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Psychedelic Pussy

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Posts posted by Psychedelic Pussy

  1. Also I can honestly see Love being the first track with her saying "to begin with, all you need is love." I think that would be beautiful.


    And if the release IS pushed back this better mean a 16-20 track album with more collabs (e.g Marina, Borns) AND more solo tracks.


    At this point I think the 26th is a pretty reliable date though. Fingers crossed

  2. I feel like after this album she'll probably take a long break, she seems to be putting a lot more effort into this era than she has in the past and I can imagine her being her wanting to chill for a while after the touring and stuff. I hope she does stuff to keep us interested in the mean time. Would love to see her officially release AKA as some anniversary box set or something. Honestly can even see her doing an album in the form of re-recorded outtakes from different eras and pulling them together with interlude tracks kind of cataloging the past few years of her life. E.g. First few tracks being BTD outtakes then an interlude talking tougher times of her life before some UV outtakes, another interlude before Honeymoon outtakes etc or just songs recorded around those times and/or encompassing similar sounds.


    I feel like if she keeps trying to put out albums this often she's gonna run dry real soon, she acts like she's already worn out half the time and losing momentum, and her song writing skills and song quality in general might just continue to drop if she keeps pumping out albums every year or so with Rick.


    In saying that I think LFL is looking like itll be a solid album so far, but we don't really have much to go from other than 2 tracks, some titles and a music video that's already gotten old. Thank god the LFL mv is coming soon.

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