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About vmbb

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  • Birthday February 17

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  1. I don't wanna sound rude because i obviously don't know anything about their relationship, but i can easily imagine that Lana didn't tell Barrie clearly about the break-up. I mean, sometimes she seems so indecisive, and we already know that she isn't always honest at interviews. Maybe she commits these mistakes in her private life too.
  2. i've read it...and in another thread we've been discussing this topic and some people said that she made up a bunch of stories and that it was hard to decide what was true and what was made up. i agree and i obviously don't know the truth, that's why i used this font.
  3. These journalists are always asking her about the cult leader since she made up this story
  4. Well, like 1 month ago Lana said that she would be ready to have kids but Barrie's younger than her and now she says they didn't meet for several months..
  5. omg guys you are terrible fantasizing about the future potential boyfriends
  6. The first thing that came to my mind is the bunch of Abraham Hicks-videos she liked on youtube..
  7. Lana's friend Andrei Gillott posted photos about Shamrock Social Club so I guess he's the connection
  8. Trust me, there are many people who smoke weed and always brag about it. A lot of people in my country thinks that just because they smoke weed, they're wiser and cooler than sober people. Again, their habit is not a problem, their attitude is.
  9. I didn't say anything offensive, I smoked pot multiple times so I have nothing against it and I don't care if someone's an addict, etc. But I agree with lola that some people glamourize marijuana too much and can't stop bragging about their addiction. I'm not talking about you and I don't have a problem with this thread, I just think that it's weird that many people think that weed automatically makes them cooler and they need to share everytime that they're potheads. So calm down
  10. You've seen like 4 photos about Lana at a party. How can you draw the inference that Barrie is "no good for her"?
  11. American-I don't hate it, I just really listen to it. My least favorite on Paradise. Bel Air-It's beautiful, but It doesn't really grab my attention.
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