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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. Yes the new album is just amazing. Every song is pure magic. I don't know when it will be on Spotify ugh cause idek the actual release date for the album, since pre-orders got the digital copy early. And yes, just us two hahaha. I don't blame everyone else though. She's still a smaller artist, but it sucks cause I know for a fact there are plenty of members on here that would connect to her level of music.
  2. So so true, I guess I just noticed it more with the parts I'm most involved in myself. Omg TEA
  3. Kingdom of disturb is the msot beautiful song I've heard in a long time And Liminal one of the hardest hitting
  4. Imagō is incredibly strong. She sounds crazy, exactly like the loudest thoughts in our heads.
  5. Just gonna keep spamming while listening. Colour Me Alive reminds me of a more chilled out PMIAM (Lana), just the beat and guitar. Gorgeous creature is so intense I'm literally entranced. She sounds like bjork in the chorus too omg yes
  6. Imago is OUT! About to listen to my digital download. I also happened to be wearing one of her band shirts to work when I saw the email
  7. Pig? I kindly ask you to lower that tone. This is NOT the Lust For Life Pre Release Thread
  8. Another thing to consider with the writing of this season is that Anton Lavey in real life did not believe in an Antichrist or even Satan himself and believed Satan was just a force within us. Satanism was originally just a religion to 'show' opposition to Christianity and worship ourselves and our desires, not literally worship the devil. I have meddled with Satanism myself actually, but yeah, AHS made a great season out of it so idrc (Also witchcraft too but Coven is my favourite season just because I think they portrayed almost everything right except the actual physical powers)
  9. I love this. Yet sadly I think she's just referencing another legendary song that she liked, with nothing much more behind it. I'd love to be proven wrong tho
  10. Watched this and loved it. ESPECIALLY the part about Mallory being angel-descended and her power (being of a different kind to witchcraft) would be time travel/alteration. It just makes so much sense cause the way she just 'did' her magic seemed on a different plane to the coven witches, and then of course if there was a big showdown between Michael and Mallory. That would be amazing. Bioshock always felt post-apocalyptic to me. This season I wish they explored the outside world after the apocalypse more. Seemed like the whole season should have just been called something else like Anti-christ instead. Would have made more sense.
  11. I think it definitely needs to be textless yeah haha. Norman Fucking Rockwell just wouldn't look right on any album cover, and especially for sales in store. Damn You I waiting through like 5 loops before I realised this gif was about waiting and nothing was gonna happen
  12. Ultra Violet

    Techno Music

    If this isn't techno then I definitely have the wrong idea https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=OuBmiu68ECU Heaven, dj sammy
  13. If I ever logged on to Lanaboards and it looked like this I'd freak the fuck out. That shit gives me nightmares No hate on you, you didn't create it. But what are those different symbols for the threads? I need to go ground myself now. Oh I'm down for this Yeah I have this issue ALL the time. I could sit there trying to quote one person for like half an hour only for LB to freeze, same as mentioning them. But then I can go quote a different person and there's no dramas.
  14. That flannel looks so new and unworn. It's hurting my eyes. Cute tho
  15. Current layout is my savior and I'd implode into oblivion if it changed much I'm very keen for a new theme though praying that the NFR shoots look like the ultraviolence ones. I have a feeling green might be the thing this era Definitely agree with sub folders for the entertainment threads.
  16. Apocalypse, while not my #1, is definitely my favourite recent tv series to come out this year. I've been rewatching it in different orders to try and match up the time line and see how different the effect is on me. It's really quite fascinating. Its interesting to see Michael's character growth tbh. And I just found out he's a gay Australian actor, from my old home town. How incredible! I think it was just the last 10 minutes of the finale that seemed underwhelming.
  17. Cruel World Song to get high to without drugs
  18. That bitch. How could she 'jk' about this https://twitter.com/skyferreira/status/1063915693538652160
  19. 1. Asylum 2. Coven 3. Apocalypse 4. Cult 5. Murder House 6. Roanoke 7. Freak Show 8. Hotel Though I really think Cult and Murder House were tied. 4th&5th. Murder House just had better characters while Cult had a better story line cause I always feel totally shit after watching an entire season in that house (also partly why Roanoke and Hotel didn't get higher)
  20. The Blackest Day Song to listen to after a stressful day
  21. True true, I'd probably say 8/10 too.
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