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Posts posted by Marius

  1. I read on Twitter that the LFL video starts out with Lana as young Abel's school teacher, and then somewhere else I read there's a suicide. So Idk what to expect, this will be interesting

    There will be a lot of ideas now and we will verify it soon. We have to be patient and Lana will surprise us with an amazing video just like "love" video is.

  2. ok guys so i just called this target store (718-637-5005) from the uk and asked if they're gonna be stocking it because i'm in town that day (spinning my web of lies) and after i got transferred to the right department i said the album name and she said ohh the lana album in a tone like she already knew about it and i was convinced she was gonna say they've been sent in or whatever and i was like yes the new one. i then said that i read in a magazine that it's out at the end of the month so just wanted to check you'll have it then as the store around me is getting it in late (lol) and she said yeah no we will have it in don't worry ? progress ladies


    edit: i made it clear that i was only gonna be in town that one day (the 26th) 

    maybe she thought that if it will be release they will have it for sure  and she didn't confirm that it is coming 26th.

  3. It's just so weird to me because so many sites/stores/mags were saying May 26th. So maybe Paris Match is wrong. But then again, July 21st seems kinda realistic especially since she hasn't said anything about the release besides "coming soon" or "out in spring". Another thing that confuses me about this is, aren't we pretty sure the album is finished now? Why would they wait all the way till July. Especially the 21st. I could see June tho.

    I think that next friday we will get a pre-order. that's why so many sites give us this date as a release date

  4. I think she's revealing the tracks by their order in the tracklist..


    1. Love

    2. Lust for Life (ft. The Weeknd)

    3. Tomorrow Never Came (ft. Sean Ono Lennon)

    4. Yosemite

    5. God Bless America

    6. When the World Was at War, We Kept Dancing

    7. Beautiful People (ft. Stevie Nicks)

    8. 13 Beaches


    I'm not sure about the order I wrote up cause I don't really remember the order she announced each track name but I think I'm right on this one.

    I think that she said about Yosemite during BBC Radio conversation, when LFL was out. and after was TMC. but I'm not sure.

  5. Maybe the reason the LFL video has yet to be released is because it includes more than just that song on it? Kind of like The Weeknd's video which included like 3 or 4 songs that was kind of like an album preview...

    I don't think so. Maybe this video has to be iconic and well thought before official release. I hope it will blow our minds.

  6. Totally agree. She's 'revealed' song titles quite cleverly - each new interview (print or radio) she has given a song title and some context. It's both a change from, and more effective than, revealing the tracklist in one go. We get to savour it a bit more. And this would take a bit of intention, planning and savvy. It's not a 'normal' album roll out because she's something special :)

    Also, these three photoshoots so far are so striking and exuberant. I'm loving this era!

    Unfortunately nothing new in ELLE :(

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