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Venice Jesus Whore

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Everything posted by Venice Jesus Whore

  1. I truly believe it has to be one of the best songs of all time. Unbelievably good.
  2. I think Chemtrails is the better album for me out of the 2021 releases. To me, it has higher highs and I prefer its intimate atmosphere and shorter, more precise track list. Blue Banisters has lower highs and lower lows imo. I also just think it’s too long of an album with too much going on. It feels messy and less purposeful to me.
  3. album - Happier Than Ever by Billie Eilish song - Stoned at the Nail Salon by Lorde music video - Lost Cause by Billie Eilish
  4. I think it’s cute Lana feels the need to justify herself on this album: “I only mention it ‘cause it was such a scene.” “I only mention it ‘cause I’m ready to leave LA, and I want you to come.”
  5. Agree. For me, Chemtrails and BB were both luke-warm albums that could’ve been better if she had combined the best from both into one album, though I do appreciate the certain atmosphere and precise tracklist that Chemtrails has. I feel like she’s just releasing, releasing, releasing instead of really putting work and planning into an era with an overarching theme, story, and aesthetic (both visual and audio). I think Chemtrails (the song) and TJF are incredibly cool because she really experimented and did something unique with them that was rich and lush. I was disappointed that she didn’t continue that experimentation on the rest of Chemtrails. Blue Banisters is sorta experimental, but in a way I mostly don’t like - the weird song structuring and changing of tempos is messy and doesn’t work imo - main example being Text Book. And the album is too stripped down that a lot of it isn’t interesting to me - the same as with Chemtrails. I would like her to, for lack of better phrasing, focus and reel herself in for her future work. We all know she created a shit load of work basically her entire career (look at all her unreleased songs). She always seemed to narrow things down and be purposeful in her final albums and somewhat for the era design as well. But the two albums and eras released this year were missing the focus and purpose that AKA, BTD, Paradise, UV, HM, and NFR had.
  6. Whoever made a really funny comment in this thread about how the crow at the beginning of Black Bathing Suit needs to stfu: I hope you know I think of your comment every time I listen to the song now and giggle but also get annoyed by the crow too
  7. Imagine a world where Lana: Never announced any incorrect release dates for any part of the COTCC era Released Chemtrails as the lead single in August 2020 with the music video dropping the same day as the single Gave us a high quality Tulsa Jesus Freak music video Put as much effort into the album and singles artwork as she did for BB Released the album in October 2020
  8. I agree. I’ve said this since it was released. I’ve had a hard time connecting with the album, and I think part of it is that it was released in spring when the weather was getting warmer, nicer, vaccines were starting to be rolled out widely in the U.S., COVID cases were down, it was a very hopeful, upbeat time imo. So then to have Chemtrails, a very tender, intimate, delicate, and mellow album be released then just did not fit my mood whatsoever. As it’s been getting cold, dark, and cloudy here now that it’s fall and almost winter, I’ve been feeling more reclusive, introspective, and mellow, and Chemtrails definitely vibes with me more now. It makes sense too, since Chemtrails was originally supposed to be released September/October 2020, 6-7 months before it was actually released.
  9. basically the entire album is ballads though, what do you expect?
  10. Lana got the #1 spot way too easily by releasing 2 albums in one year. Tulsa Jesus Freak is my #1 song and it deserves it.
  11. Putting The Trio on the album, especially after Arcadia, was a CHOICE. Does not fit the vibe at all.
  12. Breaking Up Slowly is one of the best songs off Chemtrails.
  13. God tier 1. NFR 2. Ultraviolence Top tier 3. AKA 4. Honeymoon Solid tier 5. Born to Die - has some truly outstanding tracks, but you can tell there are some filler tracks and things can get a bit immature, though they’re mostly all still great songs Positive, But Mixed Feelings 6. Sirens - I realize that this album isn’t diverse and obviously isn’t nearly as developed as the other albums are, but when you’re in the mood for this album, it REALLY hits. The fact that it’s so “simple” doesn’t bother me because Lana’s songwriting is still so strong so early in her career. 7. Paradise - If I quickly listen to a bit of each song on this EP, I’m like, “damn, I forgot how good these are.” But the problem is, I pretty much never listen to this album. I don’t know why. But I feel like I can’t rank it that highly if I never listen to it. EXTRA SUPER Mixed Feelings 8/9. Chemtrails === Blue Banisters I’ve struggled to connect with these albums. I don’t actively dislike them. I can listen to them, enjoy them, sing along to it, but they don’t resonate with me deeply like Lana’s other albums do. I think there are some standout tracks on both albums, and a lot of pretty good songs, but a lot of mid-tier songs that I don’t dislike, but don’t care to listen to either. I like how Chemtrails has a shorter, more concise tracklist. It feels like the album is more cleaned up, purposeful, and consistent in its vibe compared to BB which kinda feels like it’s got too much going on for me. However, I think Blue Banisters just has better songs overall and is a more likeable album. They’re both just such mixed bags for me. I’ve created a playlist that combines my favorites from both albums, and I find it much more enjoyable to listen to than each album separately. Bottom Tier 10. Lust for Life - I loved it when it came out, but I consistently skip most of the songs on the album, and I just generally don’t like it. The highs aren’t that high for me, and the lows are pretty low.
