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Groupie Lover

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Posts posted by Groupie Lover

  1. i just realized what the fuck happened to her voice, i love her voice but  she had this child´s voice in her unreleased and btd songs and now i juts realized she is wasting her vocal range because she has so much fucking potential but she keeps smoking and not taking care of herself and her voice , don't even try to prove me wrong if her voice wasn't damaged she could hit the proper notes for cola and other songs, and the most tragic thing is that she could hit the LOVE "high note" what even is happening! i hope she decides to change to her old clear and not-muffled voice. 

  2. Oh yes!! This makes me so excited for the next record being more like Cherry, WM, and IMF (saying that those were all done at the end) since Lana's creative direction obviously changed from 2015 Beautiful People slowness to 2017 Cherry production. you can also see how she attempted to do that with Coachella but the short amount of time really didn't work for her... It makes me wonder why it failed on Coachella but worked on IMF which would've been created around the same time? Anyways, I can see how she felt that songs like Yosemite and BAR just weren't gonna cut it (But arguably, she could've just thrown them in the 2nd half of the record..) 


    On a related note, I wonder what Change would sound like if it was completed a month before the album was submitted? Coachella-esque production?

    i think it would sound kinda like without you has a baby with 24, i think she would just add fx ,a better reverb, and more instrumentation :)

  3. I think Heroin was the second or first song she made for the album she said it on a recent interview and she also mentioned that it was from the early stages of the record and would set the tone to it a la West Coast but then the political climate change drastically the tone and the direction of the record making heroin stand by itself (sonically). 100% sure she has said this but i don't remember in which interview.

  4. lol you came back to edit that 40 mins later? "you are not insecure" yet you come back almost an hour later to edit it. okay...we believe you...

    ohh... since you are so confident about the face and you say "it's taking years to save up $$ for surgery to fix the faces", then show us yours. You are not insecure right? 

    6 months to lose all the weight? yet you started your thread regarding the weight loss 6 months ago and you lost only 10lbs. The time and numbers are not adding up sweetheart  :smokes:

    Nvm u won't post a pic of yourself even tho you said you are secure with yourself you admitted it on your curiouscat page that you are indeed insecure:

    Anon 22d
    Would u ever get plastic surgery
    Anon 22d
    U should post a pic of urself on here
    No, I'm too insecure lol



    1. What's so bad about making an edit?


    2. I started to lose weight 1 month ago, I made the thread beforehand. So?


    3. I don't wanna post a pic on here to secure my privacy. It's a common thing. And I'm insecure about people knowing my identity not my looks


    4. And yeah, I would get surgery. So?


    You're not making a good argument and you fail to humiliate me. Everyone feels insecure at times and have self doubts however I'm still confident in myself enough to change my flaws.


    Honey the thing about weight loss is that it's easy to change yourself. I'm not doomed for life, stop the dramatics.

    My anxiety makes me insecure in OTHER WAYS. I'm fine with how I look, that's the damn truth whether you believe it or not.


    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, that's obvious. If I think this guy is unattractive, then that's what I think. But I know others don't think the same way as me. Why are you coming for me? If you care so much, PM me instead of clogging up the thread.

    @Elle preparing herself to give warning points for spamming:rw0WFTy.gif

  5. she looks like she did in tropico!! classic lana is back! idk what she did to her face between now and the end of hm era but it keeps changing and like i don't mind but she kind of looks unfamiliar at times, obviously i know its her but idk. i'm willing to give the video a chance, tho imo if she's going to have a love interest in her videos it better be mark mahoney or jaime king. those are her only choices unless it's me

    the lip fillers, she has a new shape of lips i think  :creep:

  6. y'all:

    Perfect teaser :oprah: But the guy looks like one of the Ride's biker actors in their younger form tbh.


    Well I'm sorry for preferring guys who have dark features. :oprah3:


    It sucks that there won't be any Mark Mahoney but I'm so happy that we're finally getting something : :icant:


    Yeah the guy is ugly, i think she's trying to get another model similar to the BTD one


    Yeah not feeling that guy but oh well.


    I'm not saying it is, I'm just posting an interpretation. Fuck off.




    Thanks. Yeah probably not, just something I had in mind. I think it's more productive than complaining about how ugly the guy is.

    YOU SNAPPEDtenor.gif

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