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Posts posted by toshi

  1. i want the videos back  :icant: not necessarily the big budget - but the way they tell a story 

    lanas songs will always be about men n thats the way i like it  :usrs:



    Image the Honeymoon era having TV promo and an actual slew of consistent singles with high budget videos  :creep:


    :crying5:  :crying5:  :crying5:  :crying5:  :crying5:  :crying5:  :crying5:  :crying5:


    I need this back in my life. I was watching the Born To Die video and its so epic, like its on the same scale as an actual film.

  2. Anyway, back on topic. I hope Lana and Mark are not going too close to Amy sound, I know Mark loves the album, but Lana ás good as she is in her own lane, just can't match Amy


    I highly doubt that Lana will even be thinking about going that direction. She already has her own aesthetic and will probably keep to that just with a different sound for the album. I'm sure it will definitely sound like a 'Lana' album, she's not the type too let someone change her sound and aesthetic.

  3. Instead of everybody just posting: "I wish the new album would be like this", "I want that", "OMG let ha promote" etc....Why don't we start to get more familiar with Mark Ronson as a record producer?


    After listening to the Black Keys a lot before UV dropped, I knew what was coming. I mean, nobody can totally change their handwriting. 

    When you know with what you are dealing with from the beginning, it makes it easier to get into a record once it's out.


    Honestly I can see Mark Ronson producing an album with a sound closer to BTD than UV, so just comparing Lana's work so far I'm thinking the album will have a lighter tone to it. It obviously won't be a BTD.part2 but I'm excited for the direction she is headed in.

  4. I'm flabbergasted by the fact that some of you believe that Haynie, Heath or Nowels could have ever done this record justice. 


    I'd love to hear the demo's she made before Dan worked on them to see how they differ in sound. Saying that didn't she make a lot of the songs with Dan and just scrapped what she had already made? I don't know If I'm getting this right.


    I enjoyed UV so I wasn't dissapointed in the album, I just preferred BTD a lot more and I hope that the sound of the new one will be closer to BTD and sound like something than Haynie, Heath and Nowels would put their touch on. I'm hoping she will be working with them for some songs on the new album. Even though I enjoyed UV It was a lot darker to BTD so I'm hoping this album will be a lot lighter.

  5. Seeing these all at once is like...damn guys cool it. Granted yours wasn't so demanding


    Cool it? I don't see what's wrong with saying what we want, this is a discussion forum so obviously we're going to discuss what we want for the album etc. It's like we're saying if she doesn't do a, b or c where gonna stop being a fan. No one is even being demanding, we're just discussing what things we would like her to do on her next record / visuals.


    I wish people would stop being over protective over Lana, like shes some innocent sensitive girl. She's famous and in the public eye, people are going to have opinions on her whether she likes them or not. People are allowed to give criticism, no one is being nasty towards her. People are also going to have an opinion of what they want for the next era, nothing wrong with that either.


      :lanahairflip:  :lanahairflip:  :lanahairflip:  :lanahairflip:  :lanahairflip:  :lanahairflip:  :lanahairflip:  :lanahairflip:  :lanahairflip:  :lanahairflip:  :lanahairflip:  :lanahairflip:  :lanahairflip:  :lanahairflip:  :lanahairflip:


    Although the song is a lolita-esque story and she mentions the first line of the book "Light of my life, fire of my loins" her Lolita is much more inspired by the movies and pop culture vision of the character than the one described on the book. I can definitely see much more of Nabokov's writing style influence on her - specially because both created a romantic vision of such twisted love stories.
    So the novel might not appeal to you just because you loved the song, specially because is heavily more inspired by beatnik novels and noir archetypes, the whole " my life is a mess and my man is bad and loves cocaine" isn't something you'll find in the novel. The book is narrated by Humbert, the molester, which is a hopeless romantic Of course one can argue that Lolita is not a romantic novel but the main character is so out of reality of his own actions. Anyway it's one of my favorites books and recommend to read it!



    I might read it anyway as it sounds like a great book.


    Any suggestions on novels that would be a great too read as a Lana fan?

  7. I, for my part, really liked the dress. Maybe a bit kitschy, but very Lana. That said I'm not really fond of her make-up, it makes her look older (in a bad way) and there's something wrong with her eyebrows. She seemed very happy and confident though. Nice to see her on the red carpet again! :)




    Lorde's look is flawless imo :crossed:


    I think she would look better if the clothes fit her better, but she must have been going for an over sized look. Its a nice look though.

