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Everything posted by knoxavel

  1. what is wrong with you? i was rooting for you, we were all rooting for you ... #TRIGGERED this is really hard - i mean ... i am slowly dying writing this: COLA BODY ELECTRIC WITHOUT YOU (OVER PRODUCED)
  2. knoxavel

    Lady Gaga

    they can't let it go. they want to build them up and then tear them down. just like they want every artist to release the same stale album every era and serve the same look 24/7. i can't with these kids. reminds me of that quote from gaga recently: talented. brilliant. incredible. amazing. show stopping. spectacular. never the same. totally unique.
  3. knoxavel

    Lady Gaga

    i found the MR video very endearing. different. everything people wanted from her during TFM/BTW. She delivers subdued gaga and you all act like children about it. i'm living for this basic gaga.
  4. talented. brilliant. incredible. amazing. show stopping. spectacular. never the same. totally unique.
  5. i can already see it - GO GO DANCER will be added to the list and a pole will be put out for her to strut ... ugh .... in my dreams.
  6. never. she's not for universal. i wonder if her dancers will be making a return. they were kind of a hit on the last tour. they were selling it like rent was due tomorrow.
  7. i'm so excited for some new OTTR performances.
  8. 10 - that shoot is everything.
  9. i already know i'm gonna be pegged as most petty. i can't wait ...
  10. i'd be down for a big brother type of event. let the games being ...
  11. you guys can let it go already ... tiring ... can't wait for LDR5 to sound the same .. every single track. #mybodycanhandle
  12. this scalding hot tea. also, can Lana work with Volcano Choir for LDR5 .. thanks.
  13. i hope LDR5 has a new sound but every song repeats it. praying. putting it out in the universe.
  14. but for real - when you make your theory video about HM - link me bby. i will be the first to view/comment and subscribe.
  15. apples and oranges. no rhyme or reason. no gin with no juice. no limes or apricots. no sea and moneys. no acid without any tone.
  16. i believe her trilogy ended without her even knowing. now on to the next chapter - on the other side.
  17. i didn't know that the first 4 tracks were all the same song. could have fooled me. actually i just started playing the title track and i swear i started singing GKIT .... damn the melody is just the same.
  18. you know what you said. i got what you meant. it's not that hard to read between the lines honey darling moon child.
  19. plus she brings in touring money. not the highest but definitely not low numbers. they know the kids will buy.
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