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Psychedelic Pussy

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Posts posted by Psychedelic Pussy

  1. I know we get mad at Lana sometimes for paying a lot of her recent music dust at concerts & singing a bunch of BTD songs every time.. but I think honestly if Marina does a tour…  she should take a note out of Lana’s book and not play much, if any, of her last two albums <3

  2. 6 minutes ago, Inferno Euphoria said:

    Duality would have been such a better title imo and I really don't like the cover so I'm kinda disappointed ngl :toofunny:

    Oh my god Duality would’ve ATE as a title wtf

  3. 42 minutes ago, KeybladeMeister said:

    And now she’s just put a post on her Insta story coming out as a Zionist… 💀 Time to delete my streams and obtain it from other means… embarrassing 

    oop I just saw… oh well, shit music, shit person & shit views. not even surprised

  4. I’m back to say I still think this is such a disappointing album BUT I don’t wanna break up again is actually cute. idk if I’ll listen to it much but it’s sounding like an early 2000s girl group r&b song

  5. literally such a disappointing album lol. why serve up a song that has such an interesting beat, punchy lyrics & great vocal fx and then not have any of that present at all on the rest of the album :krylie:

  6. Boring ass album surprisingly yes and is the best track and honestly the only interesting track sonically & lyrically. Rest of the songs have absolutely zero flavour 

  7. 19 minutes ago, hisdruidess said:

    If we want masochism or new material it costs money. Studio time costs money, producers are expensive, legal fees are expensive. She’s obviously doing these tours to make money to try to make something happen. She finally ended her contract and is doing tours and making public appearances. We prayed for times like this lol idgi bc when she does nothing y’all are mad and when she makes moves y’all are still mad

    The ppl r mad because it has been TEN YEARS. Ten entire years. 10! T E N ! A DECADE!!!!!!

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