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Taco Truck Bitch

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Posts posted by Taco Truck Bitch

  1. 5 minutes ago, The Ocean said:


    those sites are worse than atrl and i would never wish that on anyone from this site we appreciate your service

    I only go on leaked.cx for links. I don’t post. PHF is the most toxic site I have ever been on, everyone there is trash. I don’t go there anymore

  2. 24 minutes ago, The Ocean said:

    judging by the sound i think it's either from 2016/2017 or it's a new song but i also know absolutely nothing and i don't even think this song has been mentioned anywhere before :trisha:

    ok but @Sister Ray where did you find this :uh:

    I found it on leaked.cx 

    I guess it was a #phfexclusive 🤢 

  3. Just now, Glitter Boy said:

    Production slaps! I don't like the other singer's part, but Iggy's verse is great. I hope we get to hear Diablo someday, and the other Survive the Summer scrapped songs too :defeated: 

    I hope so too, STS should have been a full album

  4. 14 minutes ago, Glitter Boy said:

    Updating my tracklist!


    1. Electric Heaven*
    2. American Girl
    3. S.L.A.Y.
    4. Jenny's Got a Boyfriend
    5. I Wanna Fucking Call You
    6. Somebody's Gonna Get Hurt
    7. Rewind Your Heart
    8. Unlock Your Love
    9. Everything But You
    10. Hot City*
    11. Forever 21*
    12. So Called Life
    13. Outlaw*
    14. Sleepwalker (Bonus Track)
    15. Stars In Your Heart (Bonus Track)

    * = unleaked

    I hope the unleaked leak ASAP

  5. 1 minute ago, Glitter Boy said:

    Cool! I temporarily called mine Mother's Daughter too before returning to She Is Miley Cyrus.

    Mine is as follows:

    1. Sagittarius
    2. Mother's Daughter
    3. Slide Away
    4. Right Hand Man might replace it with Unholy
    5. American Dream
    6. Naked
    7. LA Money (feat. Dua Lipa)
    8. Mary Jane
    9. If I Fall
    10. Something to Live For
    11. Night & Day
    12. The Most
    13. Cold Blooded

    I might change it back to SIMC, idk. I thought about making SIMC out of the other tracks that leaked but I don't think there is enough

  6. 10 minutes ago, Glitter Boy said:

    The only one I remember we had was that of the whiteboard:

    1. Sagittarius
    2. Mother's Daughter
    3. Slide Away
    4. Party Up the Street (feat. Swae Lee)
    5. American Dream
    6. Naked
    7. Golden G String
    8. Mary Jane
    9. Victoria's Secret
    10. Cattitude (feat. RuPaul)
    11. Bad Karma
    12. I Play with Fire
    13. Cold Blooded

    But I remember reading a while ago that it was not legit so who knows :hide: 

    I ended up making an album similar lmao, I named it Mother's Daughter



    1. Sagittarius
    2. Mother's Daughter
    3. Slide Away
    4. Party Up The Street
    5. American Dream Is Boring
    6. LA Money
    7. The Most
    8. Golden G String
    9. Mary Jane
    10. Victoria's Secret
    11. D.R.E.A.M.
    12. Cattitude
    13. Bad Karma
    14. Never Be Me
    15. Cold Blooded
    16. Unholy
    17. LA Money (feat. Dua Lipa)

  7. 1 hour ago, The Ocean said:

    i may have :shh2:

      Hide contents

    the only reason i haven’t posted it is because every time i’ve tried to export it my ram has gotten upset and i’ve been deleting shit off my hard drive and restarting my computer to prepare it for the hopefully final export


    I will wait patiently for it, no rush

  8. 2 hours ago, Urbanney said:

    new New York Times article exposing Lou Taylor, owner of the company Tri Star, Britney’s former manager, and alleged mastermind of her conservatorship:



    Highly, highly, HIGHLY recommend reading but here are the highlights from Liz Day if you don’t have time:


    • In Jan 2008, Tri Star loaned over $40,000 to Jamie Spears, who had a troubled past with money, alcohol & abusive behavior. 

