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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. Hope is a dangerous thing. Women are dangerous beings.
  2. The part where she talks about the album cover.... Ben not being sure just sounds like a biiiiiiiig no no. But the one she's going to shoot and compare sounds so interesting. I hope we at least get to see both.
  3. I got the same ending and decided to just go to credits I found it so repetitive in the end i was just dying for it to end I hope they do more of those stories but i just wasnt into this one at all.
  4. Nah March is too soon. She still needs 4 months to mix, and then another week to change the album title and scrap a few more songs that she's talked about
  5. I narrowed mine down to 25 on a spotify playlist. And these are all time faves that will never ever be knocked off that list. https://open.spotify.com/user/violetopium/playlist/498B9ZTo84nVfaBxGMvJSw?si=jbOrTpC8S8-ozWDk-_ZAig 3 are Lanas (Cruel World, Freak, Heroin, but Angels Forever would be on there if it we're on Spotify) Some others that some users here would know are Radiohead- Pyramid Song Bjork- All is full of love FATM- Strangeness and Charm The Neighborhood- Stuck with me
  6. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    I like the soft vintage style she's been showing on insta lately, And she's getting rid of all her toys so let's hope Cry Baby persona really is over
  7. I guess they really got the best of us didn't they They said that love was enough but it wasn't Vs. Boy you're so crazy, baby I love you forever, not maybe You are my one true love You are my one true love
  8. I think the o ly correct way to listen to In My Feelings is right after Cherry This. This is why they withheld the instrumental from those leaks. We still don't have it do we
  9. I guess they really got the best of us didn't they They said that love was enough but it wasn't Vs The earth shattered, the sky opened Their rain was fire but we were wooden
  10. Music to watch boys to A song to walk to work to
  11. Thank you! I was also thinking Father John Misty, I just have to go through all their songs again (And also Radiohead lmao, particularly Karma Police)
  12. I've given Venice Bitch more listens but MAC is really the standout in Lana breaking through with something different. VB is sweet and gorgeous but I can get the same vibe from listening to Lana mumble around on stage. My point is, Lana has not shown her power so maturely in any other song than MAC I'm not interested in people thinking this is VB hate, as it absolutely isn't, I just want to know what songs and which artists have made something like MAC before.
  13. The humble power and stability that is Mariner's Apartment Complex just can't be matched. But like, please do quote me with songs that do match. I may just be overlooking them. I want to make a MAC playlist, but even Venic Bitch doesn't go there
  14. well it’s been a year with no replies but i’m dedicated to keep this updated their newest release is so beautiful and with a hauntingly beautiful video to go with it and these two from earlier in the year Alone Tonight is my favourite but PPP is gaining on it
  15. Anna Biller (the director) has actually said she considered Lana for Elaines role but she decided on someone knew to the scene. I am glad she chose Samantha in the end though, part of me thinks Lana in that role would be ‘too much’ and that I’d crumble and die.
  16. I guess they really got the best of us didn't they They said that love was enough but it wasn't V You should have known better than to have, to let her Get you under her spell of the weather I got you where I want you You’re deader than ever And falling for forever
  17. 1. The Love Witch 2. Ginger Snaps 3. American Beauty 4. Alice in Wonderland (original) 5. Avatar 6. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt 2 7. Ginger Snaps: The Beginning 8. Coraline 9. The Nightmare Before Christmas 10. American Mary 11. Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World 12. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 13. Sisterhood of the Night 14. The Handmaiden 15. Gone Girl 16. The Fountain 17. Annihilation 18. The Witch 19. Titanic 20. Lucy I'm pretty certain with the top 5 but 6-20 could be rearranged in any order. They're just the great movies in my life
  18. Got a million things I wanna say Like what is it all for? Will it be okay? Vs There's no more nights Blue skies forever
  19. I think the song up until the first chorus is that magical. The chorus is so... Boring, and I like Sean's voice but it just isn't magical, that's all.
  20. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    We literally knew all of that already hhaa
  21. She's incredible. I remember her song Sick being posted on youtube under the name 'Lana del rey - asphyxiation' or some shit. I couldnt find out who it was for like a YEAR. Glad i finally did. she is so raw and entrancing. She reminds me very much of Nostalghia (and Nostalghia said she loves her so aww), My favourite of her albums is Pain is Beauty
  22. IMHO Groupie Love is the star of this album I appreciate this comment, but change? wh-a sis?
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