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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    Melanie fucking martinez stans are the worst. I still have a video on my youtube of You Love I played backwards (just the intro) cause she sampled Marilyn Monroe from an interview, and i pinned my comment stating that i dont support her but am leaving the video as a tribute to Marilyn. Ive gotten like 10 comments on it from crybaby fucktards being like "wah wah youre so gullible to believe someone on the internet" "youre so stupid, bet its just because of the allegation, youre so dumb" "stupid timothy-siding bitch" ive deleted them all and I STILL continue to get them, and hasnt it been like 6 months? cant they get the fuck over it that Melanie has lost fans. they should be happy about it cause now with less fans theres more chance for them to meet her and go have a cry to her in person.
  2. Cherry Favourite album to listen to when sad?
  3. Black Favourite accessory to wear?
  4. Nope Do you own any magazines?
  5. Oops you posted this weeks ago but I just saw it and I'm really feeling this will be it!!
  6. Yes I wanted lana wearing the tacky Peace sign earrings and a floral dress while singing from the crowd. And Asap singing the bridge onstage looking down at her in the crowd.
  7. This would kinda make sense for a scifi theme but i was kinda hoping for something a little more original? Like idk, i cant be too picky. its not the worse idea. I just dont tend to like movies with the whole 'spooky' element being crazy mutated people, so a whole AHS Season of that Anyway, I do wonder how all the characters and events will link to other seasons!
  8. How Can It Be The World Aflame Dreams Gold Heart Leave Me You Lied
  9. He was one of the last of my idols that was still alive. He will rest in peace x
  10. Wow i love this, it reminds me of Garbage, one of my favourite bands
  11. Shane Dawson tbh, or AJay, the one who does music reactions Favourite album of all time, other than Lanas music?
  12. Not a set (but I do own a holographic butterfly knife that I really love and wish I could carry it everywhere with me) Do you own a piece of jewellery worth more than $50
  13. Father John Misty (properly, not just a video), Bat for Lashes, Garbage
  14. Late 2014 When was the last time you had a cup of tea?
  15. Fine China and Yes to Heaven for the Lyrics But pretty much ALL her unreleased I can imagine playing on tv shows, in party scenes, crazy reckless teenage scenes and naughty lover scenes
  16. When you made the quiz but didn't wanna say so in case people thought it sucked
  17. What is your mind like? https://www.playbuzz.com/item/de21af56-d8d2-4e61-96d3-a85ae2991cfa
  18. Yes! You may as well use a fake one so you don't have to ruin real ones that feed the insects :/ I think plenty of fake flowers look good Do you agree that denim on denim can actually look great
  19. Yes because that would be so iconic But no because Halsey would take credit for the whole song
  20. Yes lol I haven't heard about any of those shows since 2012 Do you agree that overcast is good weather?
  21. Ultra Violet


    Strangest thing happened at 12:30am last night. I had just fallen comfortably asleep, but I wake up to someone next door belting out a line from Better: "I CAN LOVE YOU BETTER THAN SHE CAN YEAH YEAH YEAH" And then a few minutes later, a line from Trainwreck: "Born toooooo take care of youuuuuu" I half wanted to yell out "wooo Banks!!!" And half "Shut the fuck up! I'm trying to sleep! " Thankfully it stopped though
  22. Cherry video is in the same place as the Cola video Secret project is a book with all the secret conversations she had with Stevie Nicks that we were all 'dyyyyying' to hear about New album? Did you know she released one last year? Most people have forgotten. New Single? Hey don't demand for that. Remember what happened with Coachella? We don't want her writing about "I was at Hawaii, looking at the sunset... " btw I'm not trying to be rude, I just think she doesnt have the energy she did between the BTD and UV era where she was constantly bringing stuff out. Maybe she should stop talking about stuff that definitely won't even start till her tour is over
  23. love it cross/rosary necklaces worn by non-christians?
  24. Today last time you watched a 90s movie?
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