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The Greatest

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Posts posted by The Greatest

  1. Just now, Mer Boy said:

    Trump nor Biden are winning Georgia. Stacey Abrahams is winning Georgia. She singlehandedly registered 800,000 voters, mainly young and black. She turned down running for senate so she could see her message through. That’s what democracy is, not the BS the former President is claiming about “voter fraud” that is being laughed out of courts across our country. 

    I'm hoping she gets a cabinet position (is that plausible?)

  2. 8 minutes ago, Mer Boy said:


    i fully believe we would’ve had another 4 years of Trump had it not been for the pandemic he mishandled so badly. 49% of voters labeled it as their “main issue” (47% said the economy). 


    and honestly, i think 8 years of Trump would lead to more long term casualties and destruction than a 12-18 month epidemic. 

    The impact on climate change and healthcare likely would make up for it tbh 

  3. 1 minute ago, Mer Boy said:

    okay Georgia update for you @The Greatest

    - 5726 ballots from Clayton County have been counted and coming in shortly. 

    - Clayton County is currently 85% Biden. If that margin holds (and likely it will be higher), Biden nets 4,008 votes. He takes the lead in Georgia by 2,108 votes. 


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    someone double check my math i’m super tired. 


    Looking forward to it! Thanks for the update fam 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Mer Boy said:

    20,000 difference in PA right now. Projections it will be blue by sometime early in the morning (4-5AM ET). Hopefully they can just call this whole thing shortly after and we can have Trump give som half-assed concession speech (the latter isn’t gonna happen ik, but let me dream)




    hopefully before 3am. 

    Ugh I thought there was supposed to be one at midnight

  5. 37 minutes ago, Lentilus said:

    This nightmare might come to an end. Or it might become a full on night terror. I hate this feeling. I pray if Trump loses, he'll trip and fall down hard as he's walking to his podium, and and then walks away. That would be funny af. :oop:

    I’m worried he’s not going to accept it. He’s been sending out campaign emails about how dems are “stealing the election with absentee ballots.” As if he doesn’t vote absentee and as if there is any evidence absentee voting leads to fraud 

  6. 1 minute ago, Party Favor said:

    AP called Arizona and they’re the most reputable atm. It’s annoying how all the networks are at different points lol

    Fox News called for arizona so it’s not even partisan at this point. I think CNN and others are just trying to be careful after all the flip flopping and subsequent chaos that ensued after the bush/gore election when outlets called it early in favor of gore 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Party Favor said:

    i understand. it's so scary how in 2020, women still have to deal with this. men who discuss abortion are gross, but women who support making it illegal blow my mind. like how the fuck? pro lifers care about the fetus until after it's born and after that, fuck all is given. they really cannot stand how progressive america is and that is embarrassing since the us is far behind in terms of progressiveness. it ain't the 1950's anymore! enough! 


    also i think it's really great you're studying law! that stuff is super hard and i wish you the best with your studies :legend:

    I’ve heard a lot about how being pro fetus is the perfect victim because a fetus can’t speak up for itself, hold its speaker to account, question its speakers motives, etc. and it’s so true. They use it as a political vehicle but they deny people who are living the right to continue living time and time again. It’s hypocrisy at its finest. It’s greed, hatred of women, racist, I could go on. 

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