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Everything posted by 13beachess

  1. 13beachess

    Taylor Swift

    Clean TV is perfect and I prefer it to the og one.
  2. 13beachess

    Taylor Swift

    What the fuck... Red deluxe is gone too. And Speak Now og etc... weird.
  3. I am yet to give Perverts (the album) a second listen... anyway, I just listened to Family Tree (Intro) for the first time in months and FUCKK what an OPENER. what a SONG. The GUITAR at the end!!!!!
  4. I'm sry but I actually kinda love it... 😭
  5. 13beachess

    The Sims

    I miss playing Sims 2 sooooo bad
  6. And this thread is hot because...? Something didn't actually HAPPEN, did it?
  7. 13beachess

    Song vs. Song

    Kinda Otta Luck vs Summer Of Sam
  8. 13beachess

    Charli XCX

    Yes!!!! like it's WAAAAY overdue
  9. 13beachess

    Charli XCX

    OK I got chills.... oh Club Classics the classic u are
  10. 13beachess

    Charli XCX

    I mean like in general. Life is sooo boring and grey otherwise rn.
  11. 13beachess

    Charli XCX

    Finally something to look forward to
  12. well, you certainly wrote that in the correct thread.
  13. June Gloom is so fucking good. Been playing it like crazy ever since release . And it's the best song on the album. Yes. Does she get this wet for you baby?
  14. 13beachess

    Charli XCX

    Yes, like she should change 'em back ALREADY. Ya ya Brat summer and its promo... but it's soooo ugly
  15. 13beachess

    Addison Rae

    Looking forward to hear it
  16. 13beachess

    Taylor Swift

    Top 2 or 3 very best: 1. Red/Rep 2. Fearless Also: the vault songs for Red are the best so far <3
  17. 13beachess

    Charli XCX

    Not me unintentionally wearing a green dress on BRAT day
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