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Posts posted by cognaclilac

  1. It’s honestly hard to tell. In the HM era, she said herself she pretty much had all the liberties she wanted. But with LFL, she sat down with the company to decide what would the singles be.

    Sometime, I see the three fan singles as a way to prove to Interscope that despite no real radio-friendly single, the songs would do great with critics and fans. We honestly don’t know what happens behind closed doors. If NFR indeed has no real banger, LDR7 will probably more oriented to having a « more approachable » sound, I guess?!?


    she could also be really complicated to work with business-wise unless like some heads at the offices changed since her earlier albums? do we know that info?

  2. I mean, that seems almost as if paradoxical, bc if that were to happen, it would've just happened already. Since idk what's happening exactly just like every1 else here, we can only guess at what's happening behind everything not happening rn. 


    My gut tells me it's gone a lot deeper than a lot of people expected things to play out, hence the subtle tweet.  Maybe LFL's promo and sales didn't match up as well as they'd hope and decided to reign in on her again we dk. 


    Church yay great I'm not gonna shit on anyone's beliefs, but I doubt that it'd alter the record, seeing as to how the lyrics we've gotten so far seem just genuine, not even scratching the surface like Paradise did.  Is she trying to find new hope? That might warrant a few more tracks to reflect that, but HiaB seems to already have started that conversation 


    Best case scenario, she's just adding more tracks, like she's done w LFL, Coachella, Change so on. (But why wouldn't she just say something? - )

    Worst case, Interscope's drilling her for real this time, and the record's in their control til who knows tf when. (They'd be losing a lot of money for not releasing it, so it could b just a matter of when) 


    that's what i mean tho, if 'no one can control her' for real then she'd do what she wanted and release the album how she intended since she herself said it was done. then again does that mean you're done singing or it's finished??? it's honestly just like she doesn't care because i literally cannot think of good enough reasons that we're not even getting any slight info or updates like it's annoying and rude sis

  3. if the album leaked today i'd still feel bad because as an artist i don't like the thought of going through creating something and then someone else taking my thunder and giving it away when a) it could be my livelihood b) i am the one who worked on it and it is mine and c) i was planning on doing what i planned on doing with it... if i made something and planned a big release of info, let me have that. if i made something and wanted little to no release or hype around it for promo, let me have that. and if i wanted to make something for myself with no intention of sharing it, LET ME HAVE THAT byeee

  4. First, Froot is way more sporadic in terms of themes. The only reason it became a nice package is because she last-minute came up with the theme of Froots. Second, I think people keep forgetting that three years ago she truly thought Froot was her last full length album. It's clear to me that from 2017 and on, she just made a ton of songs with her friends and ended up realizing that she could compile them into mini-albums. Personally, I like the simple idea of Love + Fear. I'm not saying that you have to love the songs or call this her most creative era, but I also don't get much of the criticism centered around this not being a cohesive piece of work.


    This feels like the most authentic Marina album to me. She clearly wanted to prove something with her first three albums, but this just feels like she's enjoying making music again and not worrying about being a pop starSorry for always writing damn essays 


    fair points, but i just see it as though the first three albums (also again as matd not just marina so it could be a concept thing overall) felt like a beginning to end, a complete storyline even if it's not literally one story throughout the album.

    froot, to me, doesn't mean the theme was froot i think that was just the advertising. the theme of froot was her realization on life and the changes and growth she's made since the first two albums and with love it seems like she just had leftovers from froot. and in a sense, froot was the last full-length album as we have been shown so far because she's changed her stage name and has released a duo-concept piece of work. it's two albums.

    i personally don't want a random mashup of recordings she may have done with her friends as the album because that's almost exactly like her not being happy with the productions control over electra heart > both are not her complete vision whereas tfj and froot were. like why does she not need to use instruments on love now? it's just noises which is exactly what a popstar today does. sings with or over a mashup of produced beats. nothing about this is inventive it's almost like what you'd expect from electra heart based on the concept.

