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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. Yes she will tell us allllll about the poetry book
  2. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    I don't have the receipts for this but she also has no respect for her fans that have told her to tag her more extreme posts like rape for trigger warnings She makes me sick. She's a fucking abomination hiding behind that pathetic "just respect my kinks pls"
  3. Wow I- I Don't know what to say But I do know I'm not gonna keep my hopes up even now lol
  4. I have the very strong belief that it's all gonna be okay when the middle aged people currently in power all retire and our own generations take the wheel. Change will be so so rapid hwen that happens, we won't believe our eyes, and we'll be so happy. I love this kind of hope, when I know my generation is overall going to do so much good instead of bad. But also, don't want to make this thread sappy. Soz
  5. I'm rewatching Murder House and it has made me realise something about my ranking of favourite seasons. The first two seasons, maybe the third too, were definitely the best at pulling in viewers. Every episode is so solid and you simply can't miss one. Every storyline was fascinating and there were no boring extras. The bad corny acting was sparse and only with minor minor minor characters. I said Apocalypse was my favourite, but I admit that was just me being excited to see old characters and a hot new one with a major role.
  6. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Well she clearly got some work to do cause she hasn't left behind that yungelita pedophile yet
  7. The trailer is epic. I mean, it didn't really show much more than the outline we already know but footage is always welcome and well received. After them saying that Arya has had the most training yet never been in battle, I am so so sooo excited to see what she does this season. I'm also really excited and scared to see how Jorah and Jaime go
  8. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1E4yrYiQJfy370?si=6BS-1LydR4ieIJcKBc_n-Q Twenty One Pilots Spotify Radio. There's some really good songs on here. Plenty you'd already know but lots that are relatively undiscovered and quite close to TOP sound
  9. The fact that this poll would definitely be the most uniform out of all of her albums is quite telling. It's her BEST album. I always struggle between Honeymoon and Ultraviolence, but I think she just 'did' Ultraviolence the best out of any album. There was so much anticipation. There was nothing to criticise in her lead singles. NOTHING. It came out so soon after Tropico. It was like her Rebirth.
  10. Magical. I would have loved this. But imagine the firing squad line with the footage of her in HBTB with the big ass gun
  11. Omfg yas Lana or just stop hanging out with girls your age. Go back to the 60 year old married men pls and thank u x
  12. Ultra Violet


    I just want her to give a few more tracks with that glorious new Electro Metal sound
  13. This needed to be said on the first page of this thread
  14. Same omg. I think the lfl cover was the only reason I didn't buy the vinyl Ok after my bashing of the poem 12 hours ago, I have woken up with a fresh brain and just came to say I love Mariners Apartment Complex, I Love Venice Bitch, they are in my top 10 Lana songs. I love Hope is a dangerous thing and I think it's the most mature lyrics of any song I've heard in like 2 years so.
  15. All I know is im buying the album, whenever it's released & streaming it every day until the day I die, and I'm not buying the poetry book.
  16. omg this is exactly what i would choose her god-given album that dives into the life of being a hollywood star, her intense relationships with powerful men in the film and music industry, and finding peace within this lifestyle And that album cover is perfect for it too.
  17. This! it just gives off the vibe of a middle aged person (as @@venicebitch said) trying to slide into 'what's cool' for the millennials. I do like the poem too if I blur out like 3 lines haha
  18. I get you now, and I do wish I could see it that way. I honestly hate feeling like a hater fan in moments like this.
  19. But really, any 13yo could do it better than this. Don't lie Middle aged M- MIDDLE AGED!? Authenticity was everything she did before the LFL era, not jumping on to the memes where fans call her a soccer mum ff lol I'm sorry ily Venice but there's times where we are allowed to admit that what we are being served has no flavour
  20. I'm going to be so depressed during May as I'll be away on a massive 3-4 week work trip where we'll have no internet and usually no reception. I'll get to see the first 2 episodes and then miss the last 4. But positive is that I'll get to watch them all back to back when I get home
  21. This could literally be a classification system for personality type Dark Paradise Demo 1 Angels Forever Catch And Release Yes To Heaven She's Not Me (Ride or Die)
  22. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Sooo... Let's just agree she's a sketchy biach but we love her music and still stan?
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