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Posts posted by ivy

  1. Okay, buckle up, because I've been delving into some of the symbolism of Cherry and 13 Beaches... Why? Because I think that LFL (as an album) deserves a second chance and maybe we can find something interesting in the lyrics.


    Let me start off by saying that I've tried to support my arguments with some literature (as will become apparent), so please be kind when you disagree with any of this :)



    Often flowers and fruits are purely decorative. However, when they figure prominently in the main composition (...), they usually make a specific symbolic reference." (A Handbook of Symbols in Christian Art by Gertrude Grace Sill, 2011)

    I'd like to argue that the fruit mentioned in Cherry and 13 Beaches have symbolic meanings and that they refer to reflections on fame and Hollywood. 


    First, let's take a look at the following line of Cherry:


    "My cherries and wine, rosemary, and thyme, and all of my peaches are ruined".

    What does she actually mean by this? It's hard to tell, because it doesn't make any sense in the literal sense, but if we look at the symbolic meaning, we get this:



    Cherry: "The cherry has been called the fruit of Paradise because of its beautiful red color, its round shape, and the sweetness of its ripened fruit. It is the symbol of sweet, pleasing character, the result of good deeds. When held by the Infant Christ it refers to the delights of the blessed. As one of the trees in the Garden of Paradise, the cherry with its abundant fruit becomes the symbol of eternal life." (A Handbook of Symbols in Christian Art by Gertrude Grace Sill, 2011)


    Peach: "The peach symbolizes the virtues of a charitable tongue and heart - a charitable nature in general, akin to the seed within the pit of the peach. It is also symbolic of the quietness of virtue, which does not call attention to itself." (A Handbook of Symbols in Christian Art by Gertrude Grace Sill, 2011)


    Now, if we interpret cherries as "the delights of the blessed" and peaches as "the quietness of virtue", we could argue that what Lana is saying is actually:

    "I'm blessed to be famous because it gave me a lot. I try to stay out of the public's eye, but paparazzi always seem to find me", i.e. her delights and quietness are ruined.


    Moreover, her "rose garden dreams" (or how she pictured what it'd be like to be a famous Hollywood star) were not as carefree as she had imagined; the reality is that "it's like smiling with the firing squad against you" and that "you just stay lined up ('cause what can you do?)". With the firing squad possibly referring to paparazzi or camera men at red carpet events. 


    Next, let's look at 13 Beaches:


    "With dripping peaches I'm camera ready, almost all the time"

    13 Beaches seems to be a continuation of the same themes in Cherry - her struggles with fame and Hollywood. Whereas in Cherry her cherries and peaches were completely ruined, in 13 Beaches she seems to be more accepting of being photographed, but we shouldn't forget that her peaches are in fact "dripping".


    It's as if she was saying first "Leave me alone", and now she says "I still want to be left alone, but alright, sometimes you may go ahead and take your pictures". 



    Sorry for the essay, I kinda got lost in my own thought process lol, so it might not seem very coherent.

  2. Tell Me It's Over is alright. It reminds me a lot of her Let Go songs (also the unreleased stuff) and Rihanna's Love on the Brain, lol.


    But the trap beats? In 2018?  :rip: It seems like she threw those in just to seem "current". Oh well, at least she tried...

  3. Ok so, I've been thinking...


    There is this theory floating around here that the narrative of Honeymoon (the album) is some sort of 'battle' between Lana and Lizzy (author vs persona), which I think is really interesting.


    For instance, if you would keep that theory in mind while reading the lyrics or listening to the album, you could interpret Swan Song ("And I will never sing again and you won't work another day") as the last song of the persona. Generally speaking, because the definition of 'swan song' is "a song like that fabled to be sung by a dying swan; the last work of a poet or musician, composed shortly before his death; hence, any final performance, action, or effort." according to the Oxford English Dictionary. 


    On the other hand, if you were to apply that same theory to her recent lyrics...

    - MAC ("Right where you are; that's where I am")

    - HTD ("No one's going anywhere; I'm always going to be right here") 

    ...you could argue that she's fully accepted and embraced her persona.


    Just my two cents! Sorry for the essay lmao 

  4. yes! thats what I was trying to say! I feel like that persona is about to RIP soon in all honesty


    Lol! Didn't she say she felt like she said everything she wanted to say after she released BTD in that Vogue interview from 2012?


    "Oh, I don't think I'll write another record. What would I say? I feel like everything I wanted to say, I've already said." And yet, here we are, 6 years later lol. 


    It would be very interesting to see what would happen if she were to ditch the persona. Do you think she'll come up with a new one? Or do you think she'll start writing as herself? And is that even possible?  :um2:

  5. The fact that I had to read through almost two pages of slandering someone y'all don't even know only proves to me that some of y'all really should go outside more. Some of y'all are just plain jealous lmao (I am too, though, but still). 


    But sure, have your assumption-based opinions and stay pressed. If he's really that mean towards other fans, is he really worth it to talk about so much?


    ANYWAY. Today's a good day. The temperature is 12ºC, cloudy, but dry. 

  6. That would be amazing, tbh. But I do think that she would have to have very good reasons to do so, especially narrative wise. As AKA already has its spot in her discography (it being her first album), and how the rest of her albums are all built on their predecessors, it could seem odd to re-release it. 


    I don't think she would do it, but who knows? What if she does feel like she's come full circle with everything that's she's wanted to say with her LDR character? A new Lizzy album in the vein of AKA would be awesome too!

  7. Avril Lavigne - I was obsessed when I was 10-13 years old. I lost interest in her after that. Looking back, I think that sk8er tomboy wannabe punk thing was cringey and her music really wasn't that good. I got bored the last time I revisited the first two albums. Tried listening to some of the stuff after The Best Damn Thing but I couldn't get into it. 


    Ugh I feel the same way! I used to be a mega stan from the start when she came out back then. But whenever I hear her on the radio nowadays, I just can't listen to her anymore; her voice is too unpleasant. 


    Besides, I think she hasn't evolved in terms of songwriting at all. She still sticks to the same basic rhyme schemes, easy melodies, and blunt/superficial story telling. That's also why I think her "comeback" isn't going well.


    The last "good" song she made was Give Me What You Like, 'cause she does something different with her voice, and it has some kind of indie vibe to it.


    Today I was thinking about how Ultraviolence is, probably, Lana at her most poet-self if that makes sense. One of her career highlights is, without a doubt, Brooklyn Baby. This verse always gets me no matter how many times I listen to this damn song


    They say I'm too young to love you
    They say I'm too dumb to see
    They judge me like a picture book
    By the colors, like they forgot to read
    I think we're like fire and water (!)
    I think we're like the wind and sea (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
    You're burning up, I'm cooling down ( :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  )
    You're up, I'm down (! :crai: ! :crai: ! :crai: ! :crai: ! :crai: )
    You're blind, I see ( :icant:  :icant:  :icant:  :icant:  :icant:  :icant:  :icant:  :icant:  :icant:  :icant:  :icant:  :icant: )



    Queen of mentioning binary oppositions  :crying5:

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