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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. I thought that too, i thought it would be corny but then i watched the trailer and it nearly fucking made me cry. Lana would be amazing writing and singing something for this. Better than anyone else in the industry But yeah we pretty much know its not happening
  2. They probably didn't mean for it It was just that annoying song they hate stuck in their head, so it subconsciously happened
  3. Game of Thrones Favourite decoration piece in your room
  4. That would be sweet but i have a feeling, out of the song titles we know, it would be emotional machine
  5. Thank fuck for your opinions I'm so tired of E%&@ fkn R*&%#ts. Her role has always been the weakest part of the seasons she's in.
  6. Me: *likes all the posts trashing Lana about not posting or releasing music* Also me: *likes all the posts telling us we should be more patient fans and let her take her time, just to show that I get it and am trying as hard as i fucking can to be chill and not lose all hope for the world and our fanbase*
  7. So is the Charli thread active all the time because there's legit stuff to talk about? I just assumed y'all were crazy
  8. Alexa play Architecture by Lana Del Rey Well. .if Halsey got used, she shoulda seen it coming
  9. The white mustang video had a horrible tone of colour, just dreary, which did indeed make the song more dreary and plain. When I think of it, i think of that gross bottle-green colour with a cool toned nude. Just horrible.
  10. Australia. I never wanna leave Fave fashion decade?
  11. Lmao, truth is, I actually feel bad for her. Lana be cackling "I told you so"
  12. Don't remind us that Change could have been THAT cinematic
  13. Chorus is Born To Die. Don't blame you for not getting that far if that's what happened lol
  14. I can only listen to this song when I'm in the pettiest mood ever And this is just like wayamayas intro, though I can still listen to it and like it https://youtu.be/oyckRo0I1WU
  15. Wow I love your comparison
  16. I know for a fact that I want to keep listening to like 5 songs from here, mainly SFOS, Big God, Patricia, 100 years and The End of Love. But the rest, idk, I guess I'll jut keep listening here and there to let them grow on me, but I don't think all of them will. Let me ask though Those of you who have HBHBHB as your favourite, is it the whole album, or just certain songs? Or like, just, what is it? I love the album but it feels less magical than both Lungs and Ceremonials
  17. Pretty much. I guess tho. If she was unhealthily skinny her boobs would be much smaller than usual. But on the tour they were POPPING
  18. The first and last ughhh girl Is it just me or did Marina loose a lot of weight after Electra Heart, like during her Froot tour she just looked incredibly thin, but , but it was kinda scary I hope she was at least healthy
  19. Wtf, I always hear car and it just makes so much sense to me? Cause she always sings about that? Me and my stupid ears ''You talk lots about God. Freedom comes from the call, but, that's not what this bitch wants. Not what I want at all.'' Vs. "It's not one of those phases I'm going through. Or just a song, it's not one of them. I'm on my own, on my own, on my own again I'm on my own again.. "
  20. Hahah your avatar is the best one on here, and every time you deliver this sass it just makes it even better
  21. They seriously gonna make me click "next slide" for each and every 100 songs! ? Who do they think we are? Lmk what Lana got lol
  22. I usually can't rank for a couple of weeks after listening, but so far: June I didn't even expect to be that good. I love the instrumental South London Forever: damn is Florence just a grown up Skins character? And I definitely like the second half of the song better. Grace: it's really beautiful and not what I expected either Patricia drew me in so much from the first second. So far it's a favourite. It has all the best elements of Florences music. Emile, bring this shit back to Lana! 100 years has the same effect on me, and that turn halfway through! Song that do that are so ageless and special. Okay this is #1 so far. The end of love is so heart breaking. But in a way it makes me feel like everything is going to be okay? The end is so hypnotic. No choir: wow the opening lyrics get me so hard. I'm never a fan of acapella intros except for now. I love the instrument, it sounds like a fairytale to me. in the end, the most forgettable are probably the first 3, but I always seem to have unpopular opinions so I think I'll definitely be listening to this album lots. Tbh, I'm more blown away than I was with lfl. And also, I think this one ties with HBHBHB, but I think I just relate to HAH more. Ceremonials will always be my Bible though
  23. Ultra Violet

    Song vs. Song

    That's so hard WTWWAWWJKD vs Swan Song
  24. Idol of roses iconic soul, I know you're name. Lead me to war with your brilliant direction. Vs You talk lots about God. Freedom comes from the car, but, that's not what this bitch wants. Not what I want at all.
  25. I think jewelry would sell the most, as well as shirts if they were designed better. This is why fan made unofficial shirts on etsy and such sell a lot more than official merch, because people can make what they know the fans want. If the Coke spoon necklace was a little cheaper, and also came in silver, it would be the most popular item. I remember wanting it in 2013/2014? But I hated gold back then, and my budget was like $30, the necklace was like $60. Plain white, grey or black shirts with a simple print like ULTRAVIOLENCE, or the actual album cover, etc, would sell so well too. With the tracklist of the album on the back would be even better. I've seen PLENTY of people with a shirt of the BTD or UV cover but were these ever official merch? If so, why were they taken down if they sold so well? I know it's cheesy of us to copy everything lana wears (I'm somewhat guilty), but I would definitely buy things like her designed headpins/clips, maybe of matching moons and stars for the LFL theme. If she sold a rosary chain, I would not buy it cause I'm not Christian, but plenty of people would and I'm sure it would look amazing. Lighters that say "born to die" Lol how fitting. Or gun lighters where the flame comes out of the firing end. If she sold flower crowns, with stars and planets on them omg The ideas are endless
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