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Posts posted by elllipsis

  1. I fall asleep to them! hahaha.


    Me too, sometimes!


    Mostly to those of Julian Casablancas. :$ :$ :$ :shh: :runs:



    I fall asleep to them! hahaha. I was just listening to The Dreaming the other day. Still one of my favorite albums ever! I remember listening to Get Out of My House on the school bus every day when I was a teenager. I can't believe I've been listening to her that long!


    My other favorite:



    I think my favourite one from The Dreaming is 'Sat in your lap'... But those 2 are definitely close favourites along with 'All The Love'!

  2. ^Yes! I love that. :) I also have a pretty lengthy interview from that time on my iPod, as well as one from the Hounds of Love era. I just love listening to her speak!


    Man, I can't tell you how happy I am to know that I'm not the only one who keeps interviews of some of my fave artists on my iPod! :awk:

  3. Ahhhh I just found this thread!!! :flutter:



    ONE TRUE QUEEN. :worship:





    Gosh, when did I first notice her? Well, I remember hearing Wuthering Heights when I was a child and being fascinated by those incredible high notes! Of course at the time I had no idea who she was... Much later, already in my late teens, I 'rediscovered' her via Pink Floyd. I'm a *HUGE* PF fan, and some of you may know that David Gilmour was basically the one who kickstarted her career when she was still 16 - he helped her record & paid for a 3-track demo, and Kate was eventually signed by EMI (which was also PF's label) soon after that.


    As soon as I listened to the first album, I was sold!

    My favourites are The Kick Inside, Lionheart and Hounds of Love. But her whole discography is flawless tbh, and I adored 50 Words for Snow!


    @@deeth Really jealous of your tote bag! :cuteface:

  4. @Ellipses she is big everywhere. :ohno:  :toofunny:  I know all her lyrics yet I only have one album. I dont listen to her in my ipod so I guess I should blame the radio. :facepalm:  I have no idea if I like her or not. I did a post on her thread and you can see her concert in SP. It was insanity I never saw anything like that. Little Monsters seem like normal blocks compared to that. I cant find any resonable explanation why B Jesus is Jesus. I just know that she sells arenas like Jesus would :hdu:



    was talking about her the other day with my dad (our dad so you know is a advertiser/MKT and works basically with entertainment, politics and fashion) and he told  me a lot of topics why Beyonce was  created and why she was able to carry the character.  She is too US music what Neymar is too Brazilian football in my dads theory. Anyway I will talk about this with you later.



    Sure she is, I think I didn't explain myself very well when I said that. What I mean is: while she's a huge artist that will sell out concerts pretty much anywhere (like any of the other 4 mentioned here), I get the impression that her status in the US is ridiculously untouchable: she's the perfect *everything* - the perfect star, the perfect performer, the perfect mother, the perfect wife, the perfect feminist; no one dares criticize her (not without receiving a lot of backlash anyway); and she & Jay Z are pretty much music's royal couple (a title that would imo belong to Kim & Kanye if she weren't utterly useless and so very unlikeable) and only second to the Obamas as far as powerful couples go. To me, that is absolutely crazy! Here she's a *huge* pop artist, but that's pretty much it.


    About what I said re: lack of memorable songs -- I'm not a fan of either 5 & have never listened to a full album, so my knowledge of all of them is pretty much the same (= very limited). Yet off the top of my head I can easily think of 5 or 6 (if not more) Katy, Gaga, Rihanna and Britney songs respectively, and only 2 of Beyoncé's (Crazy In Love  - and Single Ladies, which I'd forgotten about in the previous post).



    Really curious to hear our dad's :usrs: theory - and his thoughts on Neymar too!



    Christ, I feel the same way. :defeated:


    I think her discography is terribly overrated and overhyped, and her "saving grace" -- her ability to perform and put on a show -- really isn't all that great as it's been made out to be. She is NOT the female Michael Jackson, imo.

    While she is a great technical performer; hitting every mark, every note, carrying herself with the "perfect" amount of sass, etc, it all seems very calculated, and not at all genuine. Every move she makes seems so deliberate, the way she moves her body (not sure how to describe it, she's technically doing the moves correctly but doesn't move like an actual dancer), her voice, although brilliant, can be so affected in its delivery, portraying perfect amount of pain, the perfect amount of playfulness, the perfect amount of forcefulness. Perfect, perfect, perfect. I don't know. Her interactions with her fans and banter while on stage seem so insincere, right down to the way she smiles, throws her head back and laughs, and that single tear that falls as she looks off into the distance while performing something that "moves her". It's as though there's something kind of robotic that's holding her back. It's as though her fixation on her image and appearing a certain way transcends to the stage and effects her delivery. I just can't get into it, as much as I want to and as talented as she undoubtedly is. I've just never once gotten the impression that she gets truly lost in her performances.



