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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. Literally don't have a single song starting with X so I have to choose a song by the music group XXYYXX Alone (XXYYXX) A trippy song I found in 2014/15? When I was looking up the best songs to listen to while high lol. It's good background music for art and just chilling out, so I only ever listen to it for that. Tbh when I'm not in a stable mood it trips me out and makes me feel uneasy so I haven't actually heard the song in a while. G
  2. Ultra Violet


    The lights remind me of The Neon Demon scene I love her dancing so much, she does whatever she feels and absolutely just lets the music possess her. She's so inspiring, she makes me feel alive and want to actually get in touch with my physical body cause I'm really not at all
  3. A thought: What Sansa was saying at the start of season 7, how they should give the Karstark and Umber castles to families who were loyal to the North in the Battle of the Barstards, Well she finally got to do that, for the Umbers (not sure about Karstarks cause apparently Alys lived somehow), Mormonts, AND the Boltons since we never heard who became Lord of the Dreadfort after the BotB. I still think her decision to make the North independent was more for her gain (the North would not have had a problem bending the knee to Bran Stark...) But her stubborn style of ruling is definitely what they like in the North lmao. Makes me wonder if Bronn will demand The Reach to be independent too. Wouldn't he just love to be an actual King?....
  4. Arya and what's west of Westeros
  5. Naked as a Hand by Nostalghia Been listening since 2014 when I discovered her. It's a beautiful cinematic song. Reminds me of the essence of Lana's music a lot. The lyrics are so intense, it kinda makes me cry but fills me with love too. When I listen to it, I think of train rides, spring flowers and white clouds. L
  6. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    I heard somewhere it was October 14th cause you can hear that backwards at the end of the first promo. But I reversed it and its literally just growling. October is way after the end of summer anyway
  7. Divide by The Birthday Massacre Such 80s influence, mixed with a fantasy story. Still one of my favourite songs since 2014. It makes me think of some Dreamland with mythical creatures and the underworld. Next letter: O
  8. Omg sorry! I was trying to get the format to do a quote in the original post, so I went on the most recent comment on a random thread to grab the code and it just happened to be yours, then I accidentally kept you in the quote, my bad lmao Razors Edge by Digital Daggers. Used to listen lots when I was very depressed and it made me feel better cause the vocalist has a bright voice and it's such a smooth, well produced song I could actually enjoy every element of it, not just dark lyrics. Next letter: F
  9. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    I can't believe this era (now that it's finally begun) is going smoother than / going to be released before NFR AND Masochism Who woulda thought. Mel sure does like to mention and promise things lightyears before they come out, but like, at least it's steady promo before release. I better not have spoken too soon.
  10. I'll listen to it again when Dan Heath makes an orchestral version
  11. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    The way they say 'oooooh' is so cringe After everything how does she not realise her close association with her is the worst possible decision she could make
  12. Hey Boys and Girls by Evermore The best bop of 2009. Literally still never skip. I remember listening to it heaps on a desert road trip, so it always makes me remember how I was in 2009. Next letter: N
  13. Caladan by Grimes Listened to it since 2014 when I discovered her. I remember playing it in the car with my ex boyfriend and he told me to turn it off cause he didn't like it and that upset me :') Next letter: W
  14. Why is her Spotify avatar also the same as the Doin Time cover Like idk how spotify avatars work, if the artists have any control over it, but it sthe worst icon she's ever had
  15. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    IKR, it would be the perfect promo for her movie. Literally hate how stubborn she is with this. It will be too much at once. I don't want to feel overwhelmed. If I can, I will listen to the album for a few days before going near the movie Like, I know Melanie writes her songs for a very specific story, but I just prefer to work my way around a song before seeing the music video, cause I wanna feel something before I see what I'm supposed to see
  16. Fucked My Way Up To The Top In what situation would you listen to Freak?
  17. Lmao, okay, like when you're arriving in a new town for a holiday/day trip, cause the cheering sounds kinda energises me. Lana song to put you in a good mood on a Monday morning:
  18. I have an idea for a game that I hope some of you will like. The only name I can think of for it without it being too long is the Song History Game. Choose a song starting with the letter that was given Explain the history you have with that song (such as when you discovered it, how much you like it/how often you listen, and any memories with that song) Give another letter for the next player Example: Karma Police by Radiohead I remember discovering the song in 2013 when i just got into Radiohead. I listened to it a lot on a 2 week holiday that I went on, so it always reminds me of being alone, sorta sad but kinda accepting it. I still listen to it when it's on shuffle. It gives me of Mariner's Apartment Complex vibes so when MAC came out I listened to them back to back a lot. Next letter: Y
  19. I tend to think of freedom, a carefree lifestyle, walking on the streets alone, sun and blue skies, flowers
  20. I don't think it's actually the definition of mad though. She really wasn't that paranoid like her dad was and you could see in her last moments that she thought everything was justified. Kinda like how Thanos thought it was okay do make half of all people dissappear so the other half can prosper. He wasn't mad. Dany was just another Stannis with bigger motives and a dragon instead of a Red Priestess. Stannis wasn't mad either, just ruthless, means justify the ends type, just like Dany. She thought she could rule over everyone and that would be different from being an evil tyrrant because her vision was different. Only thing is, no one else was okay with that kind of corruption. Her becoming corrupt and too ruthless to be the 'kind ruler' everyone wanted was definitely forshadowed. The madness part isn't really part of her story.
  21. Thinking about how Drogon took Dany away somewhere. Probably to Valyria. It really reminds me that she was not from Westeros, like it was a spaceship taking her home or something. It is just really sad and eerie cause she never would have fit in as a Targaryen in Westeros but her body can't even go back 'home' to Valyria cause that place is also in ashes. She just didn't belong anywhere, and now Drogon is a lone dragon that doesn't belong anywhere either and that is even sadder.
  22. I'm actually really fascinated by all the humming, 'ahhs' 'ooohs' etc in lanas songs. I always pick out when one is like homage to another song such as the ahhs in Angels Forever being a reflection of the humms in Ride, or the background vocals of Doin Time being a lot like those of Summer Bummer Could totally make a video on this when I got the time.
  23. Amazing. gives me the 80's vibes of my favourite band The Birthday Massacre. LOVE the guitar part too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPRaX5bfPUc
  24. Ok i like this. thanks for pointing this out. I can go on like this...
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