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Posts posted by Kittren

  1. If I don't count the hungarian band concerts, and I won't, my list(I know it's not a big fat list, but whatever): 


    Britney Spears (x2)

    Lady Gaga



    + Lana Del Rey is coming :)


    Hungary is not the best place to go concerts :D Because no one goes there,

  2. I envy you so much. How old were you back then? :D

    I was 10 :D And she was so magical. I was sitting in front of the tv and watched ...baby one more time for the first time, and I became a fan in a minute. 

  3. It is really hard.


    Dark Paradise: Love the song, the drums in it are epic! This song puts me in a weird mood, and I can shout the world out.

    Cola: First listen = instant love!

    Born to die: I was in a really dark place, when I first discovered Lana and Born to die. I was after a break up, I was in the middle of my exams, I participate in dance competitions. I did not have strength, and I was depressed, but this song just made my head clear. This song means a lot to me.

    Million dollar man: Instant love when I first heard the album. I know it is weird, it seems no one love the song.But this song, is just pure satisfaction to my ears.

    This is what makes us girls: Because this song is true from the first word to the last one. Girls are like this.

    Hit and run: My favorite at the moment (always changing :P )

    Kill kill: Because I love it. It is weird, most of the times I just can't tell why I love Lana's songs, because it is really hard to tell my feeling with words, it is impossible. 


    More: Backfire, Pawn shop blues, Driving in cars with boys, Gramma, Never let me go, Radio, Burning desire and all the Lana Del Rey song! ;)

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