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Posts posted by Kittren

  1. Ohh well, I totally mixed the dates for everything. I thought I am Britney Jean is already out. I am curious to watch it, because the whole thing around her is really confusing. But I think the album is just a tool for her Vegas thing, and they don't really care about it,

  2. Alien really has a HATLM vibe :) Love both songs. I love everything in this era so far :) Maybe this album is not for the non fans, but it is definitely an amazing album :)

    Perfect for a first song on Britney Jean.

  3. Because is love her.

    I love her music. She is a real artist. Someone said to me that she is ok, but he couldn't decode her songs. I don't feel that. From the first moment, I am connected to her music, and her feelings through her songs. Her lyrics are amazing as well.


    She has a unique style/look. And I am absolutely love it. I did not noticed that, but my friends said to me, I have new things on me, that reminds them to Lana. I don't copy her, it is just small things, that I formed for my own style. She is beautiful. 


    And come on, everything what she is doing, is cute, smart, lovely, and unusual.

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