  14. God tier none Top tier 1. Change 2. Cherry 3. White Mustang (this used to be my favorite off the album for YEARS but I overplayed it to death) 4. Heroin Mid tier 5. Summer Bummer 6. Beautiful People Beautiful Problems 7. Tomorrow Never Came 8. Coachella Always Skip 9. Lust for Life 10. 13 Beaches 11. Love 12. Groupie Love 13. God Bless America 14. When the World Was at War 15. In My Feelings 16. Get Free (I recognize this is objectively better than a lot of the songs above it, but I’ve NEVER vibed with it and basically have always skipped from like Day 2) ——————————— I find it really interesting, because this album really clicked with me when it came out. Like I really enjoyed it. But now, I find a lot of it to be very cringey, inauthentic, and cheap sounding (sorry Lana, I hate to trash someone else’s work like this, especially one of my favorite artists). I’ve had a really hard time clicking with COTCC and BB since their release, yet I find them to be easier to listen to, more mature, more likable, and just better crafted. But every time I go to rank the albums, I tend to rate LFL higher the other two albums. I guess that won’t be happening from now on.
  15. Absolutely loved it. I thought WC was one of the best songs ever made. It felt genius at the time. The blending of genres, the tempo change (neither were typical at all in pop artists at the time), and still completely Lana. I loved the rest of UV from the start too. Despite the record being so dark and melodramatic, I actually associate it with summer because it was released during my vacation in 2014, and I just remember blasting it while boating around on the water.
  16. Either through YouTube, tumblr, or my online friend recommending Prom Song to me. I discovered them pretty early back in either 2012 or 2013 and had one of those megapost downloads of every single unreleased song that had been leaked and then I added it to my iTunes library.
  17. I think combining COTCC with BB would’ve made for a much stronger album rather than two separate weaker albums for me. “Blue Chemtrails” if you will. A tracklist similar to this: White Dress Chemtrails Over the Country Club Tulsa Jesus Freak Wildflower Wildfire Nectar of the Gods Not All Who Wander Are Lost Black Bathing Suit If You Lie Down With Me Dealer Blue Banisters Breaking Up Slowly Cherry Blossom Yosemite
  18. Breaking Up Slowly always hits different and is one of the best songs on the album. Don’t @ me.
  19. Cherry Blossom - when it starts to pickup and get loud about halfway through the song, it gets to be a little much to me. But I love the rest of the song so much.
  20. This album is similar to Chemtrails for me, where I have a few favorites, but generally don’t care for the album a whole lot. Like I can easily listen to it, and it’s fine, I’ll enjoy it, it’s cool. But I don’t have the urge to keep coming back to it and not a whole lot is memorable for me. It’s weird too, because I’ll listen to a song, and I’m like “this is good! I’m being too harsh.” But then I forget about it and start to become bitter towards it again. I have a hard time rating the individual songs because I both like them and don’t like them at the same time ??? I never have felt so confused and mixed about an album as I did Chemtrails, and the same sort of feelings have carried over here. I just think I have to accept that both Chemtrails and Blue Banisters has a certain vibe that I’m just not fundamentally connecting to. Ironically, I never cared for Blue Banisters the song until like a week or two ago where suddenly I became obsessed with it. I still think it’s a little odd, but I appreciate it more now. God-Tier 1. Nectar of the Gods 2. Dealer Top-Tier 3. Black Bathing Suit 4. If You Lie Down With Me 5. Cherry Blossom Mid-Tier 6. Wildflower Wildfire 7. Blue Banisters 8. Living Legend 9. Violets for Roses 10. Sweet Carolina Bottom-Tier (Skips) 11. Arcadia 12. Text Book 13. Interlude - The Trio (I like music like this, but it just doesn’t fit on this album. Very jarring.) 14. Beautiful
  21. wow, this is the first time i see someone with taste this close to me. you skip all the songs I do and listen to all the ones I do
  22. I don’t know what it is about Stargirl Interlude, but it’s just so entrancing, addictive, and top tier for me. I feel like it really stands out in Lana’s entire catalog which is impressive given she has hundreds and hundreds of released and unreleased songs. I have a really big attachment to it, and it deserves more recognition.
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