    I feel like Britney at her peak, Freddie Mercury, two very different artists from one another -- are those on par with MJ for putting on a great fucking performance. Beyonce doesn't deserve to have her name mentioned in the same sentence as him. 


    I touched a bit on her legendary, iconic status here. Basically, her team marketed her as a ~legend~ and ~iconic~; these were not bestowed upon her through the usual means of time passing and retrospection as they ought to be be. Funny how carefully worded press releases, demands for media outlets, and certain marketing can give someone a title and status that should only be earned in time and not as a hungry grab for a crown the public never set upon their head, if that makes any sense. 


    ANYWAY, I said a lot more than I was meaning to and I only popped in here to mention a couple of op-ed pieces I feel hit the nail on the end in regards to both Beyonce's and Rihanna's career. The first touches on what @@elllipsis mentioned about her lack of notable songs despite her supposed status in music...


    Beyonce: An Icon Who's Struggled to Make Iconic Music?




    Like She's the Only Girl in the World: The improbable, unstoppable success of Rihanna

      -- Choice quote:

              "Mariah, Whitney, Beyoncé, Gaga—these stars feel like stars. Rihanna feels like something else: a one hit-wonder several dozen times over."


    (What is this accuracy? :defeated: What a succinct way of putting it.) 



    SPOT. ON.


    These are my exact thoughts on her.


    I've always put emotion and creativity way above technical proficiency - none of my favourite artists are perfect vocalists, virtuoso guitar players, and so on. It's simply not something I value all that much in music, so understandably Beyoncé doesn't do a whole lot for me - I don't see any emotion or artistic creativity there & she's such a control freak she almost seems robotic (yet people give Lana a hard time for not being 'authentic'? lmao, okay). I don't care for her as an 'artist' nor as a person. Add to that her 'iconic' status, and you'll get why she annoys me.


    And YES, I completely agree that her 'legendary' status was manufactured. A classic case of 'if you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth'.


    Really curious about that article, off to read it.

  6. Saw The Knife on Wednesday which was extremely weird / amazing, and Cat Power, Alicia Keys and Kendrick Lamar yesterday.


    Will see Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds today, and Bat for Lashes tomorrow.


    ALL MY ENVY. :defeated: :crying4:

  7. she scares me. Its like the american, female, kind of black version of Jesus and Midas


    Hahaha! I honestly don't even get how she obtained this ~untouchable status. Like, how did that happen? Did I sleep while she was out there conquering the world or something?! I don't think she's as big in Europe as she is the US, so maybe that's why I'm a bit confused as to why she's suddenly the ruling queen of all pop stars? To me, the only truly memorable Beyoncé songs are Crazy in Love and Telephone - and the latter isn't even hers lmao! Idk, maybe I'm just out of touch. :pft:

  8. I KNOWWWWW $$EX it's just epic, cause we know Nessa is really sexual (I bet her and Zac fucked like animals) but none of her music show that side of her, so even if she sings like 2 verses on this track I love it.


    That's a shame because she's reaaally good at it. :hooker: If she released a whole album of that she could take my money tbh! :creep:

    She was so damn hot in Spring Breakers & so natural at playing the sexy dirty provocative girl... almost too natural, if you know what I mean. :hawt:

    You should listen to V if you are looking for a teen pop sound and Identified if you like a more mature R&B style (skip Sneakernight tho, as first listener you would judge the album because of it),


    So talking about Godnessa let me play my fave tracks from her (a guide to stan for V)


    My username is a reflection of me beeing a stan tbh


    I'm so dumb tbh, I'd never put 2 and 2 together. :facepalm: And I'll take your guide & give her music a chance, for sure!!

  9. idk i'm not 100% sure i believe she doesn't have any say in this. hip hop artists victimise themselves so much. and about bounce, she said she wanted to have a radio-friendly single in an interview and when she started getting some backlash from fans about the song she started saying the label made her release it which is an such easy way out.


    I get what you mean, but at the same time why would she remove what's probably her most popular and commercially successful single from the album (a single that coincidentally has little to do with most of her previous work)? I agree that hip hop artists tend to victimise themselves a lot, but whenever they sign to major labels (because releasing their own albums independently quickly becomes financially unsustainable) they're subjected to a lot of pressure to make their music more 'accessible' and commercial, so I do get where they come from -- and I suppose said pressure increases tenfold if you're a pretty girl with the pop marketing potential that Iggy clearly has.

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