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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. I can't believe we started with hope is a keyboard smash to finally getting a keyboard smash song without hope.
  2. Yes, I meant that I'm fine with this until Lana releases another single (which she must!! ) before the album is out. February would be perfect for that!
  3. Single drop on his birthday + billboard along a highway in Tulsa + her Instagram comment that "it's personal" makes it really difficult to believe it's not about Sean. Has she had other boyfriends from Tulsa? I can't think of any.
  4. I finally preordered the white vinyl after staring at it for weeks. My poor wallet, the things it goes through when Lana drops an album. ok I realized it's been slightly less than two weeks since the preorders went up but you know what I mean
  5. Yup. I've read so many people's comments online, for some it's taken 3 months to recieve their order, others had to threaten that they'd contact their bank to recieve their money back and that's when their order finally got shipped. That's the main reason why I've never ordered from them (and the shipping fees... not to mention the tax fee I'd have to pay once it arrives), despite some of the really pretty merch they've had.
  6. I really want to go in blind this time. Not that I've listened to leaks before when an album is getting released, but, like... I'm content. Insiders don't have to tell me anything more. Tunnel was amazing, and I'd like to think I have an understanding of what the album is gonna be, not sonically, but ya know. It'll be good.
  7. I can’t wait for March, I’m so curious to listen to this album and her melodies and her stories! The photos she took with Neil, they’re so intimate, and I’m not sure if it’s because she wants to remind her exes of what they’ve lost or because the lyrics on the album will be even more personal - maybe it’s a mix of both. She did say she had more things she wanted to “talk about”, so I’m positive we’ll get glimpses into her personal life, thoughts and feelings. Blue Banisters, hope, text book, they were just the beginning of something greater, I think. No one today writes lyrics like Lana does. She’s so original, and she does it so well, I’ve always known she had this potential in her and I’m so glad to have followed her for so long and to be here to witness her becoming better and better. I truly believe this will be her best album in terms of lyrics. You can hear a difference in her newer and older works, and I’m glad she’s not adding older tracks this time. Like she said, she’s very “conversational” and I’m all here for it. She also said she’s angry, and before we thought she was mad at the media (“don’t ask if I’m happy, you know that I’m not” after reporters asking her why the big smile on the cover of LFL, “let me show them how bad girls do, ‘cause no one does it better” because reporters will always find something negative to write about her or twist her words) but this time, I think, she’s mad at Sean. And maybe more guys. Maybe even at her mom, or some kind of disappointment. Like mentioned by several users here when Tunnel was released, it got out on Sean’s birthday. Which could’ve been unintentional, but there’s no way anyone could misinterpret it now that she’s literally, openly said she did it because she’s angry with him. She even drove to Tulsa to see the billboard, she had it put up there for Sean to see everyday to work. And I love it lmao, I’d totally do something similar too if I had been hurt terribly by someone. But Tunnel isn’t really a song about anger, or pettiness, or revenge or anything of that sort. Which makes me really curious to find out what song(s) will be on the album! American Whore is a provocative thing to be called or call someone else, but I really can’t tell if it’ll be that track or another one. Either way, I’m super curious to listen to it. This album... it’s gonna be everything, I can feel it. I haven’t had expectations this high since Norman, and I love that album. Lana has a lot she wants to say, she’s conversational, she’ll speak her mind, she’s angry and she’s sweet and she’s gentle and she’s clever. She’s in a bedroom, and it can’t get more private and personal than that. You keep diaries in a bedroom. Maybe this album will be like reading a diary, but it’ll be us listening to her thoughts. The Grants... I’m sure it’ll blow me away.
  8. I read something about someone called Brigit Mendler being on the album? Who's that, and what does she do?
  9. She has the prettiest handwriting and signature, I swear.
  10. Super cute and funny! I only saw that she was talking with a fan for a few seconds when I tuned in, but like I said, I couldn't listen along.
  11. I thought she was gonna spill album teas, don’t do that to us, Lana!
  12. I can’t listen right now, I’m in a lobby. : (((
  13. I love going to Lana's concerts, because it's simply a different vibe when you have her band play the songs instead of listening to them with your headphones. The drums. The guitarrrrr! And Lana's so cute and comfortable on stage, it's so worth it to see her smile and be happy. But, it can be difficult to see anything if you're not standing at the very front of/in a crowd. People will push when/if she gets close to the barricade to greet fans. And people will sing along to her songs. But I think the last part can depend on which country you'll see her, Scandinavian crowds are known for being less loud (I'm sure there's been people hating me at concerts for bouncing and jumping along to as many songs as I can lol) while her Brazilian fans sing their hearts out. As for the tickets themselves, I have no idea what it's like to get one in the US, but it definitely sounded awful for the Swiftie stans. Something as extreme as that won't happen to Lana's fans though since we're a smaller fanbase. But I think there's a big chance she'll sell out fairly quickly.
  14. Oop I didn't see that there's a thread too, lemme copy n paste my results! Archetype: The Watcher of Worlds Key Songs: 1. Chemtrails Over The Country Club 2. Change 3. The greatest 4. Love 5. Text Book You might be interested to know this is the most rare result possible, but this list of assigned songs is unique for other reasons. Your perspective is one that is oriented on a larger scale, both consciously and unconsciously observing the world around you as it changes. Because of this, you might feel drawn to caring for people in a more “big picture” fashion, bringing you closer to social issues such as mental health, poverty, discrimination, and so on. You’re someone with the potential to change the world, and regardless of how this manifests, you will undoubtably impact the lives of others for the better. Song Suggestions: Chinese Satellite by Phoebe Bridgers, Future by Paramore
  15. Has anyone else heard it on radio yet? There must be a radio version, or a clean version of this track, because I hear "love me to death" instead of "fuck me to death" whenever it plays here. And I kinda wonder why they choose to play this version (or maybe Universal simply sent it to radio) when they had no problem playing the explicit version of WAP lol.
  16. Isn't UO usually a bit slow to update the new Lana vinyls they'll sell?
  17. Coming out as bisexual at the car dealership
  18. Tip: CDON also sells the vinyl, through the same record store as the link above (Bengans). If you sign up for their emails, you'll get 50 SEK off. If you're a student, you can get free shipping via Mecenat.
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