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Posts posted by Rebel

  1. Yes, finally. May I be subject of my own personal opinion?


    You can feel it in every bit of this song. This isn't manipulated, or influenced by expectations of a record label or fans. Nor this is the creation of a persona like Electra in the whole album which was theatrical and astute. This is beautiful because it's raw.


    I didn't feel froot, nor (almost) anything after the family jewels. Songs like Numb are the ones that got me attracted to Marina.


    Yes! This is also how I feel!


    Happy is just really, really lovely. It's honest and raw and beautiful. So glad she's dialing it down from Electra Heart and going back to the basics ala Family Jewels now.

  2. Not these ads interrupting my turn-up experience


    Well I'm in the awkward chunk of the album that we've already heard and absolutely getting it. I refuse to skip


    u r following her footsteps sitar xcx

  3. "Doing It" was the only song that I really like. "Boom Clap" is actually a pretty good song, "Breaking Up" is nice too.


    I cringed at the lyrics to "Die Tonight" but it's so damn catchy.

  4. Besides the Bitch video, she's only accidentally uploaded one new song called "Sculpture".


    I looked it up and it's pretty good! I liked Prime a lot, thought Catch was okay, didn't like Bitch much....


    Is she signed to anyone?

  5. I honestly don't understand how her songwriting has deteriorated since True Romance? I'll probably get hate for posting hate but I know some of you guys agree. Do you think she's really selling out and dumbing down for a bigger audience or if this is how she's really grown?


    Some of the production and melodies are really good, but the lyrics are just getting atrocious? I just listened to some of the songs that came out and I honestly don't understand. I knew I shouldn't have taken True Romance for granted!

  6. I very clearly hear "where I'd rise like a Phoenix or an iron from the fire" .....


    I hear "Soaring" not "or an iron" but I did think that made sense though


    I'm pretty sure it's:


    I was dreaming of a lake, dreaming of the water
    Where I'd rise like a Phoenix, soaring high and from the fire

    It's a pretty clear image, I DO hear "LA" but it makes much more sense as "lake" because she sings about water right afterwards-- she's dreaming of a lake during summer, so she could swim... and by "rise like a Phoenix" she basically means (below) and also as a metaphor etc etc



  7. Shut up tbh? just bc your fav wasn't nominated for a Grammy doesn't mean that the Grammys are no longer the highest musical honor in POPULAR music? Twigs didn't make for the charts, but still had one of the best albums of the year. I think it's BS that she got nominated for her album packaging in place of her music, though.


    Um? I just think it's ridiculous how the Grammys deteriorated in the past couple of years, just like popular music has. I love pop music and it just frustrates me that they obviously nominate such and such because they want views and ratings?


    tjRMF0NF_normal.jpegCHARLI XCX @_xcx · 8h8 hours ago

    to all the people who think i 'sold out' on this record or whatever - you totally just DON'T GET IT.

    YOU are who i'm talking about YOU are who i'm pointing my gun at YOU are the sucker.

    so… what do i say to you??? simple...

    FUCK YOU… SUCKERRRRRRR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    bitch is talking right at me

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