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Make me your Dream Life

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Posts posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. Something dark fantasy like Maleficent again or The Love Witch: pt 2


    And cameo in American Horror Story as the imaginary daughter of Sarah Paulson (Cordelia Fox) in the Coven crossover, where she even sings with Stevie Nicks and that would be the video for BPBP, just like Seven Wonders was for Coven. I mean, thats a bit specific, but a girl can dream.


    I'd love to see her in American Horror Story. It'd be really cool

    I was actually rewatching Coven and that would be AMAZING.

  2. . . . so. Imagine if Lana came for a more vampiric sound. Violins, piano keys, the suspense. The romance, the chaos. I think it was on the HM post thread talking more about how Honeymoon had a sense of something terrifying within it,  but imagine Lana's voice over this (maybe polish the main percussion a bit). Imagine the chanting, even just her speaking voice


    Last time we had anything as spooky as I can recall from Lfl came from War and the piano keys hidden in the title track. Talk about leading momentum  :smokes3: 

  3. Title. 

    From Once Upon a Dream, to Gatsby (2013), Big Eyes and so on, that birthed some of the most teemingly beautiful songs off her catalogue. Her cover for Once Upon A Dream, I Can Fly, Big Eyes, the thirty seconds of Life is Beautiful ( :crying2:), and of course Young and Beautiful which imo propelled her music towards that venue have all been blissfully heaven to listen to. 


    So, from revisiting Elvis, and Evita's You Must Love Me, where would you like to see Lana's music land next (film wise, not from our receipts, but that'd be nice :delicious:) ?



    She's worked with Maleficent, Disney, so perhaps something animated wouldn't be too far off. Big Eyes had a very much magical quality to it. 
    Gatsby was quite grand, while the Weber collaboration was pretty demure. 


    Which vein would her music fit best? 

    Shows, which kind, cameo? 
    Films, past/future, cameo/music?

    Use more past material? Reissue/new? 

  4. Thank you! And glad you understood the vision. Because so much of what shes does musical reminds me of moments from classic cinema. The cinematic, thrilling, spooky vibes set the tone and paints her pictures really well.

    Np, I remember when she referenced the Creature of Black Lagoon, and just vibed with it. I hope she incorporates that thrill back into her music again. I know World at War sorta had that vibe, but imagine moree? 

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