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Posts posted by Creyk

  1. apparently, streaming has gone wayyy down as people (aka the general population and not us people who are music fans) usually listen to music in their commutes, offices, gym, etc. so the money aspect comes into play... which kinda gets thrown out of the window bc 1. Gaga has money and 2. you don't make that much $$$ from streaming anyways 


    im not sure what's so hard about releasing a promo single at most 

    It decreased by 7% ;) There were still 24 BILLION streams generated last week. That is quite a lot. 


    I finally got around to seeing these 2 films.

    Very cool family entertainment.  :D




    The parts with Rooster / at the farm were the best. I wish we got more of that and less of the white tiger rescue plot.


    I watched Where'd you go Bernadette. It was really good, a lovely story of finding your lust for life.mp3 :creep:

  3. you're allowed to go outside, just individually or maximum 1 person of your own household (if it's like here) just not to meet with other people and obviously other people should be avoided. 

    Several countries made the law that if you go out you will get fines (pretty big sums, too), there are several places where you are forbidden from going out at all.

  4. I really think she would be down to release and Interscope is the one that made the final call. Just my 2 cents

    She said in her post that SHE doesn't feel it's appropriate to release the album ;)

  5. I have to say corona is THAT girl, keeping her feet on the neck of these coward bitches fearing for their profit when they are already millionaires. The real main virus girl of the century did that.

  6. I'm glad she's free of this particular person, but jeez why has nobody made an honest woman of our girl?! All she wants is a good man and babies >.<

    She probably has a personality that is hard to get along with long term like I love love her but by her own account she is very controlling plus she travels a lot so that makes it difficult too unless her man is also a celebrity. But celeb relationships in general are more unstable.

  7. Read this:

    A: “This virus attacks several organs. Lungs, liver and kidneys get damaged. Some people die from kidney failure, or liver issues, but most die from lung damage. The virus kills cells called cilia, and your lungs fill up with fluid and debris. Hyperactive immune system response further damages healthy tissue, and fills your lungs with even more debris. Just like SARS, coronavirus leaves lesions like honeycomb on your lungs. Your immune system basically punctures holes in your lungs. You drown in your own fluid and debris.”


  8. I don't know why people think if you have it you're gonna die.. The survival rate is like 97% lol

    Sure you will survive but the issue is we don't know what kind of lasting effects it can have. There are unconfirmed rumours that it can leave permanent lung damage and even if you recover from it once it can come back and infect you again. That is the worrysome part.

  9. Btw

    New cases in Serbia

    More strict measures are being thrown in


    On top of that my dad seems to injured his foot while fishing yesterday... so my return home is eminent


    Problem is the goverment ordered all students to leave by noon their rooms in students centres

    So there will be million students going back home by buses... not ideal situation to go home... especially as my hometown is 4h drive from Belgrade




    Being in crowds like that is the perfect opportunity for the virus to spread so they might want to re-think that decision.


    Well, I got some bad news....


    One minute ago, as I was watching my evening news on tv, ITALY has just declared a complete nationwide lockdown,

    due to the ever increasing numbers of the virus contaminations.  :(    I really wanted to visit Italy this summer. Specially Pompeii.



    - The BBC has just reported it also ---- https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-51810673


    Also Global Stock-markets plunge dramaticly after a sharp fall in the oil price hits markets
    already reeling from the Covid-19 Virus !! 
     ... Everyone go sell your stocks quick ! SELL ! SELL !  :P    Its chaotic outthere on Wall street!
    Can someone please explain to me why I still pay the same $$$€€€ when I fill up my car with gasoline, if the oil
    prices are coming down ?!  This is ridiculous !    :facepalm:


    The lockdown lasts till april 3, you can still visit in August.

  11. I see deafness is a big problem in this thread.

    Trouble?! lmao that average piano/vocals trouble? 



    ITS is her best song because of the feeling it encapsulates, the structure is something pretty uncommon by not having a proper chorus and this thing makes you hungry for a climax that even when it's about to reach, it takes a looot to drop and it's so satisfying.

    And like, it gives off perfectly the feeling of a tumblerish summer night in a motel room with your friend with benefits that sees you just as one of his girls, and at some point you realize you've fallen in love with him, even tho he doesn't reciprocate and probably would get mad and leave you.



    so yup, best song

    Thanks for the explanation, very interesting.

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