  8. http://www.film-costumes.com/post/107876604554


    "We usually don’t cover red carpet events, but this outfit was too interesting not to write about it.

    Yesterday Lana Del Rey attended the Golden Globes 2015, where she was nominated for her Big Eyessong from the Tim Burton movie soundtrack. She stunned the audience wearing a vintage Travilla seafoam green dress, a dress I would have identified with my eyes closed. 

    William Travilla designed most of the costumes worn by Marilyn Monroe in her films, including the infamous gold pleated dress, originally intended to appear in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953). In the movie you can see the dress from behind: it was considered too racy because of its plunging neckline, so it didn’t get a front shot.

    By the way, Marilyn wore it at a photoshoot with Ed Clark and to receive an award from Photoplay Magazine, thus disappointing the costume designer, who thought the dress was for a movie, not for a public appearance. The dress was created out of a single complete circle of gold lame and sunburst pleated. Every pleat lines up with the back seam and there is an iron V build in the centre of the dress from the waist to the bust, creating the moulding effect.

    This isn’t the only pleated evening dress Travilla designed, but it’s definitely the most famous."



    thought this was interesting 


    I like that Lana is probably paying homage to Marilyn Monroe.

  9. Lana's one of those people that looks great even with awful clothes on because her hair and makeup is always perfect. That dress isn't awful like but its not great, but she looks 'nice' overall because her hair and makeup is spot on as usual.


    If she could fire who ever styles her and get someone else that would be great....

  10. before y'all come at me, but I think that OTTR will be a one-time event in Lana discography. I will eat my words if she suprises me. I have never ever heard a song like that. Such a rollercoaster-ride, at least that's how I explain this song to others. But I rather think that by the way how she described the writing process for this record, it ain't gonna happen, lyrically. And the song had this great production on it, it was insane.

    Yeah I can see what you mean about it being a one time event and that's fine because it makes it a special song, although it would be great if she started performing it. But if she could do an uptempo song with hip hop beats for the next album that would be great.

    The production on OTTR is not the best imo. Her vocals are extremely overproduced.

    That doesn't bother me tbh, but each to their own. I prefer the overproduction on some of the BTD songs, for me its properly produced rather than left similar to a demo, not to shade UV because I really like the album but I prefer BTD a lot more because of the production of her vocals.

    I hope and I pray that Mark brings back the hip-hop/urban-ish vintage Lana sound with the Emile style beats. I would love a nostalgic feel :flutter:


    Give me Off to the Races, Blue Jeans, Lolita, This Is What Makes Us Girl and Nation Anthem with a dash of Cruel World and a hint of Sirens.


    I need another Video Games, I feel like Young & Beautiful and Old Money fit the same mood as Video Games so I'm hoping for another song like them. I could do without a Cruel World song though..


    Give me more songs in the style of


    Video Games

    Blue Jeans

    Off To The Races

    Born To Die

    National Anthem



    Million Dollar Man

    Old Money

    And I'd love another one like Diet Mountain Dew.

  11. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE for her to return to the flower crown, surf noir, summery 50's inspired looks for this new era. I would really like her to reunite with Emile for songs along the lines of Off to the Races, This Is What Makes Us Girls and Diet Mountain Dew.


    and also some blonde hair  :D



    When I hear the titles we have so far I imagine 50's or 60's style girls on the hood of their car watching hot guys playing baseball during a hot California summer. I also think drive-thrus, cherry pie, coca cola, flower crowns etc.


    This is exactly what I want  :candy:  :bodyisready:  :bodyisready:  :bodyisready:  :bodyisready:  :bodyisready:  :bodyisready:


    Although I'd prefer her to go back to ginger hair.

  12. But Lana understands the whole 'package' thing though, hence why she creates visuals for her music.......


    There's nothing wrong with liking the visuals as much as the music, its half the reason I love Lana, that doesn't make me a bad fan at all. I appreciate her music and love it but her visuals are so interesting and great to watch.


    If people want to discuss what hair colour they want her too have or style of clothing, thats fine, they're not unappreciative of her music, they're just stating what else they want visually.


    Lana releases her music commercially whether her music is or isn't so the whole package is important. 


    I personally love her jazz music so I'm happy for more of that but just because some people would rather not have it doesn't make them a bad fan.

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