo


    The lyrics of are so haunting:


    "Let's leave the world for the ones who change everything" perfectly tying in with "And you've been gone so long you missed everything. The world can change in a day if you go away". It's poetically amazing. 

  13. I just re-watched that video of Lana with Jack Antonoff in the studio (video is in the original post of this thread) and WTF I am only just noticing that really faintly in the background you can hear a new Lana song!! It's really quiet and only a few snippets but it sounds amazing!! Someone with super techno skills should edit the other sounds out so we can hear the song in the background more clearly! 


    Omg. How did you even spot this? That's amazing!


    I guess we should keep our eyes and ears open at all times when she posts stuff from now on! (just like with the White Mustang BTS videos)

  14. Wow, awesome work! I think you're onto something @bummersummer


    I like to think that the one Terrence (or Terence) does not necessarily rule out the other, which makes the song even more interesting in my opinion. I think Lana is very much capable of writing such complex lyrics, especially with Honeymoon (the album)

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