      Less than a few weeks later-- and after consulting with Lou– Jamie had Britney placed into a conservatorship.

    • Jamie’s lawyer first told us there was “never” any loan then eventually acknowledged it. 

      Guardianship experts said this was a serious conflict of interest-- Would Jamie as conservator make decisions in the best interests of Britney or in the best interest of Tri Star?

    • In the 90s, Lou ran a different Tri Star in FL...but she was suspected of hiding $ fr its parent company. They changed the locks & lawyers searched her files w/ an armed guard. She ultimately paid back the $ 

      Her lawyer called it a business “dispute” & said she did nothing wrong

    • Lou and her husband then move to TN where he starts a new Calvary Chapel church

      Jamie— who got an est $6M fr Britney during the cship— donated (or “tithed”) 10% of that conservatorship income at times to Lou and her husband’s church, which is roughly 500 miles away fr his house

    • Under the conservatorship, $$$ from Britney’s charity went to a controversial counseling group with ties to Lou. 

      The founder of the group, Mercy Ministries, has been criticized for anti-gay beliefs— at odds with Britney’s status as an icon for the LGBTQ community.

    • A perplexing relationship is between Lou Taylor and Stonebridge, a wealth management firm she co-founded and had owned 50% of 

      Many Tri Star clients use Stonebridge. 

      Experts said a business manager recommending a firm she owns half of presents a potential conflict of interest.

    • Stonebridge is tiny. 

      It is run by Mitch Martin and his son, whose only other job listed in SEC filings was in the restaurant of a Chinese food restaurant. 

      Up until 2006, it managed less than $10M

    • Days after Tri Star became business manager, Britney-related accounts at Stonebridge appeared

      Stonebridge’s lawyer says it advised the cship on the use of “money market funds,” but charged no fees for this work 

      Experts noted its strange for financial firms to do work for free

    • Stonebridge later does more free work, advising the conservatorship and Britney’s trust on its Morgan Stanley and Merrill Lynch investments. 

      It finally starts getting paid when it enters into a consulting agreement with Jamie as conservator in April 2020.

    • In July 2020, Jamie’s lawyer says he may consolidate B’s $ & has been “vetting” Stonebridge for 13 yrs. She said Stonebridge was “independent from" & “not affiliated” w/ Tri Star

      Then, B’s sister petitions to move trust $ into a Stonebridge-advised account. She withdraws request

    • Britney’s lawyer, Mathew Rosengart, has been investigating whether her $$$ was ever mismanaged. 

      He filed discovery & deposition requests to Jamie and Tri Star to get more info on how much $ they made & the network of LLCs thru which the estate operated.

    • Rosengart has repeatedly asked Tri Star a question: How much money did the firm make from the estate? 

      Tri Star has refused to provide the number.

      Rosengart has filed to depose Jamie— who has twice failed to appear.

    • Also under scrutiny are ways the estate was billed for things relating to Lou:

      In 2019, Britney canceled her 2nd Vegas show— costing Tri Star its expected 5% cut. Lou emailed Jamie to change Tri Star’s compensation to automatically get at least $500K a year. Jamie swiftly agreed

    • Lou used lawyers to pursue legal action against Free Britney fan Bryan Kuchar, who alleged Lou used a private investigator to try to get incriminating info on him. 

      The law firm billed some of the costs of the legal action to the estate.

    • Black Box Security also used Britney’s money to keep tabs on Free Britney fans who criticized Lou.

      The estate paid for Hollywood trade ads praising Lou and Tri Star.

    • This was tricky to report. Lou’s lawyer Charles Harder sent NYT 8 cease and desists. They warned former employees of legal repercussions if they spoke w/ us & told them to forward any communications w/ NYT

      Many said they’d love to go on the record but were scared of being sued

    Lou Taylor recently bought a new house, I wonder how much of Britney's $$$ was used for it?

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