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Posts posted by Vulnicura

  1. Arca

    who else is doing it like her? anyone else heard ANOHNI in one of the songs?riquiqui? or was it just the way she manipulated the vocals? anyways, im screaming her self titlted tonight because all i'lve been doing it listening to this album!!

  2. I mean... if she announced she'll be releasing the album this week is just as simple as 2 + 2 to understand that something happened with it to come earlier. And if u are a music fan u will understand that the album leaked or she could get away with the corona season and ppl think shes releasing the album earlier as a gift


    i remember the first leaked album i downloaded, it was because i saw it was leaked, it was vulnicura for me lol. i remember at the time albums would usually leak 2 weeks or so ahead of time back then :( 

  3. im SCREAMING 

    the way everyone is making a post about her leaked album, making everyone on twitter aware of the leak  :facepalm:  i didnt even tell my friends about the leak and everyone heard it now. 

  4. so far it hasn't blown me away, i was expecting it to be a little more quirkier and unique, i think the singles were fantastic so this was very underwhelming, she should have went in a more alternative direction.. it feels too easy, just a simple and average bop after bop kind of album, it wont be memorable, only tolerable meaning it'll probably age like milk. but this is only my opinion so far having heard the album twice, it might grow on me a little more  (hopefully)


    couldn't have worded this better myself. was disappointing to me. 

  5. Arca

    i was about to start swinging whoever said this album was much better than her ST but omg then i listen to it. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK so so so so so so so so fucking good. was disjointed by Dula Peeps album so this more than made up for it.

    thank goodness for this Bjork feature, will quenched me until her next album 

  6. 6 month anniversary of Charli. Still listen to it but i want something new ya'll. Charli spoils us too much. the last thing we got from her was 100 gec remix right?  

  7. i was thinking this the other day cause we were getting fed regularly and now it’s quiet. but i feel like her next song has to be THAT song cause she has a rep for being excellent now and i feel like she’s like in a second peak right now. so i feel like a new song isn’t coming that soon. my guess would be like end of q2 or q3


    this makes sense! im so fucking impatient omg

  8. she is KILLLIN IT!!

    FUCK i'm so exicted for her album. love how all the songs have had a powerful message, and i generally dont even give a fuck about lyrics (i mean who can beat Bjork anyways?) 


    can't wait until the local gays start posting his in their stories months/years from now (hopefully)

  9. Tears and Tantrums, idk why this version sound so much better? lol

    I can't believe I didn't notice the autotuned baby crying in Tears & Tantrums before :facepalm:

     THISS LOLOL SAME  :lmao:

  10. If Warm made the cut for "Charli," Miss U should have made the cut too dammit! :toofunny:

    my desktop broke down but when i saw this knew i had to log on


    Warm is so beautiful and cute and has incredibly high replayability. Basically what im saying is Miss U is cute but Warm is gorgeous, stunning, amazing! Miss U is super normal pop song, not that its bad, but its nothing special imo and glad she didn't put it on the album (the synths and bass does make it into something a lil more tho) 

    PERIOD, Miss U is better than SEVERAL songs on Charli and would've made it much more cohesive compared to songs like BIOYL and 1999


    i want to BARF

    i can't emphasize this enough. I would totally be fine if Miss U was never released, glad we got it. But if we never got Warm? i dont even wanna think about that

  11. we all know Charli loves working with Sophie. its Sophie and her distaste for label management that makes it not work? Or maybe the whole leaked album and a lot of Sophie's work being rejected by the label that left a sour taste for her working with Charli? Anyways, Charli is ready anytime to work with Sophie. Its sophie and her depressed ass that's keeping it from happening imo.

  12. Soooo... valentines day is coming up. Is anyone dedicating any Charli songs to anyone? I'm thinking of making a playlist for my friend filled with cute love songs, so a lot of Charli XCX World included  :defeated:

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