  5. people said all this same stuff about Electra, yet it's full of some solid ass tracks that emit Marina. These tracks all contain some sort of Marina, especially End of the Earth, To Be Human, and Handmade Heaven. It just sounds different, which should've been expected.


    We are still missing half the whole album, so I wouldn't make any judgements yet.


    but electra heart sounded like marina's project, it was cohesive and painted a picture overall, it was planned out

    like obviously i know it'll sound different..? i'm not asking for another 'froot' or 'electra heart' moment, but from what she's done so far this isn't much when none of the songs sound like they are related other than being 'positive' i guess for the theme of this album, and sure electra heart had the same initial critiques but i immediately felt electra heart was using the mainstream pop in her own way, love is just regurgitated noises that almost every other song on radio plays and then overshadow her, nothing seems toyed with or experimented with which is fine but like not interesting or what i look forward to from marina.

    she's also still singing about wordly problems and it sounds like froot pt. 2 sooo

    therefore love is a scrap for me maybe the next album will be something interesting

  6. Both :w8ing:


    i'm just saying i feel like this era is already aging to me and i didn't really connect to any of the songs

    like i feel the other three albums have some sort of aspect to them that makes them 'marina' and stand out

    but this one just feels like recycled radio and then marina singing

  7. anyway i hung out with lana in a dream last night and she flipped out her ipod and played me the album except she renamed it to 'bumble' with ugly artwork and the song she played was called 'lola aloha' and i was really hyped that she was letting me know this shit in the dream, so hype that i was trying to type into lanaboards as it was happening, but now i'm like that better not happen cause it's ugly sis

  8. you know what gives me hope that this album won't be messy no matter how often she goes in the studio.


    Its JACK! he is a pro and he won't let her fuck up his work either. he is still the producer and i believe he will keep it cohesive


    you mean the same jack that just gave her melodies 

    she can do whatever she wants as the main act and considering he wanted to work with her like

    it doesn't add up

    someone dating lena dunham doesn't' have good taste imo and that's that

  9. hillsong or churchome or whatever it is, that shit is weird and she's fully become an la weirdo, lana there's still time we can go back to new york loving you was really hard


    I feel like those white sorority friends got her into this weird LA jesus is super cool and vegan cult thing they were probably like "omg lanz it's the latest thing it's just so cool and like u get to drink matcha while u talk about how cool jesus is! they even have fermented cucumber water!"


    this just sounds like she's back at boarding school honestly, lana del rey was a break from lizzy


    I don't know where I sit on any of this... but.... I'd say the majority of Catholics accept gay people and also the majority of Catholics aren't 'practicing' catholics, more people born into the faith and believe in the broader ideas (eg there is a God). Someone who actively attends Hillsong is a bit different as it is a choice to convert/ actively attending services. 


    I say this as a Gay person brought up Catholic. I actually still go to Church, but, I choose to believe that the Catholic Church is wrong on some teachings and go for my connection with God rather than then religion itself (dunno if that makes sense). 

    Yeah that part made me cackle... 


    Although, maybe they know something we don't  :shh:


    That isn't what the pope said but anyway. 


    Regardless of what the Church specifically says, my point was that 'being a catholic, because I was brought up with one and I believe in general Christain beliefs' is different to being a 'practicing catholic that goes to mass every week and subscribes to all the views of the Church'. For an adult to specifically choose a denomination, that is fair more aligned with believing in that denomination's beliefs. 


    But as I said, we don't know what she believes. 


    My point was I have far less of a problem with Lana being a 'nominal catholic', then choosing to go to Hillsong. At the end of the day, she can do what she wants, but I was just giving my two cents on the fact that there is a sliding scale of Catholicism and that most people sit at the non practicing end. 


    i just wanted to add onto your statement saying we have to realize that churches preaching ignorant thoughts in their masses and telling those people who might be genuinely looking towards a higher being for hope and inspiration is disgusting and should not be considered practicing the religion. churches should be for telling the stories of the bible/whichever belief system and inspiring their communities while being a shoulder to lean on. they shouldn't be platforms that anyone who says they believe in god can stand on to preach what they think god wants. thanks.

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