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Everything posted by comeintomybedroom

  1. Do we have official instrumentals of any songs? Is a high quality version of Blue Jeans even a thing? If anyone finds a physical of As If! for sale pleaseeeee let me know!
  2. comeintomybedroom


    I used the 'Taiwan cover' for my instrumentals. We still need RIBS by the way!
  3. I just went off of the library you just posted and added little tweaks here and there. The songs flow together really nice the way they were arranged.
  4. comeintomybedroom


    I actually really need that Taiwan(ese?) version.
  5. That remix is from like last year. Gaga sampled the song called 'Rocket Number 9' by Zombie Zombie.
  6. OH MY GOD THOUGH. That's like not even reality, like when you're a kid you think about your favorite celebrity going to your house. That is insane!
  7. Can you please send it to me? And Venus if you have it.
  8. comeintomybedroom


    That 'dream' sounds so made up, to be honest, but y'know whatever.
  9. Isn't it the same? Anyway I can't find it in the U.S. store, I want to buy it even though I already have it in high quality.
  10. I thought everyone had the CDrip for months already.
  11. Can you send me Venus and Do What U Want?
  12. That picture is perfect. Can somebody de-tag the 'LADY GAGA' on both sides of her face? This is such a good phone background, bye Charlisus. Do we have any official instrumentals?
  13. oh okay so it's the same file i downloaded. i was hoping yours would be higher sound quality. thank you! i prefer the short ass album version. this really isn't something you can bump.
  14. yeah did you find a download?
  15. Yeah it's the full Double Bubble Trouble. The one I have sounds like a demo. I can't find it on Spotify, I got it off Tumblr.
  16. I didn't win the SuperLove CD.
  17. Zombie Zombie's not too great, but I love this mix!
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7Voaj0xzpc#t=624 Just dropping this off for you guys who don't know exactly what they're talking about. It's a really good listen even if you're sure you know what she's talking about in each song, you might just learn a new thing. I really wish all artists did something like this.
  19. It's so hard for me to win bid-wars.
  20. comeintomybedroom


    After 48 listens, it's kinda blah it makes me ship over the song.
  21. comeintomybedroom


    I've really lost my taste for Glory And Gore. I really like the chorus, but the last bridge just killed the song for me.
  22. I though I was the only one that called her Charlotte lol.
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