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Everything posted by knoxavel

  1. just not the production .... million dollar man suffered from the production that is on the album.
  2. what a teeeeaasseee!! she knows what she's doing ... so unfair.
  3. knoxavel


    how do you like it!?!? who's your starter - give me info!!!
  4. after last nights performance - i have a feeling LDR5 is going to be more piano driven / lounge sounding.
  5. knoxavel


    started playing MOON this morning ..... it's interesting so far. NEBBY is a freakin' cutie! i picked ROWLET.
  6. i love OTTR as a closer. i will never grow tired of this song. bliss.
  7. just because you can't imagine it doesn't mean its not possible.
  8. this is in mexico city .... you do know there are indigenous people in other parts of the world, right?
  9. i am shook. my friends there tonight with her husband and she told me that the set has been amazing ....
  10. hehe - your response made me giggle. i like you .. well let's just agree to disagree. if there are interludes, let's hope they are up to your standards. if not, well, we did the best that we could do with what we were given.
  11. knoxavel


    some of them are really hit or miss for me. but i am looking forward to more episodes.
  12. knoxavel

    The Weeknd

    joanne's number won't allow it to go to vinyl..
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