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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. I’m on an evening stroll, listened to Gorillaz and then SYTH but I only played it once before I missed the Stint mix. Sorry Lana for not contributing with the stream numbers.
  2. Radio is currently playing the song, it's freaking surreal to hear it on radio after listening to it for years and never imagining it'll ever get a release
  3. Just here to say I'm super happy and glad this song is finally getting released.
  4. Unreal Unearth out August 18th! Pre-order the album and merch here: https://store.hozier.com/ The colored vinyl looks so nice. I... think I'll warm up to the cover art eventually lol.
  5. At best they'll make some kind of medley and have the holograms dance to it or something, I honestly don't think it'll be anything bigger than that.
  6. the Nicki Minaj stan in all the video replies
  7. I don't even need to play it, my brain just randomly goes "white fiiiiire, cinnamon on my teeeeth and IIIII'm" and I know it'll stay like that for the rest of the day. I think it's been two weeks now.
  8. Sorry if it's already been discussed, but what stars is she portraying in this video? Obviously Marilyn Monroe, but anyone else? Or did she reference herself in past videos, like Elle posted on the LB instagram account? (If she did, then I was too stupid to draw all the connections lol)
  9. I've seen several people say Tattoo is Euphoria version 2 but, and this is not directed at you Fireffie just so you know , if you check out her discography, she has several songs with that sound. It's just her music. But I agree, I never understood the point of having a professional jury casting votes. I've never seen who they are and it's kinda ridiculous that they almost have a 50% say in this. I also think this will be our last win for some time, people are angry and I think they're tired of seeing Sweden being one of the top countries year after year.
  10. I thought she had a cool chrome metallic phone case but then I zoomed in and
  12. I’ll be so busy right up til graduation so I won’t buy it until mid-June. Avoiding spoilers will be a trial. Speaking of trials, I think I’ll momentarily un-subscribe from this thread. I’ll be back in July or something.
  13. I started to think at the concert last night that those videos and aesthetic concept photos were for the huge screens and not music videos. Maybe she’ll release a mega video once act II and III have been released too.
  14. I just finished it, I think it's one of her most interesting videos since the homemade video for Hope. Genuinely loved it.
  15. Now that is what I call an ARENA SHOW. Holy shiet! Typing my thoughts in the spoiler bar below...
  16. Seeing Beyoncé tonight. No news of an opener and the show is rumored to be three hours long with a break. I’m so ready but at the same time, I’m not.
  17. Does anyone know/remember is they said when the UK lighter will ship this month? I hope it won't be too late, because I'll have to move in the beginning of/mid-June, I don't want the package to arrive after I'm gone.
  18. I haven't read the book, and I don't intend to do it either (because I'm crazy busy until my graduation), but judging by the screenshots it looks like it's more of a compilation of quotes from interviews than a biography?
  19. Saw AM live for the first time yesterday! The crowd was amazing, girls screaming, people clapping and jumping, and sang along especially to their hit songs. Alex said we surprised him with our energy! A good mix of old and new songs, and we even got an encore after cheering for them for maybe ten minutes. A great concert, Alex is definitely charismatic and a character on stage! Loved their circular framed screen at the center of the stage, and the huge mirror ball above with “Arctic Monkeys” written on it. It was just unfortunate I got behind three girls with their phones up for every single song, and two tall guys in front of them lol, I couldn’t see much. ;u;
  20. Almost exactly a full year later, I got to see Inhaler live again, this time as opener for Arctic Monkeys. I’m so proud of them! A year later and they’re playing in an arena like 30 times bigger than the last time they were here! I think the only song they played from first album was the title track. I was so glad to hear Dublin in Ecstasy live! Not many around me knew them or their songs though so I was the only one jumping and clapping along, much to the displeasure of some girl standing to my right. (It’s a concert and she got a standing ticket too, people WILL jump and clap. Ugh.) Still, people seemed to like what they heard and cheered on them. So proud! The merch stand unfortunately didn’t sell the shirt I wanted so I didn’t get anything. Eli also said they’ll be back in October, so I’m looking forward to that!
  21. Wait a minute... Dark Paradise just started to play in my head. "I'm lying in the ocean, singin' your song [...] But I wish I was dead (Dead like you)". Was she singing about Aaron Greene back then too? Or am I just doing some exercises in mental gymnastics?
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