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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. True @ the drogon part. I was expecting him to get one last close-up with Jon and then fly off without another word. I did NOT except him to take Dany with him. That part doesnt make sense. like he's a dragon, a reptile, not a cool loyal pet. Drogon had left Dany twice before so I didnt think hed have a problem leaving her for good.
  2. I am okay with this. I managed to feel sad for Dany, cause she actually believed she was good and was always going to do good things. It portrayed how corrupt people work very well, especially when they are corrupt by their beliefs of destiny and inherent right. Still doesn't explain the madness of last episode- if it was true to her morals, she would not have been so crazy when doing that and they would have showed more of her conflicted emotions when burning the city. I am sad for John most, especially because in the end he never had a choice, and he was always forced to kill what he loved, or be forced away from it. At least he got to be with Ghost and his friend in the end. I am very happy for Sansa, she looked amazing in her final scenes. Arya's ending is nice, but also just left hanging, and I feel like she didn't get enough closure. I wish she had at least said she'll come back one day and tell everyone what she saw instead of straight out 'I'm not coming back'. The Bran as king confuses me, but whatever, I never cared about who was King of the however many Kingdoms anyway. Happy for Tyrion and everyone else tho. Great that Grey Worm and the Unsullied are going to protect Naath, but what about the Dothraki? I think they'd be even worse without some crazy powerful leader to direct them.
  3. I am not a fan of the way Cherry is sung. It feels like she was very disinterested while recording it, and I can't help but miss what that song could have been. I've been skipping it for the last 6 months
  4. This is the most perfect unreleased album ive ever seen. Is Tonight short for I Don't Wanna Go? i shld know this
  5. it airs 11am my time. I conveniently got a sick day today, but not to watch the episode, i was just really depressed yesterday and couldnt bare the thought of being at work this monday.
  6. It was pretty much season 6 that overtook the books, which is where the rushing began. It was a great season but s7 is like s6 but skipping every second scene and s8 is like skipping 2 scenes at a time.
  7. Yeah exactly! this is what 2 incredibly rushed seasons do. We don't understand the depth of the characters anymore because everything has been so forced! We don't know their motivations or what triggers them because we haven't seen it develop.GOT used to be never shy away from tense 10 minute political conversations, cause they knew half the show was all about the depths of every characters thoughts and actions. Now the writers think its all fine and dandy to just tell us what happened and we have to be ok with them filling in the gaps like this.
  8. Oh man I made this thread and forgot to post my thoughts on Endgame. It was brilliant. I love seeing a movie that you actually can't predict, and while watching it you actually have no clue where it's going. Marvel did so well with this that I don't even know if I'll feel this good watching a movie ever again. I can't wait to watch it back to back with infinity war. Funny thing was, during the second half of the movie, I was so busting but held it in until Tony Stark was dying. Then I got back just as finally happened and everyone was standing there. I wasn't even mad. Best part of the movie I could have missed because I was never attached to him anyway. My afterthoughts are mainly around Gamora, as my favourite character, cause I can't wait for Guardians of Galaxy 3. It's so sad to me that she has no interest in Peter or the other guardians, but hopefully her sister will be able to win her back on the team. Absolutely loved Nebulas development this film. And also Doctor Strange 2. I can't wait to see how far he has developed as a character since these 2 avengers movies. I have a feeling his next movie is gonna be one of the craziest. Random note: Natashas hair in this film was SO on point. I feel hella inspired by it...
  9. That video is good, and enlighted me to things I wouldn't have seen otherwise. But it still doesn't explain my main issue which is: she could have just burned and collapsed the red keep with Cersei inside and that would have been enough. Her real enemy was in there. There was absolutely no need to attack the entire city first. She was only buying Cersei more time to escape. The only explanation could be her hurt feelings that she knew none of these people would ever love her. And that is the pettiest we've ever seen any ruler act in this show, besides Joffrey who wanted to slaughter all the civilians too for throwing shit at him, but even worse? cause the civilians had never actually done anything to her?
  10. idc if she has to try way too hard to be back in alternative. just giv eme anything to listen to that isnt straight out pop pls
  11. im such a bad fan i didnt know this goddamn. that better not be how they got big
  12. Fuck yes to the raspy grungy vocals. I love this so fucking much. Didn't even know it was coming. Is this YUNGBLOODS influence?
  13. I will never particularly love the single cover, but I'll go w it Wish it had been the same cover as the rest of the songs in the documentary, like some iconic sublime art for the soundtrack
  14. I'm so proud of Kate Miller Heidke (Australia). I've loved her music since i was like 11.
  15. Just checked out her YouTube I really like Tell Your Friends and Miracle. Plus the miracle lyric video is really cool!
  16. Yeah bc that's exactly what I got from the song lmao
  17. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Omg what. Here did this come from. Suddenly I am loving this (still just want an album and music videos not a movie tho)
  18. Cinnamon in my teeth from a kiss actually sounds completely unappealing and grotty. Remember the cinnamon challenge? We don't want that back.
  19. 1) what was the album/original Ultraviolence going to be like before the untouchable 5 leaked? 2) are there any demos or outtakes for Honeymoon and how are they different? 3) what are any unknown collabs that have happened? Why was that material never released or teased? 4) please give us the full history of your involvements with religion, sects, and all of your cult references in your music.
  20. The did the predictable thing but in the worst way possible. It would. Have been excellent if Dany had been far too tempted to go straight for Cersei and the Red Keep, but changed her mind last second. Instead they just made her burn everything without a goal or target. I'm so mad at Cersei and Jaimes death too. At least I know the books will save us
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