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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Tip: CDON also sells the vinyl, through the same record store as the link above (Bengans). If you sign up for their emails, you'll get 50 SEK off. If you're a student, you can get free shipping via Mecenat.
  2. I hope she’ll drop a new single + video in January or February, once the holidays are over. Or at least let us know the full tracklist. It’d be perfect, we got this single now and it’ll keep us happy for a while, and a second single to hype us up again a month or a month and a half before the album is released.
  3. I don’t know why I thought they were 17 lol! Maybe because it was released in 2017? Oopsies.
  4. If LFL could handle 17 tracks, I’m sure this album will consist of one CD disc too.
  5. Probably because the song dropped after/around closing hours, so no one is updating their shops. Unless that's done automatically, I dunno how it works. I just know that my own record store is always several days late with updating.
  6. Just writing it down here so it'll eternally exists somewhere on the interwebz: I listened to the song as I watched the snow fall outside, and I kept the lights out in my tiny flat. It was magical, and perfect.
  7. You can see it in the preview picture for the white vinyl (upper right corner of the small pics)
  8. Ok I did a quick google search and now I know who this pastor you discussed several pages back is. I... have my doubts, but I shall remain open minded and judge it when I get to hear it.
  9. No, she asked if Sweden has Amazon so she could look into ordering it from here instead. (we got Amazon a few years ago)
  10. A friend wanted to buy me something earlier this week but couldn't get it through her Amazon (she lives in the US, I in Sweden/EU).
  11. Contact a local record store and ask if they'll sell any, or if they'd be willing to order one for you.
  12. Wait. Waitwaitwait I almost completely forgot. I can most likely get the green one from my record store in Stockholm since it's listed as the indie version. I'd happily support them!
  13. I'm ready to go broke for this woman. I'm questioning my sanity. The power ONE single good song has over me...!
  14. Fnac has an exclusive CD listed, but they don't have a cover photo yet.
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