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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. If you don't mind, could you link the picture? I'm curious haha. I didn't think it was that early!
  2. Kiss me hard before you go, Summertime Sadness. I just wanted you to know, that baby you da best ^iant that the chorus? Then the repetitive part is the hook? Idk I didn't take music. But I left that one out because there's also a longer bridge before the chorus which takes out some of the repetitiveness. Same with National Anthem which is why I didn't count that one either. I'm so excited for the things we haven't heard. Lana isn't going to tease the best of the best.
  3. Alexa, play every chorus from Born To Die: The Paradise Edition except Ride and Body Electric
  4. We need to start calling Billie "She Who Must Not Be Named" Don't wanna bring more attention to her do we.
  5. Oh my God this is the only thing that makes sense right now. IT ACTUALLY MAKES SENSE. The IDGAF attitude totally makes sense if it was thrown at her label. Ever since the new years "I'm gonna be an insta baddie shit" definitely could have been when she found out about pushing it back. Because all the shit before then was just regular lana shit. But now it's on another level. Makes sense for Hope too. Her reply on her MissDaytona Twitter makes sense too. "who knows when it will be out", because she doesn't even know cause her label has fucked her around??? I feel bad and once again, I take back all the shit I said
  6. What is "it"? What did they do? Why was it free? What were those reasons??
  7. Hes too busy blessing America to have any knowledge of what she's doing.
  8. This is true and I definitely see what you mean, especially about it aallll relating to the US Tbh, Lana is sheltered, and it bothers me from time to time until she actually speaks up, and that's only happened once or twice. I mean, she did say that she wasnt aware of the issue and importance of feminism (she didn't say the word but she 100% meant it) until her friends and chuck started talking about it in the lead up to Trump's election. I've criticised her enough though, and I just really wanna see her come through. She's been trying, so we gotta give her that.
  9. I finally listened. I hadn't even heard her singles in full before. I think I had avoided it cause when someone/something is hyped SO much I tend to avoid it cause I don't like people telling me what I should like. I like the album. Plenty of fillers but I do really treasure When The Party's Over and Ilomilo and think I'll actually add them to my regular playlists. Wish You Were Gay and Listen before I go are maybes too. So I get why everyone likes her but I don't get why some think she's the best thing out there right now and that all her songs are perfect. I suppose people like her personality too? I've never watched an interview, as I personally don't feel like stanning a 17 year old. Just mho
  10. That's amazing!! I wish I knew them in their Imagica or Violet days, but sadly, I was like 6-10 I love their old stuff and I completely lost myself in it when I first discovered them, but they just keep delivering with no dissapointments whatsoever. It drives me insane how a band can stay that good!
  11. Yes <3 I believe my sister stumbled across Looking Glass in 2010 and it just went from there.
  12. This is true, and Lana is kinda the same, yet they are so different that it would be pointless to compare them for that! Also, Werewolf is really cute and I wanna cry
  13. I like Everything Is Embarrassing but it definitely was not the song to get me into her music. I think that was Red Lips for me cause I saw a gif of the video on tumblr and just knew whatever it came from, I was sold . When I heard Everything is Embarrassing I was kinda like "okay cooool :)" but NTMT really did that for me
  14. Eh, okay I listened to OT and SS in full finally. They aren't too bad but they aren't good. I just don't like bright pop like Orange Trees even if she does sound nice in it. And Superstar sounds like something I would have liked as a kid, that's all.
  15. Rick Nowels: "The second song we wrote was 'Summertime Sadness'. I felt it was a career song. I realized she was an amazing songwriter and lyricist. When we were recording the song, we wrote 'Dark Paradise' in-between takes of 'Summertime Sadness'…literally recording one and writing another. It was a very exciting time. That album became 'Born To Die,' which has become an iconic album". I just love this. I saw a comment on the Dark Paradise instrumental YouTube video saying that you could sing summertime sadness over it, and vice versa for the SS instrumental. I was wondering why they were so connected, like maybe Dark Paradise was the other perspective of SS, or the other person. It also reminds me of how connected Cola and Body Electric are, as I explained in a blog post a while back. http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/blog/223/entry-914-great-sunshine-vs-pale-moonlight/ I think having back-to-back songs is so powerful and special, even tho DP comes a few songs before SS.
  16. I'm finally making a thread for my favourite band, ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* The Birthday Massacre *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Their genre on Wikipedia is 'gothic rock' but I see it a LOT different, blending 80's synth with rock and dream pop in some songs. They're a Toronto band, have been around since 1999 and currently have 7 albums, going on 8, (and 3 EPs) Their music is very thematic, evolving with each album, starting with dark childhood fairy tales, to school years, to adulthood, spirituality and witchy themes. In order: Nothing and Nowhere Violet Walking With Strangers Looking Glass (EP) Pins and Needles Imaginary Monsters (EP) Hide and Seek Superstition Imagica (EP/re release album) Under Your Spell I think those who really like fairy tales, witchcraft and poetry would love their sound and their lyrics. Also, if you're a fan of rock in general, and also more quirky music such as Melanie Martinez (im sorry, but youll see what i mean), and love the sound of music boxes, wind chimes and ghostly noises. I would suggest starting with their newer albums (Superstition, Under Your Spell, Hide and Seek, Pins and Needles) and then working your way back, as their newer albums have a more advanced sound. Definitely to be heard through headphones. The latest video from Under Your Spell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgFFAeG5BBQ And some others: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbxCYywkcSo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SREZ-ggSDjM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kp1FRKc24Zk And my favourite song of theirs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ds73xDoP780 Also, just look at their album art
  17. Heavy Metal Heart and I Will are always the ones I go back to
  18. Has anyone talked about how Hope Is A Dangerous Thing is like an amalgamation of Heroin and Change? I live for this. Hope is better than any of her poetry.
  19. I'd love the first one as the cover, just a little less awkward, like her actually looking at the camera, and not half twisted in her seated position. Wow this is so similar to that god level paradise theme where its like too good to be from this earth that it just turns into pure art. I love it.
  20. https://www.instagram.com/p/BvhlEfeHfqp/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=h7ezl2fiblk7
  21. I had no expectations but this is what I really did want the most. I needed a song to drown myself in and this is so perfect. It reminds me of Venice Bitch in the way that you can just become the song and go along with it, but at different spectrums. Every single element of this song is among my favourites of what I love in music. I think it's the best song released so far this year.
  22. Let's see how much hate I get for this. Florida Kilos
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