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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. https://youtu.be/IpJQPD88Vq8 I only knew about Breakaway omg. It was the only Kelly Clarkson song I liked because it just touched me so much, but Avrils demo version makes so much more sense because it was about her breaking away from her home town to become the star she always wanted to be I remember downloading Avrils demo of Daydream on limewire in like 2006, and I loved it so much, but it confused me how it was never completed or released, and tbh I had never heard Mirandas version, so I never knew what happened to that song until now Dancing Crazy (also given to Miranda) is soooo like WTH and Here's to never growing up. If I had heard those songs without knowing Avril wrote them, I'd know straight away anyway Also I did here I Will Be sung by that other woman in a cafe once and it confused me so much but I forgot to ever look into it
  2. YES do you agree that buying flowers for someone is overrated?
  3. Yes thank you glad it's not only me who thinks that
  4. On her unreleased album, Betty Boop Boop will be revamped, under the new title "Betty Bop"
  5. Lust for Life trailer: Lust for Life album: Waiting for LDR6:
  6. When I saw her live last week she was like "if I have a cigarette will you judge me?" And everyone cheered hahaha Personally idc either. I think it's obviously bad to be addicted and smoke every day, every week, etc, but I find one every now and then not too damaging as the risks increase so much more if you're truly addicted. I think there's something serene about smoking, say, one cigarette at night in the right atmosphere, which is why I'm biased and like the look of her smoking, oops Anyways, she quit drinking and claims to have never done drugs, hard drugs anyway, like what do yall want from her lol addiction is personal I nod to this
  7. Omg thanks for posting! Funny coz I JUST made a favourites playlist literally half an hour ago, and I tried really hard to narrow it down to just 20 but I'm super happy with it now. https://open.spotify.com/user/violetopium/playlist/498B9ZTo84nVfaBxGMvJSw?si=RuSQiI5aSHW2ZC1xlz04sg
  8. You know what? I hate whining but this site has opened me up to the art of being a whiny fan so why hold it in...? If I'm being totally honest, I AM worried about Lana losing her deep mysterious vibe that drew me into her music. I DO believe that she may have missed her perfect opportunity to define her sound and place more by letting go of the Ultraviolence and Honeymoon style production. In my dreams I still imagine her perfect magnum opus of an album that is somewhere linking the psychedelic, jazz, rock of UV with the modern folk hippie of LFL, the dreamy depths of Honeymoon and the daring lyrics of BTD/PD. I wish I didn't care, but I do. Ban me if you wish p. s. Maybe I'm only worrying bc I just had 3 coffees and haven't had any in a whole week and it's making me weird
  9. Yes thank you for actually being educated about this too many people ditch the idea of Lana 'going there' because they think it is the Religion Of Plain Evil. Obviously we've been conditioned to think that but it's not true
  10. She's wearing the cross necklaces less and less, so I definitely think she doesn't want to portray herself as an actual Christian. In an old interview when she was asked about being Christian she said that she "always liked the idea of being looked after by a God", but she kinda avoided the question and didn't say yes or no, so to her, maybe the whole Jesus, God, crucifix thing is all symbolism to her. And it works, cause it is all something we can understand, you know, with Christianity being the dominating religion, whether or not we believe it ourselves She studied metaphysics, so she's clearly the kind of person to just keep on searching. I'm not saying that christians would never study that, but to me, it's telling me that Lana is more of an open believer who wants to know everything, but won't be held down by this one religion I definitely see what you're saying. I never thought about it that way, but yeah And also "I am my only God" Clearly, is she really that Christian if she can so openly say that stuff that could offend your regular Christian? don't ask me, cause I'm not one, but just saying
  11. Florida Kilos Put Me In A Movie I think they are the only songs worth mentioning cause they're not terrible songs but I just never bother having them cause I know I'll never listen to them. Florida Kilos Instrumental is cool tho
  12. Right!? It's actually ridiculous, like if some really hardcore fans have decoded it all, then that's great but I'm not searching for it But anyways I enjoyed watching it cause it was something different and cool
  13. Hate it Talking on the phone?
  14. Damn it's a really good video. Has me surprised bc finally good aesthetics, but I'm just confused at what it meant and when in what part of the story it takes place, cause she has her hair cut already, but I thought Alone was meant to be one of the first parts of the story Anyway the whole thing is not a love story, it's a shit story because she chose a shit inspiration imo (r+j)
  15. Ultra Violet


    me and my friend thought that Borns live reminds us of Michael Jackson. And I mean that in a genuine way, like I'm not comparing, not saying he's a copy or better or anything, it's just cool!
  16. I don't recall her actually saying that much about him but yes Do you agree that it lust for life (album) still had some worthy moments?
  17. Same happened in Brisbane with BORNS tbh. I've listened back to the few videos I took and it's completely inaudible. Whereas Lanas were so clear. Is it just him? Lol. He is quite active on stage. Maybe he's just breathless
  18. Ultra Violet

    In My Pants

    Dream Fortress in my pants
  19. Living the Bratz Doll life But tbh that lip liner look just reminds me of 50 year old women who wear leopard print, and only date younger guys.
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