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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. Ultra Violet


    I thought several months ago you were saying you couldn't get into any of her pre-art angels stuff Or was that someone else Okay so Geidi Primes. BEST album art. Caladan and Rosa are in my faves of Grimes total discography. They're something else.
  2. She looks stunning in the OT vertical video
  3. Same, I spoiled all of Season 6 and 7 for myself cause I was obsessed with leaks and this time I've searched for nothing besides what the actors have said about it.It's going to destroy me omg
  4. Ultra Violet


    Circumambient is Grimes best song from Visions and in her top 5. Genesis is a bop and Skin is one of her best too. But the rest on Visions other than the 3 you mentioned can dissappear for all I care The only weak song on Art Angels is Belly of the Beat, maybe California.
  5. Sansa can annoy me but she is an amazing character and more realistic than a lot of the others. I think she deserves to be queen. All of her annoying moves can be justified by what she's been through too. I think it's silly that I like Arya more than Sansa tbh. I was just attached to Arya from the start. But the idk who my favourite character is anymore. Probably Davos.
  6. Neil Krug took Tame Impalas latest album cover (or single cover, I'm not sure). I actually think a psychedelic collab would be so sick. That's a lot of shit to go through
  7. Change I believe was just a maybe. She said she "might" or was "thinking" of doing that . I wish she wouldnt even tell us what she is thinking lol. Damn Geminis
  8. They do need to wrap up the Asylum Alien storyline. But yeah I agree Evan needs to be there for that at least :/
  9. Yeah which is why I'm glad they're separated by lots of songs. Both soooo good though, and not too similar for me to be like why
  10. Ultra Violet


    Fuck I'm glad. I was really starting to crumble there... Anyway, I can't believe I missed this announcement wtf is wrong with me https://twitter.com/Grimezsz/status/1108202117813043200?s=19 This is what I NEED
  11. Ultra Violet


    " salutations Gays, just before my new highly anticipated album comes out, I want you to know I regret art angels. I wanted to stay underground and didn't want my fan base to x 10 after that album. y'all took it the wrong way. it wasn't meant to be a good album, so if art angel fans could lemme crawl back into my cave, thnx, much appreciated ~ grîmëß " Well. Grimes is definitely one of a kind
  12. I'm enjoying Enjoy your Life and can hear it as my "getting ready in the morning" song. It sounds very familiar though, like Grimes, idk. I really love the production in True. I'm not even mad about it sounding 100% Pop cause I'd love to hear that on the radio. But it does kinda sound like a popular remix. To Be Human has amazing lyrics. Love it. I love hearing her full vocal range (or close to) in this one. Yep I think it's in my tops Love the main synth on End of the Earth. Reminds me of my favourite band The Birthday Massacre. Towards the end. Omg. I don't know how songs like these always end up being my favourites automatically. So yeah my ranking: End of the Earth Handmade Heaven To be Human Superstar Enjoy Your Life / True Baby Orange trees
  13. Listen, we can appreciate a little Jesus/God reference here and there, but we don't have to agree with Lana's decision to go to these massive Catholic church cults if it's because she's trying to feel like a better person, or a more wise person. It just doesn't do that to people. I think it's quite smart how Lana uses christian references symbolically to represent understanding life, when she actually has never said she is a Christian. She avoided that question by saying she always liked the IDEA of God looking over us. So if you look at it from that perspective, it is quite shocking that she is suddenly deciding to go that way, and be very public/socialite about it. Especially considering all the shit coming through about the Catholic Church covering up assaults on children.
  14. Ultra Violet


    I don't like the new demo. At all. Hate her voice. Lyrics are gross. Urgh. She is actually insane. "People took Art Angels the wrong way" oh my bad Grimes, did you not want your fanbase to quadruple after that album? I'm so sorry :'( wish Elon Musk never heard Art Angels so he wouldn't have a clue who you are and you never would have been in a relationship with you? Sorry bout that too
  15. I gotta admit, if Lana keeps doing this church thing I'm gonna reconsider my "what will it take for you to unstan Lana?" pledge.
  16. It's that which makes me think it's a bridge of a song
  17. Ultra Violet


    It's been such a shame that some of the songs on LFL and by the sound of it, NFR too, could have KILLED if they brought in some good production in the way Young & Beautiful and Old Money do with the strings and such. I'm all for piano ballard's as long as they actually DO something by the end of it!? It's like unreached potential. I'll forever be sad that Change didn't become some haunting strings ghostly song and I will be really sad if a few more don't pick up like this either on NFR
  18. Ultra Violet


    It does make me think of In Your Car, but her vocals seem a lot different. Unless this part was the bridge? I think it would be more interesting as a bridge rather than a verse or chorus
  19. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    What do you think is worse right now? Lana posting endless photos with random friends doing random things when she has a finished album to release or Melanie posting endless selfies and selfie videos of her being xtra cool and edgy when she has an album to release and a movie to get on with
  20. I'm glad. Haven't liked his characters since Freak Show
  21. I miss the last 4 episodes because I'm going to be on a field trip with no internet or reliable phone reception
  22. I thought it was Colt leader, like the firearm colt, and colt leader was just some guy who was holding the gun
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