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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. Imagine it was a cross of this: with this But with just cherries of course
  2. So where do ya think the white mustang drove off to with Lana in it? https://youtube.com/watch?v=F4ELqraXx-U
  3. I checked myself, and stand by what I've said. Let me speak for myself at the very least. Lust for Life never had a deluxe release (that we know of), Honeymoon neither, I seldom listen to all the tracks on Ultraviolence, and the closest thing to connect to what you're saying with me is Without You on Btd. Burning Desire had it's own release as a single, considering it was released at the same time of Paradise. Even if what and how you're saying things might be true for yourself and others, well that's fine. Keep in mind that releases of their own tracks, standalone would be a great way to strengthen her selection of what she wanted to release, and help bridge one record cycle to the next, all the while keeping constant interest, not just from her fans, but keep the public interested as well. There's always a better way of doing things, so let's talk about it.
  4. Honestly, deluxe editions sort of bother me. It's like when you go to the movies to watch one, and have the music playing throughout, like the soundtrack, to then have the bonus tracks act like the songs no one listens to when the credits begin to play. Not that severe but it comes to mind. I'd rather just have separate singles instead.
  5. Cherry one sunset before her first drink: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qfx7ca7sp_c
  6. TLY is one of my most absolute favorite songs in Lana's discog I put the radio on Hold you tight in my mind Isn't strange that You're not here with me But I know the light's on, in the television Trying to transmit, can you hear me? You can just properly tune into the distance between them. So solemnly beautiful
  7. I personally wouldn't like it. I mean, it'd sort of be unfair to the rest of her music. I mean we know that each album is different and brings something else to the table each time another one arrives, so to sort of set one record from another so literally would kinda be defeating in and of itself. I like the pseudo Carpenters/ road trip across the states feel of it. And let's be real, the album is already what it is, at least take it for how Lana considers it as a solid piece of work. There're reasons that the songs we wanted didn't end up on there, and it's a kind of solace at the same time that we didn't. If she decides to release the tracks, then I only hope that she can do so, proudly, and through the way that she wants to, to do so well, and sharply fitted when she deems best.
  8. What's that. Dna game too strong it honey trapped a hunty to the wall? Power of FOHLK?
  9. Is Coachella considered folk? FOLK YES. Srry if that felt out of place, the thread was just rivering that way. I'm glad u like it
  10. Ya guys think she'll have a scene where she's sort of just moving and dancing on the floor, with a camera set from above? Kinda like from PWYC on the tour?
  11. Ok but wait. I'm having a Kanye moment and I honestly think Beautiful People is THAT song. Instant classic. Have a stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zu6-lqS8cwY
  12. Sure, np! I remember how in the pre-release thread how everyone was kinda iffy on how te album was called LFL without the promo, and how it made it ironically lifeless bc of that. There were moments when we got all these magazine covers and entries, but it all sort of garbled everything up bc of the different dates they were mentioning til the July 21st fam comment. So I get how fans felt a bit reprimanded and let down. To then lead to the last minute changes. I personally think that yeah she wanted to make this one as special as can be. Having those features to draw more people in, adding Change last minute (I honestly wonder where it's home video is) It easily couldve gone either way with the album, but she chose something more collective, with variety, bc she somehow knew that she had more of a responsibility for all the intrigue she was causing. Kinda like branching out after her truest to self record HM Not from LFL, but I was listening to Bel Air just dozing and I personally see the record as her Ariel part of your world moment, coming through to just say that she's here, more present with us Imagine, yeah how much livelier it would've been if she actually had more live performances while everything was happening. But I guess she's letting the record speak for itself right now.
  13. https://youtu.be/emDU4QvdwVk Justice for TLY. I personally think that song just takes you places.
  14. I still strongly feel that so much can be done with this album. It's a solid anthology of where she is now, and even if you can't agree how whether or not the album is as cohesive or compares to something that even could've just been, the music on it's got variety for a purpose. To gain a stronger, wider demographic, while trying to keep her fans happy. I remember her mentioning how this record, for the first time was specifically for us, as she was writing it and talking about it in interviews. I think it did it's job, and reflects how the social scope of U.S. is through her. The only problem is that she hasn't really been fleshing out her art for us, for us to better vibe with, even more than she hasn't from previous albums. So I wonder what'll happen after Cherry. .... and what the fanbase will make of it
  15. Thoughts on Lana having a similar sound/ feel of music like this? https://youtu.be/XDeiovnCv1o It's a different kind of sensuality, and with rumors of her covering "You Must Love Me", this song just came to mind. Has Lana ever referenced The Sun Also Rises?
  16. I remember driving around with friends trying to find the Love posters. I think we found around 12. Aside from Love, I'd have to say I was pretty hyped for Beautiful People, Problems the most from the snippets that we got. I just like the space the song made me wander to, like watching Earth from a giant spaceship window above. Watching a giant detailed living marble
  17. If Lana ever went full-fledged pop, I'd love something sugar venom, like She's Not Me, Hit and Run, Ghetto Baby and Go-go Dancer
  18. It's a few decades into the future. We're still here. Lana releases a new commercial for her perfume line, Life is Beautiful. It's aired in France first bc she's decided to name it in French https://youtu.be/7obMBw_zNqE The song still doesn't see the light of day bc of a certain set of wrought iron gates, feline guarded. Here's the promo poster: https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-xeUd6ggx2jw/VnPiBBBvz6I/AAAAAAAAgvc/C7p7YjUtQrI/s1600/julia-roberts-pubblicit%25C3%25A0_profumo-la-vie-est-belle-lancome.jpg
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