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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. What were the first Unreleased songs or demos you started listening to? Within the first 6 months of discovering Lana I got into Serial Killer, Hit and Run, Queen of Disaster at first, as well as Mermaid Motel, For K Part 2, Kill Kill, Pawn Shop Blues and Kinda Outta Luck I also listened to all the BTD demos a lot at that time and was especially obsessed with all the lolita demos It took me over a year to discover the rest of her unreleased and demos that was around in 2013-2014
  2. The pre- release thread cycle: 1. Anticipate news coming 2. Get depressed that no news arrives 3. Start trashing Lana's friends 4. Start trashing each other for trashing on this era 5. Repeat
  3. For once I actually lived up to my word! Anywho, here's my ranking including deluxe: Blue Jeans Summertime Sadness Born To Die Off To The Races Lolita Lucky Ones Million Dollar Man Video Games This Is What Makes Us Girls Dark Paradise Without You National Anthem Carmen Diet Mountain Dew Radio I do think this album has more consistency in amazing songs though. Even my 10-15 rankings are better than Lust for Life's best half (besides Cherry and Heroin).
  4. I'm still obsessing over Summertime Sadness and Dark Paradise being twin songs. DP was written while SS was being recorded. You can sing DP over the SS instrumental and vice versa. I think I'm going to make a YouTube vid of Dark Paradise with Summertime Sadness music video footage tomorrow
  5. I fucking hope so, but even if that was the case, it's still in ultra bad taste. Where is Chuck right now? CONTROL YOUR SISTER
  6. Yes! I like seeing your posts
  7. I actually like BPBP with Stevie Nicks. It's sweet and a charm. but it is not a strong point of the album, and it is not better than the leaked demo.
  8. YIKES we didn't wanna see that
  9. Ultra Violet


    Yeah that's how I feel about them too tbh. Especially Better
  10. Ultra Violet


    its been so long, we dont have the time for songs of 2 years ago on this album
  11. Ultra Violet

    Song vs. Song

    She's Not Me vs. Playing Dangerous
  12. 1. Coachella 2. Florida Kilos 3. Tomorrow Never Came 4. Don't let me be misunderstood 5. Change Having said that, I am okay with 3-5. I only really don't like Coachella and FK
  13. Ultra Violet

    Song vs. Song

    Backfire vs. I don't wanna go
  14. Omg you two I used to think it was a mess towards the end, and the layered humming used to disorientate me but I think it's kinda genius now, like a messy psychotic lullaby Okay, well I couldn't find the lie so
  15. Black hole babe https://www.instagram.com/p/BwKcC4KHKAr/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=roqoafkbrer1
  16. friday 4 sure Saturday is basically what she always does haha
  17. The flying scene was so rushed. A really bad decision on Danys part too. It was just like every other flying scene I've ever seen in any movie- Avatar with Jake and Ntiri, How to train your dragon. Can they ever do it more original? I thoughts Jon's heritage reaction was good actually. The only part I didn't like was how he hadn't seen Sam before then. Like, it had been a whole day at least and Sam just chose to hide in the Library and no one told Jon he was at Winterfell.
  18. The only contradiction was whether she came up with the idea for another name or her managers prompted her to. In the first quote she says "I". In the second she says "they". That's all. I think she was the one who decided on Lana Del Rey But it's good to see you back longtimeman!
  19. I am way too excited. The only way to watch in Australia is with Foxtell, but you have to spend $50+ a month on a package with other shit like movies, sports, etc. And then they only play it at certain times a day, So I dont wanna be locked into a useless expensive contract like that. So I am doing the good old torrent/stream again this season
  20. The most common belief of where her name came from: "I wanted a name I could shape the music towards. I was going to Miami quite a lot at the time, speaking a lot of Spanish with my friends from Cuba – Lana Del Rey reminded us of the glamour of the seaside. It sounded gorgeous coming off the tip of the tongue." Thought to be inspired by actress Lana Turner and the LA neighbourhood Del Rey OR the Ford Del Rey sedan. But, a conflicting interview from early in her career: source Was it a conscious decision to be a solo artist, and where does your stage name Lana Del Rey come from / why did you choose to use this instead of your real name? “No. I wanted to be a band but the label I was with and the team I had around me absolutely wanted me to be a solo artist. Lana Del Rey came from a series of managers and lawyers over the last 5 years who wanted a name that they thought better fit the sound of the music. My music was always kind of cinematic so they wanted a name that reflected the glamour of the sound.”
  21. Ultra Violet


    Yeah or it's just repetitive sound. Good art music but not that great for listening to like every other song
  22. That is indeed my least favorite Lana look
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