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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. Also, now that I'm aware that Honey Gentry is actually on Lanaboards secretly, (or has friends/fans that are) I just want her to know that I'm probably just a stupid music critic (to every musician I listen , including lana) who can't keep their mouth shut. I'm always gonna keep listening, cause it's still good music. It might also be because I want to make my own music one day, so when I hear songs by my faves i can't help but be like "oooo, I would do this instead" Like seriously Don't take me seriously
  2. So I've heard her Moonlight EP. 1. Heaven California 2. Bleed Honey 3. Honeydew 4. Angel Honey It's nice, but the only one that stands out to me is Angel Honey, which is very ethereal. If only it were just called Angel, because using the word Honey 3 times in a 4 track EP? Haha The first three songs just blend in as one, and I don't really feel the need to ever listen to them again all at once. It's also a shame that her best work, in my opinion, Golden Heart and Moonbaby Magic, were not included. They could have really added more to the EP. I like the surfy dreamy guitars in the first 3 tracks of the EP, but it just sounds like Lanas Wayamaya so much, like an extension of that. Whereas Golden Heart and Angel Honey sound more original to me. I hope her first full album is a lot more like these 2 songs. She has such a beautiful voice and style, I just don't want to see that wasted on recycling the same lyrics with the same vibe in all her songs. Hopefully this EP was just a very specific theme and she will be more willing to branch out with future songs.
  3. So basically her best move is to say nothing, do nothing, post nothing
  4. What if all this waiting is just for a 3 song EP tho
  5. Ultra Violet


    The only song I have liked so far, that I've listened to, is Anymore. It was playing before the Evanescence show I went to in February, and I quickly wrote down some of the lyrics to find the song later cause I loved it
  6. My old man is a tough man But he's got a soul as sweet as blood red jam And he shows me, he knows me, every inch of my tar black soul vs. There are violets in your eyes. There are guns that blaze around you. There are roses in between my thighs. Fire that surrounds you.
  7. This is fucking cringe, but I'd actually be intrigued
  8. On behalf of me and @99centlips, I would like to apologize. We were just trying to have a lol. Did not expect people to keep throwing out their opinions for 24 hours
  9. I agree with this but the line really isn't that blurry. Food and clothing for everyday use = fine and the actual definition of multicultural society (e.g. enjoying Mexican and Chinese food, wearing clothes with a 'kimono' style cut) Wearing specific body paint, headress or symbolism that was used for VERY particular rituals/traditions or only meant for people with high status who earned it, etc. for whatever the white people wanna wear it for = actual definition of appropriation, and should probably be stopped That is all.
  10. Yes I am personally quite sick of the white dresses Is that kind of clothing worn day-to-day? because that might be why no one was offended. my points earlier are things like the war bonet. i know that had symbolism in the Ride music video, but she was completely changing the meaning of it (hence, appropriating). Cultural appropriation is only a thing if you are appropriating the meaning. so for day-to-day wear, that isnt really a thing
  11. you could request it on this account? https://www.instagram.com/lanadelreyscloset/
  12. The point of most cultural appropriation is white people trying to own diversity and culture, when they are the ones who took it away from the people actually OF that culture. Its trashy and gross when white people dress in native american cultural dress for coachella or a halloween party, for example, and everyone knows it. A lot of the other things, however, are controversial. many people say 'its okay, just learn what its about before you wear it', while others say 'its wrong, just learn from it, and dont do it again' (like Lana has mostly done so far, she just let it go, like a person who can improve themselves, instead of claiming 'but its my aesthetic!!!'). You can't really tell what the response is gonna be, because it's all social and so complex. I think people can just wear what they want, but then dont act all surprised like a victim if people get upset. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And nah, America just gets called out for it more, because Native American culture is probably the most appropriated. Sushi is an everyday food that came from Japan, so thats entirely different. Its not a cultural custom, cultural expectation, or part of any religious ritual. I get your point, but its not an accurate example, thats all
  13. A couple of weeks ago Last time you had a cold/flu?
  14. Ultra Violet

    Song vs. Song

    Wayamaya vs. Honeymoon
  15. Probably Avatar tbh Favourite photo youve ever taken (you dont have to post it)
  16. Strangeness and Charm has that kind of vocals that I hope something else on High as hope has. It's straight from the wildness of her soul
  17. What the fucking hell that's the messiest thing I've ever heard. I thought you meant she was doing it while singing
  18. I wasn't aware of the accent part, I was talking more about the native american headdress and day of the dead stuff in Tropico, but omg, Lana what Well yknow, when you put it that way, she is obsessed with sounding exotic. How she mentioned that the name Lana Del Rey sounded exotic and beautiful. Most exotic flower. You like your women Spanish. I mean, she can actually speak Spanish so I don't see the problem with throwing some Spanish words in her songs, but i'ma not gonna unsee this now
  19. True, but she was called out and stopped it quickly cause the last thing she wants is the reputation that says she is priveleged and ignorant. Same, the other people I know who like her just as much as I do only caught on after UV
  20. Me too omg. I can hand sew really quite well, but if I can learn to use my mums sewing machine better then id be able to make so many more things. I want to be able to do things like add sleeves to dresses and singlets cause I really like the change clothes as much as I can before deciding to throw them out. I'm always ripping and cutting clothes, but sewing better would add a whole new dimension
  21. So what I had to do was get a black lacey romper with little tshirt sleeves, and a long sleeve lace shirt to wear underneath. And that's about as close I could get, but I'm gonna be so happy when this outfit arrives because I've had this as a look in the back of my mind ever since I saw this, like 4 years ago. And there was last minute sales on this site, with plenty other black lace rompers. I was just trying to get as exact as I can + the right sizing http://www.tobi.com/product/59133-tobi-evelyn-lace-romper?color_id=84061 This I got so I could still keep the V neckline. And I'm just going to cut the frills at the end off if I don't like them http://www.tobi.com/product/68858-tobi-sophia-ruffle-scallop-top?color_id=99076
  22. Okay, but how many of you became fans after Ultraviolence? She hasn't been 'dead' since BTD. Her fan base basically doubled after UV, and it sure as hell isn't dropping, nor ever will because Lana is too smart and classy to ever do That Stupid Thing that makes everyone hate her, unlike all the others out there, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  23. I wanted this SO BAD BUT IT DOESN'T FUCKING SHIP OUT OF THE US https://www.instagram.com/p/BeRgDyYl5Iw/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=cxg8654s7wsx I'm gonna have to do some searching
  24. I finally got back from holidays and watched the music video. The bit where they fly up in the air reminds me of the ending of The Witch (movie). It's so beautiful and haunting. I love these witchy pagan vibes. Makes me wanna run off into the forest.
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